/ / The series "Storage 13": actors and roles, plot

The series "Storage 13": actors and roles, plot

Man is by nature verycurious. He is fascinated by secret knowledge and magical artifacts, mysterious phenomena and fantastic creatures. Perhaps this explains the viewer's passion for cinema in the genre of mysticism and fantasy. If you like The X-Files, Indiana Jones and detectives at the same time, then you probably will like the series Vault 13, as it is a mixture of everything listed with a bit of humor and an excellent cast. Add to this the retro-futuristic ideas about what our world should look like in the future and how it could be now.

The plot of the series

Store 13: the cast.

Вся идея сериала лихо закручена вокруг двух agents of one of the classified services of the United States. The classics of the genre is a man and a woman who, through a series of misadventures and trials, will become the best friends, at least, or will find love ideally. Pete Lattimer and Mika Bering are identified as partners. They were transferred to the service from the former place of work in a secret government warehouse under an ominous number. As it turned out, this is a very curious repository 13, reviews of which are ambiguous, because there is the largest collection of ancient artifacts and supernatural objects. The agents have a difficult task - to preserve what is, to find the lost and to discover the new. The task, feasible superheroes, but to help send the storekeeper, who, by the way, is their immediate superior.

The pilot of the series was released in July2009 on the channel Syfy. He was a success with the audience and therefore was extended by as much as five seasons, reaching its logical conclusion in 2014. Attention deserves the actors of the series "Storage 13", which cope with their roles perfectly well, creating an overall good television product for easy viewing.

Eddie McClintock

Pete's Secret Agent PitmanLatimer was born in 1967 on May 27 in Ohio. An exemplary family man, has two sons. Filmed on television, the audience is familiar with the episodic roles in the series, including the most popular and titled: "Desperate Housewives", "Mentalist", "Bones", "Castle". However, the popularity of him was brought by the serial “Vault 13”.

Series Vault 13.

According to the plot, his hero is a former navalinfantryman. At a certain period of his life, he suffered from alcoholism, but did not lose his sense of humor and was looking for positive moments in everything. Agent Latimer is creative in his work, with the ability to read lips (taught by a deaf sister) and a well-developed sixth sense of warning about danger. For the first time he was confronted with his gift on the eve of the tragic death of his father in extinguishing a fire. After that, he trusts the forebodings unconditionally, and indeed, perhaps this is his vocation - repository 13. Actors, by profession, try different roles, in E. McClintock's piggy bank this is not the first role of a law enforcement officer.

Joan kelly

Главную женскую роль в сериале исполняет актриса from Canada, which, in addition to the main profession, has a very interesting hobby - breeding thoroughbred horses. D. Kelly was born in Grandfields on the first of January 1978. On account of her film roles, the most famous in the film "Hold on to the end" in 2014.

Storage 13: reviews.

The series "Vault 13" gave her the role of MicahBering, a strict and responsible agent of the secret department. She came to a new job after saving the life of the US president himself. For all tasks and operations fits with full seriousness, preparing in and out, demanding the same from other team members. In the past, Mika had a severe psychological trauma. When performing one of the tasks she was unable to save her partner and lover, in which she still blames herself. In the family, too, not everything goes smoothly - strained relations with the father. Contradictory nature, high professionalism and demanding of themselves and others repeatedly put it in opposition to Pete's easy behavior. Of Mickey's outstanding abilities, it is worth noting excellent sniper skills and photographic memory.

Saul Rubinek

Режиссер, сценарист и актер из Канады исполнил в “Storage 13”, whose actors, frankly, are little known, the role of the weird Arti - storekeeper of an amazing hangar. In fact, with a more detailed acquaintance with Pete and Miki, it turns out that he is their immediate superior, the same secret service agent as they are. Possessing outstanding intelligence and all-encompassing knowledge in the field of history, religion, culture and the occult, with his subordinates, he is rather rude and ill-communicative. Preferred company of ancient artifacts and treasures to human society.

Allison Scallotti

The actors of the series Vault 13.

American actress in the series played the roleyoung, attractive and brilliant girl Claudia Donovan, who brought her the greatest fame and recognition among fans of television and serials. In the story, rescuing her own brother, whom she considered dead for more than 12 years, she abducts Artie and asks him to help. After that, the uncommunicative, but kind owner of the warehouse allows her to stay. Thus, for a modest girl with excellent abilities in the field of computer technology, storage becomes the home 13. Actors are natural in their roles, and the viewer doesn’t even have a feeling of being affected, everything is as honest and reliable as possible.

Aaron Ashmore

Vault 13: actors and roles.

Тридцатишестилетний канадский актер телевидения и the movie is best known for playing the role of D. Olsen on the famous TV show “Mysteries of Smallville”. In the "Storage 13" he is involved in the background. He got the role of a former agent from the tobacco, alcohol and weapons control department, Steve Jinx. On one of the usual days, he becomes a witness of a surprising and supernatural phenomenon during the neutralization by agents of a magical artifact warehouse. He adheres to Buddhism and possesses a sense of falsehood, which was the reason for inviting him to the team. According to Pete, he has absolutely no sense of humor, and in one of the seasons his main secret is revealed - he is gay. Steve is the only character who will fully have to check on himself the effects of magic and the supernatural.

CH Pounder

An actress with an unusual name played the rolestrict but fair mrs. Few people know how old she really is, because she looks much younger. She confesses this secret to Claudia and subsequently introduces her to her grandson, who, by the way, already lives in a nursing home. The true purpose of Mrs. Fi is that she is in charge at Vault 13. The actors reveal the secrets of their roles not immediately, but with each new season. She is the caretaker of a unique warehouse and is associated with it with special charms, telepathy. She knows everything about the artifacts stored in it, their complete list and the status of protective systems.

Film Vault 13.

Janell williams

Исполнительница роли Лины - владелицы гостиницы, in which the agents Bering and Latimer are located. It is also not devoid of magical abilities and easily sees the aura of a person. In good and close relations with Artie, his assistant, girlfriend and part-time personal psychoanalyst. In one of the seasons it is revealed that she is not at all what she wanted to appear all this time.

We recommend that you watch the television series "Storage13". Actors and roles in it are harmoniously distributed, the characters are revealed, and the plot is unobtrusive and interesting. Each new series immerses the viewer in an amazing and fantastic world, which, as it turned out, coexists with ordinary people side by side.

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