/ / How to draw a blot and turn it into a masterpiece?

How to draw a blot and turn it into a masterpiece?

In the good old days, when to writegoose feathers were used, which had to be dipped in ink; putting blots on paper was easier than ever. It was enough to gape a little, not completely shake off the pen, or just inaccurately pull the hand, and the letter was spoiled. There was a huge blob on it, saying that the work would have to be rewritten again. Now the pen is written only by people who are passionate about rarity in order to feel the atmosphere of the past.

how to draw blot

Fountain pens against pens

В советские времена появились перьевые ручки, that you had to refill yourself with ink. Confusions with blots occurred less frequently, but were not eliminated until the end. Fountain pens, as well as their predecessors, continued to spoil the writings, forcing them to redo, rewrite and tear out the spoiled sheets. Now, when the ball is ruled by a fountain pen, it is almost impossible to see the blob. Such an event can happen only in emergency situations, for example, if a rod starts to flow in hot weather conditions. Children began to forget what a blot is, because a fountain pen is a convenience and practicality.

just draw

Blot in cartoons about slackers

In many of our beloved SovietCartoons about would-be students have episodes when a schoolboy puts a blot in his notebook. Doing homework, which already seems to him difficult, the character starts to get terribly angry because of the incident. Modern kids, looking at old cartoons, are wondering what the blot is and where it comes from. It is hard for them to understand the whole mechanism and history of blot formation, because the pens they use do not flow. Here, as always, parents come to the rescue, who can not only explain everything clearly, but also visually show the child with the example of paints, gouaches or watercolors, how to paint a blot. Learning everything new is much more interesting if you do it together.

how to draw a blot with a pencil


The blot shape resembles a vague stain of paint.or ink. The most accurate way to explain a child about her is in several ways, for which you will need an album and paint for drawing, a brush and a simple pencil:

  1. The first way - with a brush and paints.Dip the brush into the water, and then, thickly smearing it with paint, you need to lift it over the album sheet and wait until the colored drop falls on the sheet. Under the power of its weight, it will acquire a unique shape. It is easy to draw a blot, even a one-year-old baby can cope with it.
  2. The second way is using simplea pencil. How to draw a blot with a pencil? Simply, if you are not afraid and show a little creative abilities that are embedded in each of us. To do this, it is simply necessary to reproduce circles or ovals that are uneven in shape and proportions. This should be done by including fantasy in the work, because each blot is unique. Inexperienced artists may seem like they are the same, but this is an absolute fallacy.
  3. The third original way of drawing blotsIt will be this: for a start, it is worth fully decorating the landscape sheet or any canvas designed for work with uniform paint. Then you should dip a clean brush into ordinary water and, without shaking it off, hold it over a sheet of paper painted in advance. A drop of water will certainly fall on the canvas and leave a mark in the form of a blurred place. This will be a blot. This method gives an answer to the question of how to draw a blot with clean water. Using it as a competition at events, you can carry on kids for a long time, and this, as you know, is very valuable.

blot form

How to draw a blot and turn it into a masterpiece?

This is not all.The resulting blurry spots can be easily turned into funny monsters or wonderful jellyfish. After a clear explanation to the child about how to draw a blot, you can begin this more exciting activity. This is easy to do, adding a few original details: eyes, nose, mouth. You can draw whole families of similar monsters, or make all different. Everything is decided by imagination and fantasy. Drawing is simple when you do it in a good mood and in a cheerful company. Such interesting joint creative events are also well conducted in large children's companies, for example, at some holiday. Children with great pleasure laugh at each other's original masterpieces.

Draw with the children, the whole family - it's fun and funny.

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