What is satire

Do you like jokes? And which ones?Yes, they are really all different. It is important to note that this difference is not only in the content, but also in their focus. The quality, meaning and purpose of any joke depends on exactly what it is built on.

You can laugh in many different ways:humor is good, evil, sharp, hard, thin and so on. People are very different from each other, which means that they are laughing the same things over the same things. The fact that some cause wild laughter, in others can cause only disgust. Humor is diverse - it's very good. Some of its forms allow us to laugh even at what it is like and impossible to laugh at.

Humor and Satire

Let's talk about the genre of comedic, whichcan not only cheer people, but also point to a certain imperfection of the world, errors in the behavior of individuals and so on. What is satire? This is what exists for many centuries, the genre to which many poets and writers have given much power. In principle, we can say that satire is nothing more than mocking someone or something. It existed even in antiquity. Yes, a person has always been able to pay attention to some imperfection and submit it in a comical manner. In Russia satire has always been popular. Why? Because the mind of our people is very inquisitive. It has never been difficult for writers and poets of Russia to look into the essence of things, to get hold of something important and to give it in such a way that it would be interesting for everyone. Humor of our people is specific. It is important to note that we are able to laugh not only over others, but also on ourselves. In this we are really practically unique, this gives us a great advantage over all the others.

What is satire and what is its main difference fromnormal humor or, for example, sarcasm, irony and so on? The fact is that the term "humor" means an innocent joke, which in no case should offend anyone - as the special literature says. We used to call humor all jokes in a row. Irony is a description of an object that is opposite to the real state of affairs. What is sarcasm? Sarcasm is a gross, sarcastic mockery. Often it is associated with aggression and discontent. But what is satire? In fact, it is something middle between irony and sarcasm. This means that based on her jokes are quite aggressive, but still this anger is hidden. It is important to note that it always points to some shortcoming of the phenomenon or person.

What is satire?It is a recognition that the world is imperfect. Correctly describing it with the help of satire is not so easy. This is due to the fact that it reflects the very essence of things. To ridicule something abstract, it simply can not.

Satire enables people to laugh evenwhen their position is excessively bad. Thanks to her, we can laugh even at death. Satire helps to uplift the spirit even in a hopeless situation and when everything is destroyed, but there are almost no hopes. Right laughter has a special power, an irresistible force and limitless power.

What is satire?This is what teaches people to think philosophically. It is she who helps to pay attention to the smallest, but at the same time very important details that usually go unnoticed. She also teaches to fantasize, makes the mind sharp, inclines us to self-improvement. We need to appreciate everything that develops us, makes smarter, better, more observant.

On satire, as a rule, very smartjokes. They are easily perceived by people. First of all, for the reason that they are taken from life, and therefore, their objects are close to people. Satire can not be destroyed. It will always be relevant and in demand. Satire - this is exactly the edge of the comic, which will always be in sight.

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