"Resident error" is one of the most famousin the USSR of espionage films, in which remarkable actors were shot. "Resident error" was released in the 68th year and marked the beginning of a whole tetralogy of films about the legendary scout Michael Tulieva.
Tuliev takes a different name and comes toTHE USSR. However, there are already waiting for him from the KGB comrades who decided to send their officer to the team in the guise of a criminal. In a word, the plot of the picture is very complicated and it is certainly interesting to follow it. As well as how well the actors play.
"Resident's mistake" became a landmark film incareer Zhzhenova. Despite the fact that he acted in film since 1931, up to 63rd George was not assigned the main roles. Then the situation changed for the better, but the pictures "The Third Rocket", "I'm looking for" did not enjoy such success as the "Resident Error", released in 1978. Much later the actor played in the popular film "Crew", and ended his career drama "Invisible Traveler" in the 98th
In the film "Resident's Error", a Russian KGB officer named Pavel Sinitsyn confronts the insidious Western spy. This character was played by actor Michali Nozhkin.
Mikhail Nozhkin, you can say, began hisfilm career with this movie. Prior to filming in the "Resident Error" he managed to participate except in the film "Two Hours Before" by Vitaly Koltsov. Subsequently, the actor starred in two films about the resident Tulieve, as well as in such famous films as "Walking by the Flours", "At the Beginning of the Glorious Deeds" and "Youth of Peter".
In the film "Resident's Error" actors Oleg Zhakov andGeorgy Zhzhenov played accomplices. A certain Yan Dembovich, who lives in the USSR, is in reality a "canned" agent of Hitler's intelligence. Despite the fact that the Reich has not existed for a long time, Jan continues to work for Western special services. To him, and send Michael Tuliev, so that Ian helped him with the recruitment of new people.
In the movie "Error resident" the actors playeda whole psychological detective story, and sometimes even a drama. For example, a Western spy, in the story, falls in love with a Soviet girl named Maria. Her role was played by Ella Shashkova (“The Shadows Fade at Noon”).
The actors of the film “The Error of the Resident” are Efim Kopelyan, Nikolai Prokopovich, and Vladimir Gusev.
Ефиму Копеляну досталась роль генерала КГБ, who led the operation to introduce Pavel Sinitsin into the resident group. Kopelyana can also be seen in the films The Elusive Avengers, The Crash, and Crime And Punishment.
Nikolay Prokopovich acted as a colonel of the KGB Markov. The artist played Heinrich Himmler in “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and George in the film “Take Care of Men!”.
Vladimir Gusev can be seen in the films "Hussar Ballad", "Soldier Ivan Brovkin" and "Give the Complaining Book."