/ / Wheel rims disassembly

Wheel rims disassembly

In our realities, with an abundance of pits on the roads,before the drivers put a difficult task: to keep the car disks intact. Here much depends on the skill and skill of the driver to go around these "dangerous objects." But be that as it may, almost every one of them eventually becomes a regular at the workshop, repairing the auto discs.

To exclude such, it is necessary correctlyto carry out the selection of auto disks. The factory-manufacturer, at the release of the machine, completes it with wheel disks of nominal size. They are created from the relevant materials tested under certain conditions.

The selection of car disks is not carried outonly for aesthetic reasons. It is important to understand which discs are best, cast or forged. The spreading of the wheel disks must also be matched to the brand of the car. Remember and about the outreach of the wheel, you should be prepared for all the surprises that can present a car enthusiast a trip on our imperfect roads.

To the wheel disks put many importantrequirements. They should be light and strong, as they perceive variable loads. Disks must be rigid to withstand the weight of the car. In addition, in order to avoid beating, the wheels must be properly balanced.

There are many reasons for choosingsteel, cast or forged discs. Of course, the first have received the widest application in view of their relatively low cost and the possibility of straightening, since they do not burst when hit. Alloy wheels are attractive, first of all, low in weight, but they are corrosion-resistant and even with the use of special coatings are subject to the influence of external factors. Forged wheels are very sturdy and tough. Rumble, do not burst, do not need additional protection. When deformed, they can always be repaired.

When choosing one should pay attention to suchThe concept, as razboltovka wheel rims, which has the abbreviation PCD. This, in fact, is the diameter of the circumference of the holes for the bolts or the studs of fastening the wheel to the hub. This is a very important point! But not everyone pays attention to him. For example, if you do not take into account the spreading of the wheel disks for a particular car, the wheel will not be installed along the axis, and it does not take away the necessary tightening torque. The danger lies in the fact that you can not see the visual differences. When driving a wheel with such a disk will create a safety hazard. Increased run out, in time, will destroy the suspension parts, steering gear. Or, even worse, the wheel will simply unscrew when driving with all the ensuing consequences.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a disk forwheel arch, check the outreach of the wheel. In a simple way, this is the distance from the hub (spreading of the disks) to the longitudinal line, if you look at the disk from the end. The departure in millimeters is measured. Be extremely attentive. The outreach of the wheel can be negative and positive. The difference is that with a negative, most of the disk protrudes and can rest against the wheel arch when turning. A positive take-out "sits" the disc more inward. In this case, if it is picked up incorrectly, you can simply not install it, since the suspension parts will not allow this.

If you buy a disc the size of the hub was somewhat larger (as often happens on universal disks in auto shops), then it is necessary to buy adapters.

Do you want to transform your car?Make it unique? Feel free to change the discs. Take into account that the spreading of wheel disks is an important technical concept! Measure, install. If something does not work, do not try to force it. Technology does not like this! No matter how enticing you beautiful rims, remember, safety and comfort are more expensive.

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