"Canary soup" is a comedy performance forthe play Milos Radovic. In the center of the story - he and she, who have been living in a civil marriage for 13 years. The performance is touring with great success throughout our vast homeland. Starring famous actors: Tatiana Vasilyeva and Igor Sklyar.
The play "Soup from the Canary" was staged, as alreadysaid, according to the play of the contemporary writer Milos Radovic. A married couple who have been living in a civil marriage for 13 years, suddenly decides to legalize relations and submits an application to the registry office. The viewer is to find answers to the questions in this performance. Are there any differences between a civil marriage and a legitimate one? And can a stamp in a passport guarantee married couples a happy family life? The heroes of the play also ask themselves these questions and try to find answers to them before they are already a legitimate husband and wife.
Sparkling comedy, filled with witty jokes and funny dialogs, will allow the viewer to laugh and think about the problems that many of us face.
As the author of the play himself says, "this performance is an acute dish with tears and laughter".
The couple crosses the threshold of the registry office, before registering themmarriage is only five minutes, which they spend in meditation on whether their decision to become legal spouses was right, whether something will change in their relationship after the stamp in the passport appears, or it is better to leave everything as is and continue to live in an uninterrupted civil marriage.
This problem has been relevant for many years. Mankind is still arguing and does not find the only true answer to the question of what is better - a civil marriage or a stamp in the passport.
In the role of spouses in front of the publicfamous actors who are known for numerous works in cinema and theater, People's Artists of Russia Tatyana Vasilyeva and Igor Sklyar. They will truthfully and passionately tell the story of the life of the couple in love, what can it become after they have entered into a legal marriage: a wedding, a wedding night, the birth and upbringing of children, old age ... The performance is closely interwoven with humor and drama, it will make spectators and laugh, and cry.
And that, and the other side of the coin called"Family life" will show the audience a sparkling, merry and at the same time a little sad story "Canary soup" (performance). Music in the production is used from the repertoire of French performers, such as Maury Yeston and Haris Alexiou. It perfectly complements the plot. Help make the actors' play even more expressive the transforming scenery of Anastasia Nefyodova.
The play "Soup from the Canary" is stagedtheatrical and film director Roman Samgin. He graduated from GITIS. Initially, Roman was educated as an actor and served in the theater Lenkom. Then he graduated from the director's department, the course of one of the most brilliant directors of Russia - MA. Zakharova. Then he began to teach. Today R. Samghin works both in the theater and on television. Youth audience is known for such a humorous series as "Univer". It was Roman who directed him. In addition, the wide audience and such his works are known:
Roman was awarded the "Moscow debut" prize for his directorial work. And also one of his productions at the theater festival in Brno won the nomination "Best Performance".
The most important indicator of success orthe failures of the production are viewers' opinions. "Canary soup" is very popular with the public. In their numerous responses, viewers write that he is amazing, sparkling, one of the most "truly theatrical." The setting is pleased with the absence of flat jokes. The audience notes that the play itself, on which the performance is staged, is magnificent.
Director's work is also awarded laudatoryreviews. The play is touching, vital, makes you laugh and cry. In addition to the main two characters, Mim takes part in the production. His presence does not distract the audience from the main action, but even on the contrary - it brings a zest and adds a different mood.
The main female role in the play "Soup fromcanaries "performed by actress Vasilyeva Tatyana - the favorite of the public and the owner of a large number of awards for her creative work. She is on the list of the most outstanding actresses of our country. Tatiana Grigorievna is a graduate of the legendary Moscow Art Theater School. She served in such theaters as the Moscow Theater of Satire, the Vladimir Mayakovsky Theater, and since 1996 she has been at the Theater of the Modern Play. T. Vasilieva played about 120 roles in the cinema. The brightest images of the actress managed to create in the paintings:
Vasilieva Tatyana Grigorievna conducts active tours and acts in many cities of Russia with various entreprises, including "Canary soup".
The play "Soup from a Canary" in a duet with TatyanaVasilyeva is played by a talented actor, laureate of various theatrical awards - Igor Sklyar. For more than 20 years he was an artist of the Maly Drama Theater Lev Dodin, and in 2000 he moved to the theater "Baltic House".
The very first of his roles in the cinema was the painting "JungNorthern Fleet ", in which he acted as an eighteen-year-old boy, and his famous film" We are from Jazz ". He is also known as the performer of nationally loved hits: "Komarovo", "Old Piano" and so on, which he sings at various concerts to this day.
The performance "Canary soup" makes viewers happyhis acting staff. In the responses of the delighted audience, a lot of laudatory words sound to Igor Sklyar. It is called interesting and ingenious. Also, spectators note the fact that he is not inclined to rush unnecessarily on the stage, he clearly and comprehensively plays his part, his work shows a good acting school.
As for how it performs its role in theproduction of "Soup from Canary" Vasiliev, reviews about it are no less laudatory than about the work of I. Sklyar. Spectators call her an actress of rare talent, a genius, her game captures. Although there are those who seemed somewhat surprised by the image that she creates on stage in this performance, nevertheless this fact does not in any way cause any negative emotions.