/ / New and best superhero cartoons

New and best cartoons about superheroes

Since the beginning of the XXI century began active growththe popularity of various superheroes. Most of them are characters of comics, feature films and animated films. Especially like the audience cartoons about superheroes. And they are aimed at both the adult audience and the nursery. What else do little spectators need, if not a colorful cartoon with famous heroes who are ready to save the world from danger?

Today, with the development of computer technology,This genre has become even more widespread. Full-length pictures that get excellent reviews are regularly issued. Often appear and animated series with a huge number of series.

So, in this article will be considered the mostPopular cartoons about superheroes. Of course, this list is far from complete. Moreover, this list is constantly updated with fresh projects in which new characters rush to fight evil in the name of saving the world.

"City of Heroes"

superhero cartoons

Publisher, released a comic, on whichthe plot of the cartoon is based, not one superhero was invented. "Marvel" has already presented to the readers a lot of work related to the selfless deeds of various characters. Although Walt Disney Pictures used the Marvel comics as a source in the production of this cartoon, it changed the storyline significantly.

Animation film "City of Heroes", released in2014, tells about the adventures of the simplest guys. They face a difficult task - to defeat the evil Yokai. The action takes place in the future, in San Francisco. The main character is the boy Hiro Hamad, who is a budding inventor (a sort of superhero). "Marvel" has already presented similar plots in previous comics, but "City of Heroes" is endowed with its own features.

The boy and his brother are working oncreating robots. Hiro's life is no different from the lives of many of his peers. However, having entered the university, he meets the guys, like him, "crazy" on cyber-toys. Under strange circumstances, his brother Takeshi is killed. Later it turns out that the whole thing is in microrobots, which Hiro invented to enter the university. He, along with his new friends, rushes into the fight against the mysterious enemy who killed Takeshi and subdued all microrobots.

"LEGO Superheroes DC: Justice League vs. Bizarro League"

superhero marvel

Новый, невероятно увлекательный мультфильм, в which almost every character is a superhero. A “lego” cartoon is a type of animated film in which actions unfold in the design world. These cartoons gathered a huge number of fans and earned a number of positive reviews.

Already quite a long period of ordercontrols the Justice League. Not once tried to seize power a variety of villains. However, they did not succeed, because the order is followed not by one superhero Lego, but by a whole squad. One day a hero appears who becomes the opposite of Superman. His name is Bizarro. The character has tremendous power. He fails to join the League, and he decides to create his own squad. The cartoon will tell what will end the confrontation between the two strongest superheroes.

Batman is a superhero of all times

The legendary cartoons about Batman alwaysattracted the attention of young viewers. This animated series appeared in 2004, but has not lost its relevance so far. In it, as you might have guessed, the confrontation between good and evil unfolds. Who will be able to win this time?

Batman cartoons have already shownThe viewer is not one notorious scoundrel. But the most important enemy of Bettman is the Joker. In versions of the cartoon of different years appear young and old Betman. They both struggle all their life with the Joker, then overtaking the sworn enemy, then losing sight of him.

The animated series "The Avengers: The Greatest Heroes of the Earth"

Batman cartoons

Iron Man and the Hulk are probablyOne of the most famous superheroes. This animated series, consisting of two seasons, allows the viewer to see them together. From one prison escape the most notorious villains. Some unknown force helped them do it.

In front of famous and powerful superheroesthere is a difficult task of capturing them. However, to cope with such malicious criminals alone is unlikely. Heroes decide to unite and create a powerful alliance that can repel the villains. The name of him is "The Avengers". Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and other famous heroes will fight shoulder to shoulder.

Cartoons about superheroes abound in various battles in which the characters use their unusual abilities. And this animated series is no exception.

"Superhero Adventures: Frosty Fight"

justice league

Cartoons about superheroes, a list of which cancontinue indefinitely, often gathering together a series of characters. This time, the mighty fighters for justice will be confronted by the famous God Loki. He created his powerful army and made a plan for the abduction of Santa Claus. Heroes included in the Alliance "Avengers", must confront this army. Loki does not want Christmas and will do anything to ensure that no one celebrates this holiday. Of course, our heroes cannot allow this to happen. The viewer will see a real snow battle, which will be remembered for a long time.

"Batman: Bad Blood"

superhero cartoons list

A new cartoon that tells about the adventuressuperhero, won huge popularity with the audience. Many scoundrels who opposed Batman, could not compete with him. Superheroes always managed to emerge victorious from even the most dangerous battles. Every year brought new victories to Batman.

Однако появился злодей, который может стать really worthy rival. His name is heretic. For a short period of time, he was able to gather the most dangerous villains and become their leader. Batman dies. This news shook the whole city. How did this happen and who will now become Gotham's protector? Panic begins among residents. Villains become rulers. What to do without a hero capable of defeating scoundrels?

"LEGO Superheroes Marvel: Maximum Overload"

iron man and hulk

Relatively new cartoon that will tellabout the opposition of good and evil. The developers have collected a lot of characters in it, and almost every one of them is a superhero. "Lego" cartoon tells about how they have new skills that helped to overcome the evil.

The main task of the heroes is still a confrontation villains. To whom will this time turn the luck? Will the superheroes, using new skills, to defeat opponents?

Cartoons about LEGO superheroes fightingevil in the design world, very popular. At this time, the notorious Loki becomes the main villain. However, he will have a hard time confronting Hulk, Iron Man and others. What is the end of this battle?

The series "X-Men: Evolution"

superhero cartoons

Almost everyone is familiar with these superheroes.Many films have already been made about them. In addition, cartoons began to emerge, telling about the adventures of characters from this universe. In this series, the heroes were People X in his youth.

Together with the young superheroes will fight andmore experienced. They immediately fell in love with the audience. Cartoons about superheroes in this series tell about the school in which People X are trained. Now they are most concerned about the successful completion of their studies, and not the salvation of the universe. However, the powerful villain comes up with plans to take over the world. Young heroes do not even realize the terrible plans. They will have to leave their problems and face the evil.

"Superhero part-time"

superhero marvel

New animated series that will enthrall the young viewernot for one hour. The main character of the cartoon becomes the most ordinary boy, whose name is Penny Zero. He lives in a familiar world, but Penny’s parents are not entirely ordinary. They are superheroes. But the young man did not succeed in receiving the gift, and he is no different from his peers.

However, one day Penny notices that he still hasabilities. They just showed up when his relatives were in danger. Yes, and they appear only half. Penny decides to start training and learn how to use his abilities to the maximum. But time does not wait, because his whole family is in danger in the face of the evil Rippen.

"The Incredibles"

superhero lego cartoon

This cartoon is one of the bestsuperheroes His characters are members of the same one. Each of them is endowed with certain abilities. The cartoon is filled with humor and positive, attracts not only children but also adults to the screens.

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