/ Varroatosis of bees: prevention, treatment methods. Beekeeping for beginners

Varroatosis of bees: prevention, treatment methods. Beekeeping for beginners

Varroatosis is one of the most common andunpleasant bee diseases. It is called by the miter Varroa destructor. This arthropod parasitizes bees, drones, queen bees, larvae and pupae, feeding on their blood. As a result, insects weaken and eventually die.

Mite appearance

Only Varroa females parasitize bees.destructor. Individuals of the male sex do not cause any harm to insects. After fertilizing the female, they immediately die. Externally, the mite varroa resembles a small crab (1.1 mm) brown. The female of this parasite has a piercing-sucking oral apparatus. With it, she pierces the chitinous cover of the bee and begins to suck the blood (hemolymph). The tick of this species breeds very quickly, laying eggs about 0.5 mm in size.

varroatosis of bees

Ways of infection

To date, almost all apiaries have families infected with this dangerous parasite. Varroatosis of bees can be transmitted in several ways:

  • when buying new families in disadvantaged farms;
  • through thieving bees;
  • through queen with retinue;
  • through bee packages;
  • through wandering bees.

How does the disease manifest itself

The danger of varroatosis, among other things,lies in the fact that it is difficult to detect at the initial stage. The Varroa destructor mite, as already mentioned, has very small dimensions. Therefore, it is difficult to notice the parasites in the event that they have not multiplied too much. In case of more serious damage, bee varroatosis can be determined by the behavior of the insects themselves. They less actively collect nectar and at the same time become much more aggressive and restless. On top of that, their lifespan is also shortened.

If the beekeeper does not take measures to rid the bees oftick, the disease will go into a deeper stage. At the same time, an extremely weakened motley brood will begin to appear in the hive. In addition, a large number of ugly small bees can indicate a neglected varroatosis. Some individuals from infected hives, for example, do not have wings. Another sign of the disease is the shortened abdomen of bees. Varroatosis enters the final stage for the 3-4th year after infection.

bee diseases


Take action should startimmediately after the bee varroa is detected. Signs of this disease, therefore, are primarily insect restlessness and the appearance of ugly individuals in a hive. What are the consequences of infection with Varroa destructor?

The most unpleasant consequence of this diseaseis, of course, a significant decrease in the productivity of bees. In addition, in the fall a sick family may not form a cube. In winter, weakened infected bees usually die of hunger. Sometimes it happens that irritated insects, on the contrary, actively pounce on food. As a result, they die in the spring due to diarrhea.

How does the disease develop

Getting into the hive, the female tick penetrates the cellhoneycomb with a larva. After the bees seal it, it begins to actively feed. In this case, the tick lays several eggs, from which new females and one male subsequently emerge. About a week later, the latter fertilizes its sisters and dies. The founding female and new parasites leave the cell after its opening and after 4 days begin a new egg-laying.

The greatest number of parasites during infectionvarroa is observed in the drone brood (7-15 times more than in bee). The life of the female in the summer is about 3 months, in the winter - 9.

How to determine the presence of a tick in the hive

Since the varroa destructor is very common andusually causes enormous damage to the apiary, only timely diagnosis of infection can be a guarantee of success of such activities as beekeeping. In the spring, beehives should be inspected. This will reduce the damage caused by the mite to a minimum. Special attention during the inspection should be paid to brood. You should also make sure that the bees behave in the usual way, and there are no dead individuals in the hive itself. The wings of insects must be whole, healthy. The presence of bitten may indicate infection.

In addition to the hive itself, you need to explore the space next to it. Bees usually throw out infected, severely weakened larvae and pupae.

How can I save a hive from a tick

Treat varroatosis of bees in different ways.All techniques can be divided into three large groups. Most often, beekeepers use special chemicals of various kinds to rid the hive from the tick. But among the beekeepers there are also supporters of environmentally friendly methods. Such beekeepers treat varroa with natural remedies. There are also mechanical ways to remove parasites. For example, sometimes they get rid of ticks by placing bees in a special heat chamber for 15 minutes (at a temperature of about 47 degrees). However, this method is very laborious, and therefore rarely used. Also, beekeepers sometimes cut drone brood from hives. After all, it contains the greatest number of ticks.

bipin for bees instruction

Use of chemicals

Like any other disease of bees, varroatosis is often treated with various types of commercial preparations. Of the special tools of this group, beekeepers usually use:

  • peritroids ("Apifit", "Apistan", "Fumisan");
  • bromopropyls ("Folbeks");
  • formanins ("Bipin", "Anitraz", "Taktin").

Приобрести все эти средства можно в specialized store "Goods for beekeepers" or via the Internet. The same drug for several years in a row in the apiary can not be used. This leads to the emergence of a new tick mutation that is resistant to this particular agent. Experienced beekeepers advise using the following treatment regimen in the apiary:

  • Use natural remedies at the beginning and middle of summer.
  • In August apply "Fumisan" or "Apifit".
  • In the fall use "Bipin" or "Taktin".

Treatment of varroatosis in the spring is usually carried out using "Apifita" (1 plate for 3 cells).

Remove the hive from the mite is especially difficult beforewintering The fact is that at this time the females penetrate into the tergites of the bees, where they remain until the spring. Consequently, the used chemicals simply do not affect them. Therefore, in the fall, before processing with Bipin or Tactin, 20% tincture of mint should be used. Mites do not like the smell of this herb. Therefore, they are activated and leave the tergites. In this case, the parasites fall under the action of the main drugs.

"Bipin" for bees: instructions for use

Этот препарат, относящийся к группе форманинов, To combat varroa, beekeepers use more often than other compounds. Therefore, below we consider what it is and how it is used. The main active ingredient of "Bipin" is amitraz - a special, destructive effect on ticks, poison. This tool is supplied in ampoules and is a yellowish liquid with an unpleasant odor (like naphthalene).

Как же правильно использовать "Бипин" для пчел?Instructions for its application is extremely simple. For processing using an aqueous solution. The latter is prepared by mixing one ampoule (0.5 ml) in a liter of pure water. The treatment is carried out by small-jet irrigation "streets" of the hive (10 ml per one) twice with an interval of a week.

Natural remedies

Like almost any other bee diseases,varroatosis can be treated not only with the use of chemistry, but also with various natural compounds. From natural, safe means for disposal of a beehive from ticks can be used:

  • formic and oxalic acids;
  • various kinds of oil (dill, fir);
  • medicinal herbs.

В сахар, закладываемый в улей перед зимовкой, Experts advise adding a natural remedy CAS 81, which is a decoction of pine wormwood and buds. After the bees eat it, their blood becomes bitter. As a result, the mites simply refuse to eat it.

beekeeping in spring

Use of oils

This method is considered quite effective.but at the same time and labor-intensive. Oils for the treatment of bees can be used different. Beekeepers can use, for example, fir pine, pine, etc. Very often insects are treated, for example, with refined vegetable oil mixed with a few drops of camphor or dill. This compound can be really very useful in such a business as beekeeping. In the spring of insects should be sprayed with this oil mixture, pulling out a pre-frame, using a special spray. Processing must be performed twice with an interval of 10 days. For the third time, the oil is used in the autumn, after the honey collection is over, spending about 2 g of the drug per frame.

For the treatment of varroa can also be given to bees.spring dressing with dill oil mixed into it. Sometimes the beekeepers also heat the last in a special chamber and send it to the hive using an automotive pump.

Top dressing with oil is very simple.To do this, among other things, you need a little syrup (for example, from jam). 10-15 parts of dill oil mixed with 85-90 parts of vaseline. Then add 2-3 ml of syrup. The resulting tool is applied evenly on 2 sheets of paper. Next, one of them is placed on the hive bottom (with the treatment layer up), and the second is placed on top of the frames. Dill oil can be purchased at the store or make yourself. In the latter case, 300 g of seeds are pounded. Then they are poured with sunflower oil and insist for a week, stirring constantly. The finished product is filtered through the gauze folded several times.

Use of oxalic acid

This tool is always available in stores."Products for beekeepers" and is used by beekeepers very widely. Apply oxalic acid mainly for spraying. In this case, the framework is removed from the hives. From the acid itself prepare a 2% solution in boiled water. It is necessary to spend 10-12 ml of funds for one frame. It is necessary to carry out processing at a temperature not lower than 16 degrees. Spray several times per season (3-4). In the autumn, the treatment is done after the honey is pumped out and before feeding is done. When using oxalic acid, ticks begin to fall off already on the 10-12th day. The treatment is carried out in dry weather. It is impossible to use oxalic acid for too long. When using this tool for more than six years in a row, parasites develop resistance.

bee treatment

Oxalic acid is allowed to be used not only for spraying, but also for fumigating the hive with pairs. In this case, as with the use of dill oil, a special chamber and a pump are used.

Use of herbs

Like any other diseases of bees, varroatosis cantreat with herbs. All sorts of infusions and decoctions are used if they want to preserve the ecological purity of honey. However, a beekeeper who chooses to use natural remedies should keep in mind that they are significantly inferior to chemical preparations (by 50%) in effectiveness.

Treatment of bees from the tick can be carried out using, for example, such means as:

  • Broth of motherwort, chamomile and calendula (boil for 50 minutes). The prepared liquid is mixed with sugar syrup and fed to the bees with the resulting composition. This decoction is usually used in the fall.
  • Infusion of 50 g paprika in 0.5 liters of boiled water. In such a burning liquid, add a little sugar syrup. This tool is used as a top dressing in the spring.
  • Cherry twigs. They are simply laid out on the framework. Instead of a bird cherry, you can try to expel the tick with the help of chopped thyme
  • Coniferous flour. It is sprayed in the spring, at a time when there is little brood in the hive.

Using these tools quiteIt is difficult, but still it is possible to get rid of such a disease as varroatosis of bees. Herbal therapy, however, is still worth taking in conjunction with chemicals. This will get rid of the mite as quickly as possible.

Heat treatment

Treatment of bees for varroatosis by this method canbe very effective. Heat treatment is an environmentally friendly, but at the same time quite labor-intensive technique. Perform this procedure usually in the fall. It is made as follows:

  • In the lower entrance serves 10 clouds of smoke from the smoker.
  • The tapes are closed, and the hive itself is brought into the room, the air temperature in which is slightly higher than outside (but not more than 12 degrees).
  • Frames are removed from the hive.
  • The bees, along with the uterus, are shaken off into the cassette through the funnel.
  • The cassette closes. Bees need to stand in it for 15 minutes.
  • The cassette is recorded in a heated bath. The air temperature in the room should be stable and keep at 47 degrees.

During processing, the cassette should be rotated andshake, not allowing the bees to tangle. After 15 minutes, the bees are taken out of the bath. In the room where the hive remained, the cassette should be held for another 15 minutes. Next, the insects are poured back on the frame and set the last in the hive. After the bees calm down, the lower entrance opens by 8 cm. After an hour, it is reduced to the size required at this time of year.

If necessary, the treatment of bees from varroatosis in the bath is carried out again in the spring. Perform it at this time five days after the first flight.

spring varroatis treatment


Like many other diseases of bees, curing varroa is quite difficult. It is much easier to try to prevent ticks from entering the hive. Prevention may include the following activities:

  • installation of a special anti-barrotic bottom in the hives;
  • cleaning at the apiary (removal of excess grass, debris, discarded brood, etc.);
  • the use of special preparations (for example, Timol products);
  • installation in the hives framework with wax;
  • unification of weak families, etc.

Prevention of varroatosis should be carried out onapiaries necessarily. In addition, the beekeeper should make sure that the bees do not become infected with various concomitant diseases carried by the tick.

Virus infection prevention

Sucking blood, mite varroa destructor heavilyweakens the bee, as a result of which it loses its vitality and eventually dies. However, this is not the only harm caused by this parasite. So, for example, deformities in bees appear primarily because the female Varroa destructor infect them with various kinds of harmful microorganisms. This could be, for example, a wing deformity virus or acute paralysis.

Prevention of this kind of disease isFirst of all, in taking measures to increase the immunity of bees. Very often, apiary owners use, for example, top dressing with coniferous infusion. Also, good reviews as a means of increasing immunity are available about the drug "Endoglukin."

 goods for beekeepers


As you can see, varroatosis of bees is a very diseaseserious. Measures to destroy the tick should be taken at the first signs of infection. Otherwise, the beekeeper is not only waiting for huge losses associated with a strong decline in the productivity of bees. If the disease is started, the family can be completely lost.

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