/ / Hans Rudolf Giger: The Dark Art

Hans Rudolf Giger: The Dark Art

Hans Rudolf Giger is the man with whomleast want to meet eyes. He has a piercing, wading to the darkest corners of the soul, heavy, gloomy, as if from the very underworld, look. It seems that he sees and knows more about you than you yourself.

Hans Rudolph Hyger


Hans Rudolf Giger was born in Switzerland,a small town called Chur. It happened on February 5, 1940. The world met him not very friendly. The labor was heavy, and the first thing that the head of the future artist touched was cold metal tongs.

Since childhood, he has been alienated and more immersedin their own inner world, rather than in the real world. Even in the early years, his almost manic interest in the dark side of life manifested itself. As he grew up in picturesque historical places, he had the opportunity to feed his interest by visiting places where criminals were executed. Attempts to look on the other side of life were manifested in the fact that the future artist dug up skeletons that had been buried for a long time, and then secretly put bones under the bed in secret from their parents.

 Hans Rudolph Hyger Paintings

One day, his father, a pharmacist, received an award fromone of the manufacturers of medicines skull. Seeing his son's dedication to everything gloomy and fatal, dad presented a gift to his son. Thereby finally securing the direction of interests of the son. Since then, they have become inseparable - a pencil and Hans Rudolf Giger. The drawings come out from under his pen one by one. After some time, he decides to show his work, and since then his formation begins.

Way to glory

Giger drew his first cycle of drawings in 19years and called "Atomic Children". At the age of five, the future artist saw the results of the tragedy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thousands of disfigured Japanese, grief of the people, innocent, innocent, looming threat over all mankind. The drawings were published in a magazine that was produced by Hans' native school.

Already in 1969, Hans Rudolf Giger released hisposters, after which the artist is waiting for the first solo exhibitions. But the true recognition he received after the publication of posters "Necronomicon". Soon a new stage in the career of the artist begins. Giger Hans Rudolph, whose sketch gallery captures the imagination of Ridley Scott, has been invited to work in Hollywood. He develops the concept of creatures for the film "Alien." It is to his hand that the image of xenomorph belongs. In addition, Giger's monsters become the prototypes of the heroes of the other three parts of the film, as well as Alien vs. Predator. In 1980, the artist received an Oscar for Best Visual Effects as a reward for his work.

Giger Hans Rudolph Gallery

Creativity of the artist

It is not known for certain how they were formedchild's relationship with parents. But, judging by the creativity, Hans Rudolf Giger certainly suffered a psychological trauma, which throughout his life he tried in vain to sublimate into creativity. Lost in the genital phase of development, the artist creates pictures filled with images of the genital organs, fetuses in the intrauterine space and disfigured female bodies. Judging by the pictures, the creator had a mild form of schizophrenia and deep personality splitting.

Great influence on the style of Giger have paintingsSalvador Dali, Ernest Fuchs and Alfred Kubin, with whom he met as a young man. Some art critics add that the creator drew most of his inspiration from narcotic hallucinations. In the works of the Swiss, there are clear signs of surrealism and magical realism.

Hans Rudolf Giger, whose paintings were createdWith the help of an airbrush, especially often used are brown, marsh, dark blue colors and metallic. By spraying paint on canvases, he skillfully played on the plexus of living, warm flesh and hard, cold metal. Metal tubes, which are dug into the most intimate places of the human body, cause pain. Artificial mechanisms from all sides put pressure on a person, squeeze him, subordinate to his will. Very similar to the birth of the artist, is not it?

Hans Rudolf Giger Pictures

The final

In 1998, Giger acquired a chateau in a picturesqueSwitzerland, which currently houses a museum and a repository of the artist's works. Relationships with women at the creator did not develop, and he spent his last days alone. He died banal - from injuries resulting from falling from the stairs. He took his last breath at the local hospital on May 12, 2014.

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