/ / The famous stylist Vlad Lisovets

The famous stylist Vlad Lisovets

Famous Russian stylist, popular TV presenter, contemporary designer Vlad Lisovets, his life and work are of interest to many of his fans.

Childhood, family

Vlad Lisowiec
Vladislav was born in Baku (Azerbaijan) in a thousandnine hundred and seventy-two. His father is a railroad worker with forty years of experience, his mother is a worker in a laboratory testing fuel at a railroad. From a young age the boy was fond of choreography, graduated from the school of ballet. This art form he dedicated seven years of life, but later abandoned it. The young man clearly understood that he would never become a soloist of the famous theater. All that he achieved in the ballet, it was possible to evaluate the "three plus." And since he was not used to being second or third, he deliberately left his favorite pastime.

The hairdresser

Vlad Lisovets, whose biography could have formedotherwise, if he continued to practice ballet, was carried away by hairdressing. And it's not accidental - he was always interested in questions of style and fashion. Therefore, he entered the school and began his experiments, which were not always successful, on relatives.

The beginning of the metropolitan life

At the end of 1994, Vlad Lisovets came to Moscow andgot a job in the most ordinary hairdresser, which was located near Ostankino. A very short time passed, and his regular clients were Anita Tsoy, members of the "Brilliant" and "Agatha Christie" groups, Zhanna Friske, Vlad Stashevsky, Valery Leontiev and other stars of the domestic show business.


Fame to the young stylist brought not only his skill, but also gallant,

vlad biography
respect for women, as well as fullabsence of outrageous actions. According to the stylist himself, his attitude towards a woman is more a genetic heredity than a special education. He remembers that his grandfather is always very respectful and even with reverence belonged to the weaker sex, however, like Papov's father.

Work on TV

In 2008, Vlad Lisovets started a talk show aboutfashion "Women's Form", which was a success on the channel "Home". Later he became a member of the jury in the project "Top Model in Russian", created his program "Style Week", which was very popular with beautiful ladies.

Vlad Lisovets, whose biography is today closelyis connected with television, plans new interesting projects for women that will help every girl or woman to believe in themselves, to become feminine and attractive.

wife of the fox

Personal life

Vlad was married.He got married when he was twenty-five years old. Unfortunately, family life did not work out almost immediately. Vlad Lysovets's wife turned out to be a mediocre personality, and, as is known, a popular stylist most appreciates originality and originality, that's why he decided two years later to destroy the bored relationship. About his wife, he always responds with respect. He still does not call her name (by mutual agreement), but claims that she was a very caring and economic girl.

Vlad Lisovets, who by the age of 42 achievedmany, today lives alone. However, he began to think more and more about the family and children. It is very important for him that his chosen one is natural. This applies not only to her inner nature, but also to her appearance. Women who pump themselves silicone, changing the shape of the nose or chin, it does not interest.

"Hairdresser's office" Vlad Lisovets

Famous stylist and designer in 2013 releasedauthor's series of T-shirts and sweatshirts. Initially, they were conceived as branded clothes of employees of the "Hairdressing Office". Created by Vlad's sketch of hoodies, after their photos appeared on the Internet, they became very popular.

What is a "Hairdresser's Office"

barber's shop
Today Vlad Lisovets is the owner of the networkbeauty salons. They are united by the name "Hairdresser's office". They are located in the heart of the capital. Customers are always offered the widest choice of the most modern hairdressing services. In addition, here you can get advice from professionals in the field of style and fashion.

Exquisite and refined interior, comfortable and beautiful environment, modern pleasant music and the highest professionalism of the staff made Lisovets showrooms very attractive for clients.

"Hairdresser's office" Vlad Lisovetsis represented in some Russian regions. Outside Moscow, the first salon was opened in sunny Krasnodar. Vlad very carefully monitors the quality of staff training in their salons, no matter where they are. He himself conducts training for his employees.


On this subject Lisovets does not like to spread.But the ubiquitous journalists managed to find out that he is happy to help schools for talented children, orphanages, arranges holidays for children, and he himself gets tremendous pleasure from this.

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