/ / Sisters Zaitsev: biography, age and other interesting information

Sisters Zaitsev: biography, age and other interesting information

The twins from Voronezh, who conquered the scene in the early 90s, are unusual in everything. These are the stars of the Zaitsev sister, whose biography is as amazing as their sudden success.

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Всегда молодые и своеобразные блондинки умеют create hype around you, even especially without trying. Maybe it was this, and of course, the talent of beautiful pop stars that enabled them to gather a large army of fans.

Sisters Zaitsev: biography, year of birth

The story of two girls from a military family began in1953 That year, on December 16, twins, Tanya and Lena Zaitsev, were born at an interval of fifteen minutes. Of course, no one then thought that blond sisters were future famous singers. But artistry and charisma manifested in them since early childhood. They still have a cheerful disposition and smiling faces, forcing fans to wonder if their biography and year of birth are not fictional?

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Otherwise, why ladies who have long crossedmark "50", still attracted admiring glances in their direction. The father of the Zaitsev sisters is a cadre officer who served in the GDR, where the girls' childhood passed. While they were learning, they had to change a lot of garrisons and cities. As a result, they received a certificate of maturity in Kaluga. Tatiana and Elena received professional education in the Soviet Union, in the Pop Art Workshop. Vocal data and musicality, apparently, were transferred from the mother, because already in the early eighties they won the Sochi music competition. Later they were awarded an "Ovation". These were the first steps to the glory of these lovely girls.


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Truly famous Zaitsev steel in 1994year after the duet song "Sister". This composition was liked by many listeners. The Zaitsev sisters, whose biography was very intense, decided not to try their luck in solo performances and began to sing together. They always got along perfectly well, had all the same opinions, they also did not experience differences in their work. Each of them at the time when their tour began as a duet, managed to get married, tried herself in a variety show. Elena even worked as a hairdresser after she divorced her first spouse.

Like the sisters of the Zaytsev sister (whose biographysimilar in many ways) have managed to maintain warm friendly relations all their lives? Apparently, their genetic kinship affected, because love and friendship between twins is a very frequent phenomenon. It is known that they subtly feel each other's mood.

Personal life. Tatyana

Татьяна – старшая из сестер, всегда видела свое future in pop art. She sang in restaurants, casinos, could not imagine myself off stage. Her first husband was Yuri Cherenkov, director, entertainer and talented entrepreneur. Together they created a magnificent tandem, where she sings, and he directs. True, the union of two bright creative personalities did not last long, but in this marriage only and beloved son Aleksei was born.

Divorce from husband, little baby in her arms,the prohibitions and restrictions under which Tatyana fell due to the marriage of Lena's younger sister made life very difficult. Like all twins, the Zaitsev sisters, whose biography interests many, finding themselves in different cities, really wanted to be reunited. It was impossible to make it. But after the collapse of the Union, when Elena finally returned to the country at the request of her older sister, their reunion became enchanting. It was then that began their brilliant career as a duet. Much later, Tatyana still married a second time for an American with Russian roots, and now she lives in two countries alternately.

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Personal life. Helena

Lena's first marriage took place when she was 18 years old,husband was a German named Rolf. Because of the youth of the girl or because of her unpreparedness for family life, the marriage quickly fell apart. After that, she was forced to take courses of hairdressers-stylists and go to work in their specialty to earn a living. After some time, she again returned to Moscow and met her second husband, also a foreigner, named Otto. They moved to live in Holland, but Lena’s aspiration to Russia and her constant visits there destroyed the family hearth, and the marriage broke up. Helen was always drawn back to Tatyana, because the Zaitsev sisters are singers and close people, they could not part for a long time.

Appearance and style

There are no hired stylists, make-up artists andhairdressers. So say the singer. Elena is herself a stylist and hairdresser, and Tatiana’s innate sense of harmony complements her skill. No one will ever be able to determine externally how old the sisters of Zaitsev, the singers and the successful business woman are. They unanimously claim that they have not done a single operation, not a single injection for artificial rejuvenation. Such elegant forms, according to the sisters, are exclusively heredity. They always use expensive foreign cosmetics, carefully monitor their appearance. But the Zaitsevs do not exclude the possibility of plastic surgery when the age takes its course.

Sisters in ordinary life

Today, the Zaitsev sisters, whose biography wasvery rich in various events, busy with creativity and arrangement of favorite houses. They are real women, hospitable hostesses and interesting people. Gorgeous blondes love to host their many friends, surprising them with the grace of the situation in their homes.

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Известно также их нежное отношение к домашним animals that, according to the sisters, animate everything around and make us humane. It is surprising that for so many years they have managed not only to remain attractive and young women, but also to increase the army of their admirers.

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