A computer is a complicated machine.Users of PCs face a lot of various malfunctions and failures in operating systems on a daily basis. To all this does not interfere with comfortable work, you need to know how to eliminate bugs. What should I do if I see a message: "Can not access YouTube site"? Why can this problem occur? What tips can help users get rid of the problem they are studying?
The first scenario is a violationwork of the site visited. And any. A user suddenly pops up a message: "Can not access YouTube site: connection dropped"? Then do not panic!
If the problem lies in the violation of the serviceability of the service, then the user will not be able to influence the fixing of the problem in any way. It remains only to wait until the site is brought back to life.
Most often, if there is a problem with YouTube, you can seereports on this on a variety of news pages and social networks. But such a problem does not occur very often. What other options are possible?
For example, the cause may be a malfunctionThe Internet. If you can not access the YouTube site (or any other page), you first need to make sure that you are connected to the World Wide Web.
Users often note that they are faced with the problem under study in certain cases:
In any case, the situation is corrected only by one method - the return of access to the Internet. As soon as he earns, all the pages will also be visited without difficulty.
So, the user saw the inscription on the screen:"Can not access YouTube site". How to fix the problem? It is difficult to foresee what kind of action will help. Therefore, it is recommended to go through all the proposed methods in turn. Especially if it is not possible to diagnose the cause of such a situation.
You can open YouTube or any other "problematic" site in another browser. It is likely that the problem is caused by a crash in the application, which is used to access the World Wide Web.
If YouTube works in one browser,and in another - no, it is recommended to reinstall the corresponding software. Or completely abandon its launch. But that's not all that can help. What advice and recommendations do users give each other about the phenomenon being studied?
Can not access the YouTube site? What should the user do? There are many ways to eliminate this phenomenon. As well as the causes of the failure.
Very often one has to deal withThe impossibility of visiting certain pages on the Internet due to the presence of viruses in the operating system. Accordingly, it is necessary to cure the computer of a variety of infections and spies. Only in this case it is possible to hope for a successful solution of the problem.
The fight against viruses boils down to the following:
Sometimes you can advise users to conducta complete reinstallation of the operating system. This step successfully treats viruses on the computer, but the user loses all available data on the hard disk. Reinstalling the operating system is only used as a last resort. For example, if the virus seriously damaged the computer.
If you can not access the YouTube site,"Opera" or another browser you used in this case, not so important. The main thing is that the problems are always the same and they are solved in approximately the same ways.
Sometimes the cause of the problem is the browser cache, as well as cookies. If they are cleaned, the error will be eliminated, and the user will be able to get to the site he needs.
Cache and cookies are cleared in Settingsapplication. Usually, the corresponding items are in the browser history clearing menu. There is nothing difficult in this - just 2 clicks, a little waiting and restarting the program.
It is more likely that this methodwill help restore full functionality to the browser. But what if the cleanup of the cache and the removal of cookies did not help? Are there any other tips that can help users?
When you can not access the YouTube site,you can try to correct the situation by applying one small trick. It's about cleaning the PC registry. It is best to use the Ccleaner program for this operation.
The user will have to:
Done!Now the user has a completely cleaned computer registry. You can see how several free gigabytes of memory appear on the hard drive. In this case, the browser will work better. And the error may not appear.
Another reason for the impossibility of visitingor other site become the provider's bans, as well as "parental control". In the second case, users themselves install antivirus access rights to certain resources. Therefore, the only solution is to eliminate "parental control".
But if there are suspicions about the "machinations" of the provider,It's best to call a company that provides Internet access and clarify whether you can work with YouTube or not. Most often in practice, it is precisely "parental control". Modern providers do not block access to popular sites.
In some cases, you can try to checka file called hosts. This document specifies prohibitions on visiting certain pages. You can find this file in the hard disk partition on which the operating system is installed. It is required to go to the address: Windows / system32 / drivers / etc.
Next, the hosts document is opened with the help ofNotepad. To remove the ban on the premises of YouTube, you need to find the appropriate line with the mention of the address youtube.com, and then erase it. Changes are saved.
That's all. From now on it is clear how to act if you can not access the YouTube site in any browser. It's not so difficult as it seems.