/ / Brigitte Fonda: movies, biography, personal life actresses

Bridget Fonda: movies, biography, personal life actresses

Bridget Fonda is an American film actress whoShe became world famous after filming in the film "Scandal". However, she began to work in the field of cinema, being still quite a child. According to the actress herself, her career - from the foundation to the roof - is built by her own hands, without anyone's help. That is why for all her life Bridget Fonda has acted in almost 50 films by Hollywood and British filmmakers and has become a truly diverse artist.


In Los Angeles on January 27, 1964 was bornfuture actress Brigitte Fonda. Her family was literally imbued with creativity, beginning with grandparents, ending with the youngest generation. Grandfather Bridget - Henry Fonda, father - Peter Fund and aunt - Jane Fonda - all representatives of the acting profession. Her mother was a famous painter. When the future actress was still quite a child, the parents broke up and the father went to another woman who gave birth to his son. With his dad, Brigitte Fonda practically did not communicate, but it was he who led her into the world of big cinema.

Bridget Foundation

There was no theater

Most actors, whose career is alsobegins in childhood, start directly in the theater. For Brigitte the scene did not become an obligatory step in achieving any results. In 1969, together with her father, she appeared in the film "Careless Rider", playing an insignificant role. The second work in the film was the film "Partners" in 1982, where the role of the Fund was also insignificant. The actress gets wide popularity after taking part in the filming of the film "Scandal". This is a British drama, where Brigitte Fonda played the heroine Mandy Rice-Davis, brought her worldwide fame.

Work in the 90s

During this period, the maximumthe amount of material in which Brigitte Fund was involved. The films she starred in this period were incredibly popular, she collaborated with the greatest actors and directors. In 1990, the actress played the role of a journalist in the third part of the picture "The Godfather", then she played Annabella in the comedy "Harmful Fred". The main role of the Foundation was in 1992 in the film "A Lonely White Woman", having earned positive reviews from critics. Over the years she took part in countless Hollywood movies. Among the most popular are the following: "No Return", "Little Buddha", "Lucky Case", "Camilla", "Balto", "Jackie Brown", "Simple Plan" and many others.

Bridget Fonda Movies

New millennium

A busy schedule, combining two,and even three roles - the usual rhythm of life, to which, at that time, the Bridget of the Fund was being tied up. The films in which she began to appear immediately after the onset of the Millennium, were as popular as her previous work. In 2001 alone, she took part in such films as The Guardian Angel, The Dragon Kiss, The Monkey's Bone, The Family Deed, and The Unusual Child. Later she starred in the role of Stephanie Furst in the "Chris Isaac's Show", and also played the Snow Queen in the eponymous film production of 2002.

actress Brigitte Fonda

Brigitte Foundation: Biography and Personal Life

It seems that in the 80s and 90s Brigitteliterally "worked out", and with the onset of the new millennium went on a well-deserved vacation. After working in the film "Snow Queen" she met with Hollywood composer Daniel Robert Elfman, who wrote his works for many films. He became popular due to cooperation with the director Tim Burton, who used his music in his films and animated productions. In 2003, Bridget Fonda and Danny Elfman were married. Soon they had a son named Oliver. Since then, the actress has not left the decree. Despite the fact that the child has long grown up and entered college, she does not return to her native cinematography, but performs only the role of an exemplary mother and wife.

Brigitte Foundation Biography

Nevertheless, the Fund repeatedly appears on theaudience with his star spouse. According to them, the family has lived happily and harmoniously for many years, they have raised a son who can be proud of, and left a great creative legacy to the world. It is really impossible to forget the work of Bridget. She made a huge contribution with her talented play in the development of American and British cinema. As for her tandem with the extraordinary and hyper-creative Danny, since she left the set, she became his muse. The new compositions and soundtracks of Elfman are inspired by the spouse, and as we hear, they are becoming more and more brilliant.

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