/ / Details about why Agatha Christie fell apart

Details of why Agatha Christie fell apart

Some time ago the group "Agatha"Christie. "The reasons for this were called different, and we'll try to understand them today.The staff existed for 21. The brothers themselves announced the project closure after the last album returned the band to slightly faded popularity.

Common story

why agatha christie broke up
Start exploring whyStill, "Agatha Christie" fell apart, follows from the official information. In the interview, the Samoilov brothers note: there were no serious disagreements and scandals between them. To the question of why the Agatha Christie band broke up, the musicians answer that the time has come when it became crowded to create and work together. Everyone now has their own vision of the future. Gleb notes that the brothers always created songs separately. After that, they showed all team members, made adjustments, and discussed. Something was immediately accepted and echoed in the souls of other people. Other works were never sung and were not included in the albums. Up to a certain point, this kind of lifestyle suited everyone. But over time, the differences became more and more. Then the brothers decided that it was better to start creating alone than to try to tune the work for others. The musicians say that they decided to part in order to avoid quarrels. Such an outcome seems to them most favorable for all.

What happened

why did the agate kristi group break up

Now let's try to figure out what the truethe answer to the question of why "Agatha Christie" fell apart. The brothers did not deceive the public and the press. Everything was almost the way they voiced. However, experts in the field of show business note that financial problems also played an important role in this story. The economic crisis has forced many rock musicians to suspend their creative activity in order to reflect on material well-being. Combining different activities is not easy. So you have to choose: business or music. According to some rumors, the answer to the question of why “Agatha Christie” fell apart, lies in the fact that the brothers could not divide the fee for the last album. It can be considered that these are quite ordinary and trivial concerns, but they have a serious imprint and cannot be ignored.

The composition of the group today

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Теперь вы знаете, почему «Агата Кристи» I broke up, but it should clarify what is happening with the project at the moment. The performers noted that they are starting to work separately, but they do not refuse from joint performances and old songs. If there are appropriate invitations, they will come together again and willingly play “Decadence” or “Taiga”. It is even possible to organize another joint tour. So there is hope for a future reunion. It is possible that by solving the difficulties encountered and enjoying solo work, the group will delight fans of new works in the usual composition. In the meantime, anyone can enjoy the new compositions of Gleb and Vadim Samoilov. So we told you why “Agatha Christie” fell apart.

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