/ / "Red vineyards in Arles" by Van Gogh - description, creation history and the fate of the painting

"Red vineyards in Arles" by Van Gogh - description, creation history and the fate of the painting

Statistics state that when answering the question aboutthe most famous artist, the majority pronounces three names: Leonardo, Picasso and Van Gogh. Next, it turns out that Leonardo da Vinci is the universal genius of the Renaissance, Picasso is an inventor who achieved fame and fortune, and only Vincent Van Gogh is a true genius of painting, whose God led the insane hand.

The general opinion is a dubious thing, but looking at the painting “Red Vineyards in Arles”, you can agree with him.

red vineyards in arles

One of the few sold during lifetime

Жизнь выдающихся людей полна загадок и мифов.Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890) lived a life of 37 years for the classic geniuses, was actively engaged in painting about 10, but managed to go from a self-taught beginner to a master who turned the world of painting. This is surprising and questions to all who are interested in art, and does not give rest to lovers of sensations and conspiracy theories. It is believed that the Dutch master created his canvases under the influence of mental illness, which brought him to the grave. Others represent him as a prudent businessman who, together with Brother Theo, a successful art dealer, sought to conquer the market with an unprecedented style of painting and make a fortune.

Да, картины Ван Гога теперь – одни из самых expensive lots at auctions, one of the most profitable capital investments. And during his lifetime, the work “Red Vineyards in Arles” was bought at the G20 exhibition, which took place in Brussels in 1890. She bought it for 400 francs (about 2000 dollars today) artist Anna Bosch. According to some information, then she sold it, because she couldn’t write in her own style - pointillism and neo-impressionism, while a Van Gogh painting glowed on the wall.

This masterpiece can now be seen in the collection.Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin on Volkhonka. This happened thanks to the famous collector Sergei Ivanovich Schukin, who highly appreciated the art of contemporary artists.

Red Vineyards in Arle Vincent van Gogh

History of writing

В 1888 году Ван Гог переезжает из Парижа в Provence, to the south of France. In the town of Arles, he shoots a small house as a studio. He was inspired by the idea of ​​organizing a commune of artists with whom he met in the capital. In particular, he invited Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), who spent about two months in Arles, which ended in a violent conflict and incomprehensible excesses, as a result of which Van Gogh lost part of his ear. A lot of muddy theories and conjectures have been built around this story, it became the first vivid manifestation of a mental illness that defeated Van Gogh in the end.

But the main thing was that the period spentthe master among the bright southern colors, among the landscapes of Provence, which conquered the artist, became one of the most fruitful for Van Gogh. Portraits, landscapes, the famous "Sunflowers", "Night Cafe", "Starry Night over Rhone" - all this is written in Arles and its surroundings. “Red vineyards in Arles” was the result of one walk described by the artist in a letter to brother Theo. The setting sun littered the coastal vineyard, creating for a while the world of unprecedented color combinations, which is destined to see and capture only the real painter.


On the coastal plot of land, at the bend a smallsmall river go work on the grape. The bright sun leans towards the horizon, filling the sky with glowing gold, reflecting the blinding path in the water, coloring the foliage of the vineyard in the foreground with different shades of crimson color. Among the field are visible figures of working women and carts. They are written in complex shades of blue and have a characteristic dark outline, then clear, then shimmering in the evening air. Also written are the field fencing trees extending to the horizon. The painting “Red Vineyards in Arles” is an amazing harmony of warm, hot flowers with cold shimmering shades of blue and blue, very complex green.

picture of red vineyards in arles

Там, где на переднем плане не осталось костров из fiery vines, plots of bare earth appeared. It resembles either cooling metal or dying firewood, when flashing fiery tongues are replaced by trembling scales of ash on the lumpy surfaces of charcoal and ash.

Here and there the last sparks of sunlight are visible,but not blinding, but extinguished - pink, purple, peach. They smooth out those color combinations that would be a terrible dissonance if they were pulled out of the general canvas of the picture and shown in separate spots on a neutral background. But this smoothing does not dampen the energy of individual strokes and strokes, of various shapes and sizes. “Red vineyards in Arles” is a seething pot of color and energy, the master's genius welded into a single harmony.

New stage

Те, кто побывал в музее Ван Гога в Амстердаме, where is the largest collection of paintings by the master, they say that looking at his paintings for a long time is difficult physically. This is especially true of everything that was created after the Paris stage of life and creativity. Earthen, restrained color of time "Potato Eaters" changed the ringing, pure colors. Such are the “Red Vineyards in Arles”. Vincent van Gogh uses here in the South of France, in the "Sunflowers" and "Yellow House" special vibrations of yellow color, which covers a hot flame of orange and red.

picture of van gogh red vineyards in arle

But it is important to know something else - the work of Van Goghbased on high intelligence. The story of a crazy self-taught, making senseless uncontrolled movements of the brush, causing arbitrary strokes and stains - this is not about him. Each picture of the Dutchman is a wise parable about the world and man, about the meaning and beauty of life. No wonder the literary work of Van Gogh in the form of letters to his brother Theodore, containing discourses on creative searches and finds, is of great value. In them he is a well-read, educated person, possessing knowledge and theoretical basis.

Everyone finds his

Truly great works of artare multilayered, each viewer finds in them his own, conditioned by the preparation of the mind and soul. Van Gogh's painting “Red Vineyards in Arles” is a story full of energy and emotions about the unity of man and nature, about the meaning and rationality of being, about the endless flow of time.

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