/ / What is an employment relationship?

What is an employment relationship?

Labor relations are always based onagreement between the employer and the employee on the performance of a specific job for a fee, compliance with any rules (for example, internal regulations), implementation of orders and so on.

Employer, regardless of theorganizational and legal form, should be guided by the provisions and norms of the law (labor) during the registration of labor relations. These provisions and norms do not apply to the following categories of persons:

- military servicemen who perform military service duties;
- persons who entered the work under a contract of a civil law character;
- members of the supervisory board of organizations;
- members of the board of directors.

Pay attention to the fact that the employment relationship is quitecan arise and at the conclusion of the civil-law contract. Those relations that are connected with the state civil service, for the most part are regulated by a special law. Their unaffected part is regulated by the norms of legislation (labor).

Parties to employment relations - the employer andemployee. They are constant under any circumstances. The employee in this case is nat. a person who entered into an employment relationship with the employer. Note that they can be attributed to both employees for hire, and those who are shareholders of any legal entities. The owner of the enterprise can easily be either of the parties or both parties simultaneously (this is really possible).

Registration of labor relations is possible only withsixteen years old. In some cases, the contract can be concluded at an earlier age. Adolescents at the age of fourteen years may enter into it only with the permission of their parents or some other legal representative. Persons of this age can be hired only to perform easy work that does not tear them away from school or other education.

Is it possible to formalize an employment relationship beforefourteen years of age? Yes, it is possible. This applies to children engaged in cinematographic, theatrical or other similar activities. Of course, the consent of legal representatives is important, and the labor activity should not interfere with the education, their development, and so on.

There is a special list of works that are notmay by law act as minors. It is approved by the government of the country. Employers who ignore age norms are punished in accordance with the procedure established by law. Up to what age can a person work in our country? This age is set only for persons who are in the civil service. He is sixty-five years old.

A person recognized by a court as legally incompetent does notmay enter into any employment relationship. The basis for this limitation of capacity is dementia, severe mental illness, and so on. Persons with disabilities may enter into these relationships, however, there are certain restrictions for them. They are determined by a special medical commission.

Persons who have committed a certain violation of the law,may be deprived of the right to engage in certain activities. There are also temporary and absolute limitations. An employer can be both a person and an organization. Here the difference between them is insignificant.

Labor relations are regulated by various kindsNPA. Legislative base-Labor Code. The information contained therein concerns both employees and employers. All the main provisions related to labor relations are described in detail. In addition, the provisions of labor legislation can be found in the Constitution of our country, federal laws and so on.

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