/ / Index citing RINC, features of working with it

Index of quoting RINC, peculiarities of working with it

To determine the rating of a scientist,different citation indexes. These include Web of Science and Scopus, which include quoted magazines in English, which also include domestic central transfer editions. The Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINC) includes many regional press journals, in particular, messengers of universities and research centers. The number of publications containing information on the citation index (CINR) reaches 4000. The system is naturally characterized by a wider list of domestic publications than foreign ones.

RINC Opportunities

The RINC works on the basis of the author's search mode forsurname and other data. With its help, it is possible to analyze the publications of a scientific organization. The goal of the scientist is to select a suitable journal for publication.

Citation Index RSCI

The index of quoting RINC allows you to see themImpact factors and determine the options for submitting an article. The system interacts with Web of Science and Scopus and displays the authors' scores in these systems. The cooperation of the Russian system with Elsevier, the publisher of scientific literature, has been ongoing since 2010. Information about the authors' quoting is automatically sent from there to the RICC. Thanks to this, the publications of Russian authors in foreign journals are taken into account.

RISC platform

The system operates on the basis of scientific electroniclibraries. However, its function is not just data collection. The citation index of the RSCI includes a powerful analytical component of the SCIENCE INDEX, which makes it possible to calculate the scientometric and statistical indicators based on the obtained information of varying complexity.

Russian Science Citation Index RISC
In the analysis are used not only articles inscientific journals, but also publications in collections of international and All-Russian conferences, which are also included in the system of RSCI, patents, monographs, theses.

The main indicators of the scientist’s activity are the totalnumber of published works, citation index and Hirsch. The second is the main criterion, denoting the total number of references to work. The Hirsch index is formed from the ratio of publications of the scientist and their quoting.

Registration in RISC

Registration in the scientific electronic libraryis the first step to getting started with a system such as the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC). On the main page there is a tab "Authors". The fourth item on the left will be registration at SCIENCE INDEX. Detailed instructions and videos are slightly higher. After completing this procedure, a link to an individual profile appears at the top. In it you can find all the necessary tools for the job. It is possible to correct your data and edit the list of your publications.

Work in the RSCI system

The Science Citation Index RISC gives the opportunityfind information on any author. To search the library, select the tab "Author's Index." In the search query, you must enter the name of the author and his place of work. There will be a full name. scientist and his other data, which can identify a person. At the top of the list there will be a diagram, by which you can view the publications and indexes of the author.

Science Citation Index RISC
The database also allows you to search for a specific area of ​​scientific activity. Another use of the system is the analysis of citations of a single article.

Russian citation index (RISC) allowsintegrate the information about the authors in the study of indicators of the organization in which they work. Such analytical studies can be carried out at different levels of the hierarchical structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences, up to departments, regional centers.


Thus, the citation index RSCIcarries out a voluminous list of important tasks, the main of which is the ability to isolate the performance indicators of a particular scientist or structure. This is very convenient for peer review. RSCI performs an important function in optimizing tools for the statistical analysis of indicators of domestic science. Optimization of this system continues.

Russian citation index RSCI
Sometimes there are situations where full scientistseach other’s names are in the same list as one author of articles. In addition, some significant publications of the authors may not be included in the database. There is a special search engine quotes "Google Academy". Sometimes through it you can find links that are not included in the RSCI. The improvement of this system continues.

Due to the collective work of the authors, the indicesCitation and Hirsch can be significantly improved. There are certain techniques for increasing the impact factors of journals by referring to articles from it. A way to increase the Hirsch index is to quote each other, coordinating with colleagues from a close institution.

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