Vanilla color - soft and romantic, refers to the muted shades of yellow. A flower with such color fascinates with fragility and tenderness.
Muted pastel colors are an excellent choice forinterior. Color vanilla is suitable as a neutral basis for the design of bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, children's rooms. With a muted shade of yellow, noble combinations can be created.
Light Vanilla - the color that is perfectfor the room of the newborn. In the nursery for a girl, this shade can be combined with pink, lilac, purple. If the owner of the room is a small boy, then all the shades of blue, chocolate, green, tender blue will look great.
Color vanilla for the kitchen is chosen by those who appreciatehome comfort, loves to cook and gladly accepts guests. Part of the house in this color execution reveals the soul, awakens sensuality, a taste for life.
This is a shade for sweet and gourmet. Almost all people associate it with baking, a cup of fragrant tea or coffee, spices, fruit pies and ice cream.
Vanilla color balances between cold andwarm spectrum. It does not bother, because with different lighting, depending on the time of year and day, the room where the tone is the main one looks different.
Vanilla color is a good solution for small kitchens. It has the property of expanding space. The small kitchen will look well-groomed and neat.
To light a shade opened up, and not lost,it needs to be competently linked with others. Light walls, for example, require bright accents. Such inclusions are suitable for the colors of blue, malachite, pistachio, orange. For those who like the original color combinations, will impress the union of the vanilla shade with gray and scarlet.
Choose a working surface of natural shades. Look through the catalogs. With the "tasty" shade, artificial stone and sandstone are well combined.
Decide on the style in which you want to performkitchen. Vanilla shade can be entered both in classics, and in hi-tech. The owners of large kitchens and lovers of traditional color combinations like the "vanilla and chocolate" alliance. Additional accents such a tandem does not require and never goes out of fashion. In the styles of "minimalism" and "high-tech" vanilla shade can be present in glossy facades and be combined with metal.
There are several secrets, knowing which experienced designers create the perfect vanilla interiors:
The color of vanilla is natural and soft.It works well on the nervous system. For a couple carries romanticism, tenderness and sweetness in a relationship. This shade is basic, and, naturally, it is recommended to supplement it with the accents that suit you in temperament.
Bright and extraordinary natures like the combinationvanilla and orange or even red and burgundy. A gentle young lady will have to taste a lemon-vanilla bedroom. It is desirable to arrange it in a classical style.
Romantic natures are suitable for vanilla andturquoise, a classic sweet combination - vanilla and chocolate. Scrutinism of the latter can be diluted with pistachio bed linen. Do not be afraid to experiment!
As mentioned above, vanilla color hasexpand space property. A small room will unquestionably win if you wallow the walls with vanilla-colored wallpaper. If the room is large, then such a coating will require the presence of curtains of dense fabric.
A refined and gentle interior can be created withusing the principle of monochromism. Take the vanilla. White color in this case, turn into a dairy and complement the accents of soft blue, pistachio, pink with powder. In the renovated living room you will feel as if you are resting on the cloud.
Vanilla shade suitable for girls with a warm color appearance. Color also looks great on people with dark skin. They can dress in it from head to toe and look bright. Harmoniously the shade fits into the spring and summer wardrobe.
So with what combination in clothes is the color of vanilla?
Vanilla color needs a contrasting addition, otherwise it will look faceless.
This advice is useful to needlewomen. In order to get vanilla, you need to add a little dye of one of these shades to the white paint:
Depending on the amount of color you get a lighter or saturated color. The dye can be replaced by building color-paste.