About dating on the Internet, and how muchsuch a method to find the second half is effective, many articles are written. Each of us probably has an acquaintance who at least tried to find someone on social networks, such as Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki. However, you will agree, on such resources far not everyone is ready to answer in the affirmative to the request of a stranger to tell about himself, to communicate, exchange photos and, even more so, to meet. Therefore, to simplify the dating and search for partners (both love and sexual), specialized resources were created, such as the Beboo site.
Among other things, the Beboo dating site and similarhe is supposed to have special fields that reveal the preferences of people much more than in conventional networks. For example, here you can specify what you are targeting, specify about the kind of sex that you prefer, tell about your ideal partner and much more. In the "VC" publish such data would be considered indecent.
As for domestic projects, such asBeboo-dating, then they practice a more profitable scheme. So, the user can buy the status once, after which he will be given some time to talk, say, with a girl who he liked (more precisely - write a message). However, already to read the answer, the status will need to be bought again. And, as testimonies on the Beboo site say, it looks like a scam: no matter how much a person transfers money, he will create artificial barriers to communication in this social network.
Go ahead.After registration, the function of people search is available. As the reviews say, Beboo in the search bar always displays photos of attractive girls and guys allegedly located in the city of the applicant. People from different cities, coming to the site, see the same photos. This indicates a simple technical "support" of attractive pictures for stimulating a person to pay. It turns out that in fact, the users you want to communicate with may not even exist.
Do not fall into a cunningly placed trap canonly one who knows what the site creators want - payment. Therefore, just do not send any SMS - ignore this resource and leave it. The same is recommended by the reviews. Beboo is not a real social network, it's just a tool for pumping money.
In fact, there is much to learnInteresting if you read reviews. Beboo, if you believe people who have long been trying to find their destiny with the help of paid social networks to find partners, is not the only scam. On the Internet, there are hundreds, if not thousands of such paid sites. All of them are similar to each other - they are made in one style, they contain a lot of images of attractive people who seem to be calling and asking for acquaintance. The purpose of these sites is to lure money away. To lull vigilance, the developers of such resources write about millions of users, about thousands of positive feedback, about their incredible popularity and good history in the market of Russian deyting services. In fact, this is a fraud, gaining momentum because of trusting users.