/ / Svetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina: biography and directing work

Svetlana S. Druzhinina: biography and directing work

Circus artist, ballerina, TV presenter, actress -who did not visit her long life Svetlana Druzhinina. The biography of the star shows how long she looked for her true vocation, until she found it. Just as the director who filmed the "Midshipmen, forward!" And "Secrets of palace coups", this talented woman is most known to the public. What can we say about it?

Svetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina: biography of the star

Future celebrity was born in Moscow, happenedthis is in December 1935. Maryina Roshcha is the place where Svetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina spent her first years of life. The biography of the ladies director shows that she comes from a simple family. The girl's father worked as a driver, the mother was a teacher.

svetlana sergeevna druginina biography

Svetlana's childhood can not be called absolutelyhappy, since she was no more than six years old when the family lost her father. A man died in the Battle of Smolensk during the Second World War. The mother rarely saw the girl, since she had to work hard to feed her daughter. However, Druzhinina had bright memories of her first years of life, she gladly tells in an interview about how she played “Cossack-robbers” with her numerous friends.

Circus, ballet

The circus performer is the first profession in whichSvetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina tried to achieve success. The biography of the star suggests that she was barely eleven when she accidentally learned about the recruitment of children in a circus school. Svetlana was easily given classes, she even got her own number, speaking as a “rubber girl”. Soon, however, the mother forbade her daughter to speak, as she feared that she would want to go on tour with the troupe. It is known that she even locked the child at home so that the girl did not run away.

biography of druzhinina svetlana Sergeevna

Ballet - the next hobby that has acquiredSvetlana Druzhinina. Biography of a celebrity claims that she became interested in him after meeting with the granddaughter of the famous Isadora Duncan. Sveta became a student of the choreographic school, which worked at the Stanislavsky Theater. For some time she was seriously going to become a ballerina, the teachers constantly praised the talented and purposeful girl. Unfortunately, her plans did not come true because of a hand injury.

TV, film debut

Biography Druzhinin Svetlana Sergeevnatestifies that this amazing woman happened to visit the leading KVN. The star considers this experience to be an excellent school, thanks to the live broadcasts, she got rid of the fear of the camera. However, she did not lead the lead for long, as she attracted the interest of the director Samsonov. Maitre decided that the girl is perfect for the role of Sonja Bozhko - the heroine of his new painting “Behind a Storefront of a Store”. Legend has it that at the casting Druzhinina danced Spanish dance.

druzhinina svetlana sergeevna biography children

Her first character is a charming saleswoman,employee of a huge department store. In a young beauty falls in love with a police lieutenant. Relationship lovers are not easy, they always have reasons for quarrels. Of course, the story ends well, like most of the romantic dramas of the time. Svetlana liked to work on the set, she even entered VGIK, wanting to learn all the secrets of the acting profession. It is known that the famous Leonid Kuravlev was her fellow student.

Starring roles

"It was in Penkovo" - the name of the nextDruzhinina Svetlana Sergeevna. Filmography star acquired this tape in 1958. Novice actress got the role of the daughter of the chairman - the village girl Larisa, who unexpectedly becomes a member of the love triangle. Her husband, the heroine, is trying to take the beautiful Tonya away from the family, as a result of which Larisa decides to make the insidious ruler apart.

druzhinina svetlana sergeevna biography family

"Girls" - another picture in which Druzhininplayed a memorable role. In this comedy, she embodied the image of Anfisa, her heroine became the favorite of thousands of viewers. Anfisa gives the impression of self-confident beauty, surrounded by fans. However, towards the end of the film, viewers will find out that she really suffers from loneliness, without waiting for true love.

The most active Svetlana starred in a movie inthe period from 1955 to 1965, played many roles. Among the films with her participation, we can recall such tapes as “Favorite”, “Somewhere there is a son”, “Eagle skeleton”, “Green Light”.

Return to VGIK

Druzhinina Svetlana Sergeevna, the photo of which canto see in this article, by its decision to retrain from actress to director, surprised all friends and relatives. For admission to the relevant faculty of VGIK star needed printing. As a result, she began to publish her own stories in magazines, one of which even won an honorary award and an approving review by Shklovsky.

Druzhinina Svetlana Sergeyevna filmography

Svetlana graduated from the directing department in 1969. Her thesis work was the short film “Zinka”, the projectionist Vasily, who unexpectedly met his first love, tells about the misadventures.

"Fulfillment of desires"

Druzhinina debut as a director was held in1974 It was then that she presented to the public her first tape, called "Fulfillment of desires." The plot of the drama was borrowed from the famous work of Kaverin.

Druzhinina Svetlana Sergeyevna photo

Legend has it that the writer forFor a long time, he refused to allow the film in his film to be shot by a woman who does not have directing experience. However, a personal meeting with Svetlana dispelled his doubts, he even tried to persuade her to play the main role. But Druzhinina chose to entrust this task to Larisa Luzhina. It is curious that she, after this, refused to appear in her films, not wanting to combine the two roles.

The first works

Svetlana Druzhinina - director, already in1976 delighted fans of the new work. It was the musical drama “The Sun, the Sun Again!”, The plot of which is taken from the story “The Wedding”, written by Holendro. The action takes place in a small fishing village on the coast of the Azov Sea. The main character is young Sasha, who is trying to win the girl of his dreams, having received the title of the best fisherman. For the sake of achieving his goal, the guy goes to the trick, which he regret in the future.

svetlana sergeevna druzhina photo

“Matchmaking of a Hussar”, “Dulcinea Tobos”,"The Princess of the Circus" - Druzhinin's paintings began to go out one by one. The “Circus Princess” made a particular impression on the public, the main role in this drama was played by Natalya Belokhvostikova. When viewing this tape, one feels a love for the circus, which Svetlana acquired in early childhood.

"Midshipmen, forward!"

There is hardly a viewer who neverI heard about the main achievement Druzhinina as a director. The adventure drama “Midshipmen, Forward!” Made superstars not only those who starred in it. It was then that Svetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina truly recognized the taste of glory. The biography, family, and personal life of the woman were under the scrutiny of the press, but by that time she was accustomed to the role of a public person.

Сумасшедшая популярность первой части привела к that the second and third were removed. In 2017, viewers will be able to see the fourth one, which deals with the events of 1787. It is known that such stars as Kharatyan, Boyarsky, Domogarov, Orbakaite, Presnyakov will gather again on the set.

"Secrets of palace coups"

It is impossible not to note another major achievement.Svetlana, which was a multiseries project "Secrets of Palace Revolutions". All people who are interested in Russian history should certainly familiarize themselves with it, since the plot is based on real events. The focus is on women empress, who, after the death of Peter the Great, ascended the throne one by one. It is known that the historical adventure epic is conceived as a 12-episode series, at the moment viewers will be able to watch already eight films.

Life Behind the Scenes

Not only as a director Druzhinina took placeSvetlana Sergeevna, a biography whose children invariably attract the attention of fans and the press. It is known that the actress married for love, her husband Anatoly Mukaseya met while studying at VGIK. The couple had two children, but the accident that took place in 1978 took the life of the eldest son. Survive the loss of Svetlana helped her husband’s support and the need to take care of her orphaned grandson Daniel, who was actually adopted by his grandmother and grandfather.

Mikhail, the youngest son of Svetlana, also decided to connect his life with the world of cinema, following in the parental footsteps. The man took place as a cameraman and producer.

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