/ / Characters and actors who played them: "Wolf Sun" - a series about the Soviet-Polish confrontation

Characters and actors who played them: "Wolf Sun" - a series about the Soviet-Polish confrontation

In 2014director Sergey Ginzburg shot a serial film in which many famous actors took part. “Wolf Sun” gathered a decent audience on the screens and made it necessary to watch the development of events with enthusiasm for twelve episodes. Who played the main roles in this series and which characters were involved in the screen action?

Invited actors: “Wolf Sun” and his main character Mikhail Ostanin

“Wolf Sun” is a typical spy drama.In the center of the plot is a young Chekist, who cares for the future of his vast country. Thanks to his stubbornness, Mikhail Ostanin becomes the owner of important information that a massive offensive of White immigrant troops is allegedly expected from Poland.

actors wolf sun
NKVD and intelligence, without thinking twice, charge Ostaninmission to infiltrate the inner circle of the Polish General Romovsky. And Ostanin this mission brilliantly performs. Only to be a spy is not easy, especially when “on the other side”, in the camp of the enemy, you find yourself beloved.

Project director Sergei Ginzburg, who shot earlier“To kill Stalin” and “Bitch for a champion” made it possible for quite respected actors to get into his project: “Wolf Sun” was included in the filmography of Andrei Merzlikin, Ekaterina Klimova, Vladimir Ilyina. But Gela Meskhi, a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, is the youngest and most unknown performer in this company. On account of the actor, only 15 works in the cinema. Previously, he played leading roles in the little-known pictures of Hamlet, Physics or Chemistry, and also The Son of the Father of Nations. In 2016, with the participation of the artist, 4 premieres are expected immediately.

"Wolf Sun": actors and roles. Andrei Merzlikin as Viktor Romovsky

According to the plot, from the side of Poland the White Armythe regiments were to be led by General Romovsky. It was to him that Ostanin had to get his confidence. The “sent down Cossack” succeeded in this - gradually the Polish general trusted the spy so much that he even began to give him personal assignments. The image of Viktor Romovsky was entrusted to Andrei Merzlikin, although many other actors claimed the role.

wolf sun actors
“Wolf Sun” is not the only project inwhich Merzlikin took the role of the main character. Every year the artist is increasingly strengthening his position in the national cinema. It all began with the famous action movie "Boomer", where Merzlikin appeared with Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Sergey Gorobchenko. From the recent roles of Merzlikin in the cinema, one can note the image of director Vadim Rajewski, who got entangled in life, from the film “The Green Carriage” and the role of aviation captain Verigin in the drama “Talyanka”.

Vladimir Ilyin in the role of Chekist Shilov

Vladimir Ilyin acted in films since 1967But because of his unusual appearance, the artist has been in the shadow for a long time. Only in adulthood Ilyin found his unique type and began to enjoy success.

wolf sun actors and roles
The first picture, after which Vladimir becamerecognizable - this is the drama “Accident is the daughter of a cop,” in which Ilyin played the role of a policeman. Then there was a whole series of films in which Ilyin was assigned the role of the military or the police: “Anchor, another anchor”, “Lost in Siberia”, “Makarov”. Closer to 2000, Ilyin played the role of Cyril in “Burnt by the Sun”, the role of an investigator in the action movie “Crusader” and captain Mokina in “The Siberian Barber”. For a long time, the actor played an employee of MUR Gryaznov in the series “March of Turkey”.

In the film “Wolf Sun”, actors Vladimir Ilyin and Gela Meskhi played NKVD colleagues.

Ekaterina Klimova as Beata

Graduate of Schepkinsky School Ekaterina Klimovafirst burst onto the screens in 2004, thanks to the premiere of the soap opera “Poor Nastya”. Then Klimova got one of the main roles - Princess Repnina. I must say, the actress looked very impressive in historical dresses and wore them with dignity.

movie actors wolf sun
Then, for four years, Klimova lost herself inepisodic roles in various TV shows. And in 2008, the actress recalled herself again as Ninochka’s nurse from the popular film “We are from the Future” (with the participation of Danila Kozlovsky and Vladimir Yaglych). Now Klimova constantly flashes on the screens, getting the main roles in a variety of projects.

In the film "Wolf Sun" actor Klimov and Meskhi,unfortunately, no lovers played, although the couple would be beautiful. The main character chose another girl, the heroine of Sofia Kashtanova. However, the Polish beauty Beata performed by Catherine did not lose hope to win the heart of Mikhail Ostanin to the last.

Other performers of roles

The actors of the film “Wolf Sun” are Alexander Robak, Jan Frych and Sofya Kashtanova.

Robuck, known from the films "Homeland" and "Lifeis just beginning, ”received the role of smuggler Stefan Gansky on the series. A Polish actor Jan Frych acted as the head of the Polish counterintelligence Frantisek Sigunda. And, finally, the beloved of the protagonist (Polish lady Irina Belinskaya) was played by Sophia Kashtanova, who previously starred in the films “Spa Romance”, “The Thaw” and “Random Connection”.

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