/ / Shandals are big candlesticks

Shandals are big candlesticks

Life never stands still. People change, surrounding nature, conditions, rules, customs. Every year there are more and more new inventions - technology, clothing, food and much more.

In speaking, words change. People, communicating among themselves, use new epithets and terms, which then become popular, appearing not only in oral speech.

Of course, there are words and expressions that we stopped using. Even the meaning of many of them is unfamiliar to us. Such words include the word "shandal". What is it?

Shandals are old utensils

Earlier in everyday life there were such things as a washstand, a rubel, a tous, a stall, kerosene lamps, bezmen, spinning wheels, shandal and others.

shandals are
Today, not everyone understands themvalue. For example, shandals are interior items. By and large this structure is a copper candlestick. Often he was so big that he was put on the floor.

Previously, this word was used in literaryworks of IS Turgenev, AS Pushkin, AN Kuprin and other writers. For example: "In her hand she held a candle on a copper shandal and lit a ladder."

In the translation from Persian, the shandals are literally "receptacles of a candle". The copper trunk of the candlestick branched, sometimes it could fit more than ten candles.

Other meaning

To the modern generation the word can be familiarthanks to the work of Sergey Karelin, who wrote the book "Chronicles of Shandal", which tells about people, elves, magicians and other supernatural beings living in Shandal. Of course, in this case the original meaning of the word is lost.

Chronicles of Shandal


In today's world, there is no need to use shandal. Therefore this word was lost, it disappeared.

Know all the obsolete words, of course, impossible.But some of them still have to be understood. Yes, shandals are old inventions. The word is not used today, but it, nevertheless, is often found in various literary works. Such knowledge can come in handy.

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