/ / Oleg Dal: biography, personal life, cause of death

Oleg Dal: biography, personal life, cause of death

Oleg Dal, whose biography interests manyhis fans, was one of the most striking and controversial figures of Soviet theater and cinema. This man was very subtle and vulnerable, even cocky at times. But they forgave him for a lot of things: harshness, maximalism, and sometimes drunkenness. He could start rehearsing, and then, deciding that the film or performance was not good enough, he could refuse the role.

Those around him understood: he was not like everyone else.He has his own path, his own road, which constantly winds between heaven and hell. Famous actor Oleg Dal. Biography, personal life, career, everything that concerned this person certainly has an incredibly bright character.

Oleg Dal biography

The decision to enter the theater, or speech impediment

The future artist was born in 1941 on May 25 inRussian family. As a child, Oleg Ivanovich dreamed of being a pilot, but was unable to enter the aviation institute. And then I decided: since they don’t accept me as pilots, I will become an artist. When the parents found out about this, a scandal began. All relatives on my mother’s side are hereditary teachers and philologists. Oleg's dad is a railway engineer, a party man.

Could they then have imagined howOleg Dal will become a famous artist. The biography, nationality and other facts from the lives of famous people are very often studied by specialists. And there is information that, according to some sources, Oleg Ivanovich is the great-grandson of the famous compiler of the dictionary. It is quite natural that the parents considered the stage a frivolous activity for their son.

In addition, Dahl had a speech impediment; he lisped withchildhood. But I constantly tried to overcome it. He studied at the central home for the children of railway workers in the literary arts studio. As a result of this, his unusual manner of speech, phrase structure, and pauses were born. The specialist taught him how to pronounce words with a little thought. This is how the artist Oleg Dal is born, whose biography will now be associated only with theater and cinematography.

Oleg Dal biography personal life

Completion of studies and beginning of a creative journey

After graduating from the Shchepkin College, OlegIvanovich ends up in Sovremennik. At that time it was one of the most famous theaters in the country. Then it seemed that Dahl had pulled out a lucky ticket. But work in the theater, unfortunately, does not work out. Oleg feels that he is capable of much, he is constantly waiting in the wings, but five long years have passed, and he has not had a single serious role in Sovremennik.

I had to learn only some urgentintroductory roles, when the text was given in the morning, and by the evening the performance was staged on stage. And not a single serious character. Thus, over a long period of time, the actor has accumulated not only a huge amount of unspent energy, but also resentment. Oleg Dal was a very hot-tempered person. His biography includes many stories from his relatives and friends, who characterize him as a rather emotional person. The same thing happened this time, Oleg Ivanovich left the theater, slamming the door.

Oleg Dal biography cause of death

Salvation in cinema

When there were no serious roles in the theater, he savedcinema. Filming of the film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha” began in 1966 in Peterhof. The center of the team was two actors - Oleg Dal and Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov. Both are young, ambitious and completely different. When they found themselves on the set together and started joking, none of those around them could stop laughing.

It happened that after the end of the working day, artiststhey forgot to hand over their equipment to the dresser. They were so used to fighting that they continued to play war even after the camera had already turned off. Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov himself often recalls how at that time they wandered around the city in uniform and were stopped by a patrol, asking where they were from.

Character problems, or Filming under police escort

But what was Oleg Dal really like?Biography, personal life, what tormented the actor - all this became interested in people only after his death. And then on the set Oleg Ivanovich was the ringleader, but no one knows what was going on in his soul. Numerous problems that overwhelmed the actor’s soul began to express themselves in binge drinking. The director often deliberately places him with his back to the camera. From drinking the day before, Oleg Ivanovich’s face swells and his eyes become cloudy. And yet everyone forgave him.

In the midst of filming, Oleg Dal again left forbinge. Moreover, he ended up in police custody and received fifteen days for violating public order. Director Vladimir Motyl understood that filming was under threat. In order not to disrupt the schedule, he negotiates with the head of the police department and Oleg Ivanovich is brought to the site under escort, and taken away again in the evening.

Oleg Dal biography nationality

That dialogue when Dal's hero Kolyshkin talked withZhenya, sitting in the guardhouse, filmed it during this period. Perhaps that is why he was played so touchingly and authentically. Such was the actor Oleg Dal. The biography, personal life, and filmography of this person were, of course, very colorful. And there is hardly a reader whom this personality will leave indifferent.

The end of filming of a popular film, or How life turns into hell

Oleg Dal was not happy with many things in his surroundingsthe world, and he didn’t know who to express his dissatisfaction with, and this made him constantly nervous and wound up. With rudeness, mediocrity and narrow-mindedness, Oleg Ivanovich sorted things out with his fists. I had to fight not only in life, but also on the screen. The most famous hand-to-hand scene in the film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha” took place in the dugout.

For Dahl, this film brought unprecedented popularity.True, the artist did not have time to enjoy it. For thirty years this painting was banned. And the wording is quite simple. The film is immoral, and the main characters are drunks and hooligans. After filming this film, Dahl's life turned into real hell.

All film studios in the country were prohibited from filmingthis artist and generally forget who Oleg Dal is. His biography indeed contains information that at that time he was on the black list of unwanted artists. But times change, and today this film is shown on every Victory Day.

A new twist of fate, or an unspoken order from management

Dahl was versatile.He could play the Shadow in a children's fairy tale, create the image of a scout, a repeat offender, and even a prince. Oleg Dal was infinitely talented. The biography of this artist, starting in 1978, finally tells about some positive moments in his life. This year, Yevgeny Tatarsky begins work on the film “The Travels of Prince Florizel.” The director is confident that Oleg should play the main role in this film.

But the film studio had to approve Dahl’s candidacyalmost impossible. For all Mosfilm officials, Oleg Ivanovich is persona non grata. Too picky, capricious, arrogant. Other actors are happy with any offer, but Dal refused to work with Kazakov, Ryazanov, Gaidai. At the end of the 1970s, an unspoken order from the management began to apply at the film studio, which stated: for three years, Oleg Ivanovich Dahl should not be filmed anywhere.

The director's persistence and the start of filming

Tatarsky refused to work without Dahl.As a result, the director was given the go-ahead, but warned that Oleg Ivanovich was an uncontrollable artist, inadequate and a heavy drinker. The scandal broke out on the first day of filming during a costume fitting. To fit the jacket selected from the props onto Dahl’s figure, the suit was pinned together at the back.

Oleg Dal biography family

For Oleg Ivanovich, who is used to looking likegreat, that was a shock. And he refused to play in an old suit that didn’t fit. Dahl believed that the prince should look so that the audience, seeing him on TV, would start dressing the same as him tomorrow. Thus, Prince Florizel on the screen becomes the height of elegance, and Oleg Dal on the set becomes the height of professionalism. Everyone who starred next to him knew: the actor constantly improvises. He is an unpredictable artist.

Filming ended in 1979.Viewers saw the picture two years later. Finally, Dahl was happy. At that time, Mosfilm had five films with his participation and all were banned. He understood: the fact that Florizel came out was a miracle. Television, radio and newspapers attacked Oleg Ivanovich, he liked it. He gave interviews with great pleasure. And the journalists were interested in absolutely everything. What is Oleg Dal like? Biography, personal life, children and future plans in cinema.

Pleasant appearance and obnoxious character

Eyes, smile, strong-willed gait, uniquemanner of speaking. Girls were attracted to all this like a magnet. On the set, half the group was in love with him, from the costume designers to the actresses themselves. Fans on the street did not allow Oleg passage. So who was the lucky girl chosen by Oleg Dal? Biography, family, children - these are all things that are always of interest to many fans of the talent of their favorite actor.

Oleg Dal biography personal life children

Many people loved Oleg Ivanovich Dahl, but to find yourHe couldn't finish the second half for a long time. The artist’s personal life did not work out. The affair with actress Nina Doroshina ended right at the wedding. Dal lived with his second wife, actress Tatyana Lavrova, for a little more than six months. It was almost impossible to bear Oleg's character.

Oleg Dal: biography, wife, or In search of personal happiness

It seemed that Dahl had no chance of personal happiness.But on the set of the film "King Lear" there was a meeting that changed his whole life. On August 19, 1969, Oleg Ivanovich met Lisa Eikhenbaum. She worked as an editor on the film. And soon they got married. Introducing her to his colleagues, Dahl always spoke proudly and significantly.

Elizabeth was also very kind to her husband.She always made sure that he was not tired, hungry or cold. Oleg Ivanovich always took his wife with him to filming. This relationship was very tender. This woman was the only one who was able to find an approach to the most talented actor with an obnoxious character.

Another unfulfilled hope

Good artists are often compared to children.In the case of Oleg Ivanovich, this is the best definition. After all, it was almost impossible to outplay Dahl, just like outplaying a child. The film "September Holiday" began filming in 1977. When Dahl found out that Lenfilm was preparing this film based on Vampilov’s play “Duck Hunt,” he immediately realized that they would offer him the main role. Naturally, I was waiting for the call.

Melnikov delayed approving the roles untilthe last one. When permission to film was received, I called Oleg Dahl. The actor worked selflessly in this film, and this became one of his best roles. However, the finished film was not allowed to be released; it was called decadent and was shelved for eight years. Another shock that Oleg Dal experienced.

Oleg Dal biography personal life filmography

Biography, cause of death of a loved oneThe actor is always of interest to many admirers of the talents of Soviet cinema. And very often one can find in the fates of artists of that generation such a disdainful attitude of officials towards their talent. Of course, this always had a negative impact not only on the psychological state of the actors, but also often undermined their health. The premiere of the film "Vacation in September" took place only in 1987, when Oleg Ivanovich was no longer alive.

The last days of the artist's work

What else interests those who know and love thisan artist like Oleg Dal? Biography, cause of death and events leading up to his death. “Uninvited Friend” is the latest work of Oleg Ivanovich. During filming, Vladimir Vysotsky passed away. For Dahl this became a sign. He understood that he and Vladimir Semenovich were walking the same road. They worked together on the set of the film “A Bad and a Good Man,” even then Vysotsky more than once warned Oleg Ivanovich against frequent drinking of alcohol.

In 1981, Oleg Dahl was offered to star inlyrical comedy. He is going to Kyiv. On the eve of departure, their last conversation took place with Evgeny Tatarsky, in which Oleg Ivanovich mentioned how often he dreams of Vladimir Vysotsky and calls him to him. On March 1, Dahl left for the capital of Ukraine, and on the 3rd of the same month he was gone.

They say you can't light a candle at both ends.It then ends too quickly. Oleg Ivanovich burned his candle mercilessly and did it deliberately. I tore my heart into pieces, and it couldn’t stand it. Oleg Dal passed away. The biography, the children that this wonderful person might have had, further creativity and much more that Oleg Ivanovich was capable of, seemed frozen in this moment. He passed away at thirty-nine, but for those who were close to him, who watch films with his participation, he is still alive today.

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