/ / Ivanovo Puppet Theater: address, repertoire

Ivanovo Puppet Theater: address, repertoire

The puppet theater in Ivanovo has existed for more than 80 years. His repertoire includes performances for both children and adults. The theater is the organizer of the international puppet festival.


Ivanovo Puppet Theater

The children's puppet theater (Ivanovo), the photo of the building of which is presented in this article, opened in 1935 It was founded by Catherine Pirogov. She was a student of Sergei Obraztsov himself.

Initially, the puppet theater was a branch of the Youth Theater. Since 1940, he gained independence.

During the Great Patriotic War, Yevgeny Demmeni worked at the Ivanovo Puppet Theater.

Since 1951, the chief director was B. K. Pashkov. With him, much attention was paid to the stage speech and work on the image.

Since 1980, for 15 years the theater has managed E.G. Demirova. Thanks to her expanded repertoire. It includes musicals, epic, folk operas. These are the performances “Mysterious Hippopotamus”, “Tsar-Wanderer”, “Twelve Months”, “Teremok”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”, “Hunter to Fairy Tales”, “Bogatyr of the Russian Land”, “Moidodyr”, “Holiday of Disobedience”.

Since 1996, the theater has been headed by E. E. Ivanova.Thanks to her, the repertoire includes the performances “Playing Knights”, “Ladushki-Ladushki”, “Tchaikovsky's Children's Album”, “Tales of the Grimm Brothers” and “Tale-Mystery”.

A children's studio was created at the theater, the students of which took part in performances along with the actors.

The pride of Ivanovo puppeteers isinternational festival "Anthill". It was created in 1995. Over the years, troupes from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Lithuania and other countries participated in the festival. And also from different cities of Russia: Yaroslavl, Moscow, Murmansk, St. Petersburg, Kursk, Orenburg, Cheboksary, Ufa and many others. The festival takes place in Ivanovo once every two years.

Since 2008, a branch of the Puppet Theater actor has emerged at the Ivanovo College of Culture. In 2012, five of his graduates joined the troupe. At the same time, a new course was recruited.

Puppet Theater is actively involved in international festivals. He visited India, Belarus, Poland, Serbia, Austria, Ukraine, Germany, Slovakia, and Lithuania.

The theater has its own emblem.It depicts an actor and his doll riding on a wheel. It is at the same time a symbol of wanderings, since the troupe did not have its own building for a long time, as well as a creative advance.

Theater address: Ivanovo city, pl. Pushkin, 2.


puppet theater reviews

Ivanovo Puppet Theater offers its audience the following performances:

  • "Mrs. Blizzard."
  • “How did Ivan the Fool become a prince?”
  • "The key to the kingdom."
  • "He, She, and War."
  • "Magic Ring".
  • "Let go of the reins and fly."
  • "Disaster Chest".
  • "Beauty beloved."
  • "A true loyal friend."
  • "Children's Album".
  • "Caliph".
  • "Almost" Little Red Riding Hood.
  • "Little Witch".
  • "Little Raccoon and He who sits in the pond."
  • "Living Water".
  • "About tigers and elephants."
  • "Kashtanka" and other productions.


Ivanovo Regional Puppet Theater

Ivanovo Puppet Theater has a small troupe. There are only 16 actors. Five of them have the title of Honored Artists of Russia.


  • Tatyana Terentyeva.
  • Sergey Sharygin.
  • Alexandra Warent.
  • Boris Novikov.
  • Vera Pavlova.
  • Angelica Oneil.
  • Tamara Klevtsovskaya.
  • Gennady Krestov.
  • Natalia Gromova and others.


puppet theater in Ivanovo

Ivanovo Puppet Theater is the organizer of the international festival "Anthill". This year it was held from April 15 to 19. Professional puppet theaters take part in it.

As part of this festival, the following performances for children and adults were shown:

  • "Tales of the Brothers Grimm."
  • "Hamlet, the Danish prince."
  • "Fedorino grief."
  • The Silver Hoof.
  • "Varvara Ivanovna."
  • "Princess Frog".
  • "Tsar-maiden."
  • "Circus on strings".
  • "Karagez - witches and Indian fakir".
  • "Oscar and the Pink Lady".
  • "Why because".
  • "Finist - Clear Falcon".
  • "The Fox and the Bear."
  • "The Queen of Spades."
  • "Little Raccoon and He who sits in the pond."
  • "Two Don".

Troops from Katowice (Poland) arrived in Ivanovo,Arkhangelsk, Ozersk, Moscow, Orenburg, Vologda, St. Petersburg, Ankara (Turkey), Sakhalin, Yekaterinburg, Grodno, Rybinsk, Ryazan, Vladimir, Kostroma.

Among the participants was the legendary Central Puppet Theater named after S. Obraztsov.

Theater director

children's puppet theater Ivanovo photo

Ivanovo Regional Puppet Theater since 2008lives under the strict guidance of director Sergei Rigert. He was born in 1969. His mother, Ekaterina Petrovna Pirogov, is the founder of the puppet theater, whose director he is.

In 1988, Sergei graduated from motor transportTechnical College of Ivanovo. After that, he served four years in the Russian troops, which were then located in Germany. From 1992 to 2008, he was the creator and leader of several organizations, including the free information service "Infocenter" and the business magazine "Director". In 2008 he was appointed director of the puppet theater. In 2012, he received a directing and producing education at St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts under the postgraduate retraining program.

Sergey Rigert marked by thanks from the headIvanovo, as well as from the department of culture, from the city Duma, from the center of youth policy and from the governor of the region for conscientious work and great contribution to the development of theatrical art.

"Children's album" Tchaikovsky "

Ivanovo pl Pushkin 2

The Ivanovo Puppet Theater offered its spectators an experimental musical performance. It is intended for viewers from 6 years.

It is called the Children's Album of Tchaikovsky. The performance numbers are based on the works of Pyotr Ilyich. This is an attempt to decipher the music of the great composer.

The production uses tablet dolls, elements of the theater of shadows, live drawing and many other interesting solutions.

The director of the play - Elena Ivanova. The presentation lasts 45 minutes. Its premiere took place in 2012, and so far it has been successfully performing on the theater stage.

The main character of the play is music, whichactors and directors tried to make visible. Many scenes are very touching and even make you cry. The performance was created for children, but it is also for adults too.

Before watching the play, you should prepare for it - listen to the works from the "Children's Album" with your child.


Puppet theater reviews from its audience receivespositive. His productions are popular with both children and adults. Before the performance, the characters in fairy tales play games and contests with boys and girls, so that waiting for the beginning of the performance turns into fun.

According to the public, in the theater a wonderful troupe. Actors are given to their beloved business with all their hearts. They are able to charge all the viewers with positive energy.

The performances of the theater are very interesting not only for the kids, but also for their parents.

In the hall - new folding seats, so that they are suitable for children of all ages. Both big and small perfectly see everything that happens on stage.

Parents who repeatedly brought their children to performances, recommend everyone to visit the Ivanovo Puppet Theater. Reviews about the building are as follows: cozy, beautiful, comfortable.

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