/ / "Ghost Beauty": reviews of the movie

"Ghost Beauty": reviews of the movie

The film "Ghost Beauty", reviews about whichnow a great many, is a dramatic tape, released in the end of 2016. The main role in the film was played by the top Hollywood actor Will Smith. To him with the same ease are given as comic, and complex dramatic images. This tape has a very deep meaning and a rather original story, which today, unfortunately, is rare.

ghostly beauty reviews

About the film

"Ghost Beauty" according to the reviews of the audience,is a good and quality dramatic film. Indeed, the tape is distinguished by its thoughtfulness and serious message. Although the creators did not make it depressing, because it makes it difficult to watch the movie. Therefore, the picture is diluted with humorous inserts and a romantic line.

In the film, important questions are raised, the psychological and emotional aspects of people are revealed, as well as philosophical reasoning about many questions that worry almost every one.

An interesting story, an important theme in its basis and a non-standard narrative went to the picture for good, making it one of the best dramatic tapes of 2016. Also very well were selected actors.


The film is based on Howard's story -father, who lost his only daughter, who for two years can not overcome his grief. Because of his desperation, his company's business starts to go badly. His friends and colleagues are concerned about his condition and the company's affairs.

Trying to find a solution and help yourfriend, colleagues learn that he writes letters, but not to people, but to feelings and phenomena: love, time and death. Then one of the comrades comes up with the idea of ​​hiring theater actors to fulfill the roles of those to whom Howard wrote. This was done in the hope that after a conversation with the "angels" he would manage to recover and return to normal life.

The plot itself may not be very original, but the narrative concept is very interesting and new. Thanks to this the film looks fresh and interesting. This allowed the film to find a lot of fans.

"Ghost Beauty": reviews of viewers

The film fell to the taste of most people,who looked at him. Spectators celebrate not only an interesting story told in the picture, but also a good acting game. Directing and camera work are also at a decent level.

ghostly beauty reviews of the movie

People really liked the good message thatthe film brings to the viewer. This is a pure and bright drama, not without, by the way, positive. Despite the rather heavy plot, the great grief of the protagonist and many other complexities, the film looks easy and does not put too much pressure on the mental and emotional state.

But even a fairly simple and laid-back narrative does not prevent the picture from conveying its main message and fully revealing the topic about which it speaks.

Viewers' opinion

As mentioned above, the tape was able to reachto the public, so the film fans left about "Ghost Beauty" reviews mostly positive. The audience noted all the pluses and almost completely ignored the minuses.

Therefore, on the websites of reviews and Internet resources devoted to cinema, the ratings of the film are quite high. This was supported by good ratings of the audience and positive feedback from critics.

ghostly beauty reviews of critics

Of course, the negative is also there, but its muchless. Even the number of reviews with neutral content far exceeds the number of negative ratings. According to the viewers, 7-8 points out of 10 - that's a worthy assessment of "Ghost Beauty." Reviews of the film, of course, confirm this mark. Although this is not too high a rating, but it says that the film is a pretty high-quality product. After all, most modern films can not hold out to this bar.

"Ghost Beauty": critical reviews

Unlike viewers, professionalshold a completely different opinion of the picture. And Western critics were much more severe than Russian critics. American professionals from the film academy left a lot of unflattering reviews of this film, even criticizing the smallest shortcomings.

This is one of the few cases where the opinioncritics goes against the public. It is not surprising that because of the opinions of professionals who have analyzed the film literally on bones, the ratings of "Ghost Beauty" have fallen dramatically. This could not but affect the commercial component. Although the film did not become a failure at the box office, but with a budget of 36 million he managed to collect in the global box office only 88 million dollars.

Opinion of critics

What is the film so not pleased with the critics?The main shortcomings of "Ghost Beauty" in the reviews professionals call: the unnaturalness of everything that is happening, a weak acting game and a plot. That is all that the public praises the tape for, the critics singled out as flaws, considering the film to be weak.

ghostly beauty reviews of viewers

If the audience felt that the lungs andeasy narration and the disclosure of a complex and profound topic is a kind of method to prevent people from getting bored and not loading them too much, critics say: it's just the director's inability to correctly prioritize. This manner of presentation of the plot is only an attempt to conceal a weak scenario.

This double position and opinion makes the pictureambiguous, so you can not say with certainty, a bad or good movie "Ghost Beauty." Comments from spectators and critics show a completely opposite attitude to the film. Such a situation develops, as a rule, infrequently.

Main cast

In addition to the general opinion about "Ghost Beauty",reviews about the actors and how they coped with their roles, also take place. Critics say only a decent game of some actors of the film. In contrast, viewers believe that most of the actors coped with their tasks.

Особенно отмечают Уилла Смита, сыгравшего главную role. He has repeatedly argued that he does an excellent job both with comedic characters, and with dramatic ones. Remember at least his work in the tapes "Seven Lives" or "In the pursuit of happiness," where he got so well into his role that it's hard to even imagine that this person can play in comedies.

ghostly beauty reviews of viewers and critics

Other representatives of the star composition"Ghost Beauty", according to reviews, are also very good in this tape. Separately it is worth noting the high acting skills of Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren, Keira Knightley and Edward Norton. All of them look harmonious in their roles.

Despite the negative reviews of critics and not the highest ratings, the film is definitely not a bad one. It can not be called a masterpiece, but also through passage too.


The film "Ghost Beauty" did not collect a hugethe amount at the box office, but he did not fail. The picture fully paid for the costs of its production and brought several tens of millions of profits. This is not too big success for a Hollywood movie, but still.

Although the film was criticized in the ninesprofessionals, the audience reacted to it quite loyal. Therefore, the creators were satisfied. After all, this is the main thing in the cinematography: that the work is liked by the audience. The commercial component is important, but not money plays a key role.

ghostly beauty reviews of the actors

It is difficult to judge who is right and who is not.Each person perceives this or that work of art in different ways. The heated controversy surrounding this picture suggests that the film is worthy of attention. After all, about the creations that are uniquely bad, the opinion can not so split up.

And the fact that the audience defends the film, even when its critics belittle, says that the movie has sunk into the soul of people. It could reach them and touch the necessary strings of the soul.

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