/ Turkish series "Black Love". Reviews of the movie

Turkish TV series "Black Love". Reviews of the movie

Today, we can not imagine our life withoutwatching a variety of serials, with whom we live together, for the heroes of which we are. We see not only domestic production series, but also film production of other countries. After the well-known Turkish TV series "Magnificent Century" the Russian viewer had a great interest in the films of Turkey.

"Black Love" - ​​a popular Turkish TV series

On our home screens recentlyappeared a lot of TV series production of this country. Particularly fascinated by their modern television series about love, betrayal, social inequality. One of these popular series was the Turkish film called "Black Love" ("Kara Sevda").

В ее основу легли реальные события, произошедшие on one of the Turkish mines. Perhaps, therefore, the creators decided to give such an unusual name to the picture - "Black Love". Reviews, which leave people who watched this show, in most positive. After reading, I want to personally get acquainted with this film product.

Briefly about the plot

Turkish TV series "Black Love" isdramatic story, in the center of which is the love of two young people of different social status. But also in the film there is a place for events that really occurred on one of the Turkish mines on March 7, 1992 in the town of Zonguldak. Having looked it, you can personally make sure that the series "Black Love" is Turkish, the reviews are really truthful. So, the main characters are a young man named Kemal and a beautiful girl Nihan. These two fell in love at first sight, and despite the fact that they belong to different social strata and their relationship is not approved by relatives, they are united by a sincere, genuine feeling.

Kemal Sojder grew up in an ordinary wealthy family.His parents, honest and honest people, brought up the son sympathetic and kind, Kemal grew up like that. He also became a very charming and intelligent young man who studies at the university in Istanbul. Fate ordered that he falls in love with a beautiful girl of her own circle. Father Nihan turned out to be a rich and powerful entrepreneur. Perhaps the girl would have gone against the will of her family and bound herself to her beloved Kemal, if not for one circumstance. To save his brother, Nihan marries another, and Kemal in despair for a few years will leave Istanbul. He will work as an engineer on that ill-fated mine. And when he returns home, his fate again will be reduced to his beloved Nihan. That's just what comes of it, it's hard to even imagine. Look at the series "Black Love", reviews about it will not deceive your expectations.

Main characters

Kemal Sojder is a young man who grew up inordinary family, his father is a simple hairdresser. He is the main character of the series "Black Love" and is distinguished by kindness, nobility and the ability to genuinely love. But his share fell a lot of difficulties and setbacks. On the path of his love and happiness, many obstacles have grown, but he is ready to overcome them and fight to the end in order to become happy. The main heroine is the beautiful Nihan, who grew up in a wealthy family, but pure and sincere in her desires and feelings. For her does not matter the fact that Kemal is not rich, she still loves him and is ready to be with him. But Nihan also loves his brother. Therefore, when a threat looms over him, the girl sacrifices her happiness to live with her beloved person and marries the rich but cruel Emir Kozdzhuoglu. Such plot twists and turns prove once again that, undoubtedly, "Black Love" is a Turkish TV series. Reviews of the audience speak about the eastern color, the emotional character of the heroes and the real Turkish passions.

Feedback on the actors

Главного героя Кемаля Сойдера играет a wonderful and beloved by many actors - Burak Ozchivit. He is well-known to our viewers on his last show "Korolok - Bird singing" and the role of Bali Bey in the television series "The Magnificent Age." Most TV viewers are simply in love with this actor and enjoy watching films with his participation. In this series Burak Ozchivit played excellently Kemal.

Thanks to his talented game, genuineemotions I'd like to watch the picture "Black Love" in one breath. Reviews about the series in most cases refer specifically to the participation and acting game Burak. Neslihan Atagul, who played the role of the main character Nihan in the film, also liked the audience. Despite the fact that the actress is still very young, she is already very recognizable. Fame Atagul brought part in the series "Two faces of Istanbul." The audience appreciated the performance of the role of Nihan (the film "Black Love"). Reviews about her game are very positive, she so truthfully portrays suffering, that you begin to experience with her.

The series "Black Love". Positive feedback

A new intriguing picture of "Black Love"Turkish TV series, reviews and ratings of which beat records against other Turkish films. Basically, most viewers admire this series, describing how they watch each series in one breath, waiting for the continuation. In most of the reviews we are talking about a great game of actors and wonderful music that accompanies what is happening on the screen. Like everything from the plot, ending with the scenery, it's not surprising that the series "Black Love" reviews only won positive reviews. Perhaps the picture is tearful, romantic, sometimes becoming like a fairy tale, but it is like our women, because this is what their nature requires.

The film

Negative reviews about the show

Many spectators have already managed to share theirimpressions about the new Turkish TV series "Black Love". Reviews mostly from women who really liked the dramatic story of the unhappy love of the main characters. Maybe someone seemed a bit tightened to the series, here and there resembling a soap opera, but these people are small. Strongly negative about this picture does not respond to any viewer. Do not deprive the attention of the movie "Black Love", the reviews show that it's worth it.

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