/ / Good French cinema is a great way to spend time

Good French cinema is a great way of hanging out

It is not a secret to anyone thatgood French cinema has always been and will be filled with love, tenderness and romance. And this is not surprising. After all, this country is not without reason considered the place of all lovers. Good French cinema is distinguished by sensual and amazing stories, original stories of heroes and unpredictable finals. Films are always filled with a variety of exquisite details, and the characters have though difficult, but very interesting fates and characters.

good french cinema

Good French cinema - for a wide audience

So, more in detail.Good French cinema is radically different from Canadian, American, Russian films. It happens, it is not so simple to understand it. However, here the connoisseurs of high art always extol the good French cinema over the pictures of other producing countries. These films are filled with romantic adventures and love experiences. In them lies the unobtrusive French humor. They captivate the viewer with the splendor and charm of Paris and other chic cities.

You can see such pictures in a big companyfriends, alone with your loved one and even alone with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Be that as it may, the viewer gets great pleasure. Elegant French humor helps to cheer up, learn something new in the relationship of men and women.

And this is not necessarily the "tearful" women's films. The charm of French cinema will appeal to any viewer, regardless of age and gender. Film films bring people into full rapture.

french movies best movies

"One meeting", "Mad wedding", "Cafe de Flor"

By the way, many argue that the cinema is old -better. The French (and not only), by the way, are being shot quite well for today. For example, pay attention to the picture called "One meeting". Here is described the theory of what could have happened if ... Typically a woman's picture of love.

Another good film - "Mad wedding".This is a very funny comedy. In the first half of her three sisters from a rich family marry a Chinese, a Jew and an Arab. In the second half, the fourth daughter chooses a black African-American for herself.

"Cafe de Flor" - a powerful picture.To understand the purpose of the plot and its meaning, however, it is possible only in half an hour. At the end of the movie, everything falls into place. In this film is particularly impressive game Vanessa Parady. She played the role of a tired housewife.

cinema is better than the French

"Name", "Chef for the President", "Chief", "Married for two days"

What else is worth watching those who love French cinema? The best films that give the viewer a great pleasure are listed below.

The picture "Name" is a tape about prejudices about bad and good names. A wonderful game of actors and a live story deliver a lot of vivid impressions to the viewer.

"Chef for the President" - the film is calm and relaxing. French cuisine, noble president, narcissistic men. This picture fully describes the mentality of the French.

The recognition of many TV viewers was also won by a comedy called "Chef". This is a very good movie with elements of a love story about the two chefs of the new and old school.

"A woman for two days" with Diane Kruger and Dani Boone can not be valued by any woman. Here are laughter and tears, love and hate. The picture turned out to be quite interesting.

good French movie about love

"Foam Days", "Random Novel", "Long Live France!", "Lucy"

From the very beginning, the film attracts the viewer with its originality film "Foam Days". This is a very good French movie about love. Although this line is traced for the most part in the finals.

Typically French cinema "Random novel" - a comedy about the relationship of my mother and her grown daughter. In this case, there is an obvious dramatic component in the plot.

"Long live France!" Is an incredibly brave comedy. Modern patriotism, local separatism, love of migrants, feminism, common causes of terrorism - all of this is revealed here is simply excellent.

Well, of course, it's just impossible not to rememberabout "Lucy". The role of the director was made by Luc Besson. This is a magnificent film with an original story, something that echoes with the famous painting called "Area of ​​Darkness". In a word, Besson's excellent work.

So, good French movies createda lot. Most of them - the pictures are very light and sensual. Watching such films means having a lot of fun. Do not believe me? Check it out for yourself!

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