/ / "Game of Thrones": episode description, plot, actors and roles

"Game of Thrones": episode description, plot, actors and roles

Maybe this is a phenomenon or the will of the case, but noa person indifferent to the series "Game of Thrones". The description of the series will turn out to be rather crumpled and in no case does not allow the refusal from full viewing. Nevertheless, it is sometimes difficult to resist the temptation to look ahead and learn at least the outlined plot lines. Should I watch the show? Decide for yourself after reading the article and familiarize yourself with the content of this luxurious project.

Game of Thrones episode description

Hitting the fairy world

Пусть это не совсем сказка, но панорама impressive. The reader, and later the viewer, falls into the vast expanses of the Seven Kingdoms. At the center of everything is the symbol of power - the Iron Throne, on which sits the drunkard and the reveler Robert Baratheon. Time is not easy, and Robert loses his right hand. We have to ask for help from a longtime childhood friend, Eddard Stark, brilliantly played by Sean Bean, and ask him to take the place of his right hand. So begins the "Game of Thrones" series 1. The description does not end there, because the struggle for power is already under way, with the current king. The heirs of the ancient Targaryen dynasty, Daenerys and Viserys, descendants of dragons with white hair and purple eyes, remained overseas. Viseris seeks to reclaim the Iron Throne by any means and gives her sister as a wife to the Khalu Drogo herd. By the way, in this role the burning Jason Momoa gained popularity.

description of the series game of thrones season 2

Several episodes later

The cycle of the fantasy novel "A Song of Ice and Flame"The authorship of George Martin plunges into its atmosphere. Every detail, every hero is interesting here, otherwise the plot may slip away. Martin has a characteristic feature - he does not pity his heroes. Anyone can die, and often this is what happens. On the throne is a king without legitimate heirs, and the plot is ripening in his own family: the wife is guilty of incest with his own brother, from whom he has three children. Two brothers of the king claim to the throne after his death, which did not have long to wait.

game of thrones 5 episode description

The death of the king is tweaked and guilty ofQueen Cersei (Lena Hidi). And beyond the seas, Daenerys establishes contact with her brave husband, receives as a gift the last three dragons and walks slowly through the desert. Eddard Stark takes the position of right hand, finds a book where all the great people of the kingdoms are registered, and goes to the bastards of the king. In the meantime, Stark himself’s bastard goes to the Wall — John Snow, who turns out to be the most skilled and powerful there. The clash of passionate Lannister and the pious Stark is growing, and the collision is hidden, and neither side reveals itself explicitly. Begins a real, albeit latent, so far "Game of Thrones" (season 1, episode 4, short description).

End of season

The first season ends with an increase in intrigue.Daenerys loses his faithful spouse after his brother and rises on his funeral pyre, but, contrary to expectations, does not die. Eddard Stark refuses to recognize the false king, and he pays harshly for his principles. As hostages, Royal Harbor holds Stark's daughters, but Starks, in turn, are held captive by the Golden Knight Jamie Lannister. The dark horse goes to the queens - Tirion, which even his family does not appreciate. The vacant seat of the king devours minds and stirs the imagination. Applicants are becoming more and more, and the scheme - all the more confusing. What will be next? This will show the description of the series "Game of Thrones" (season 2).

Game of Thrones Series 1 Description

It's only the beginning

The second season continues to develop the plot.Deineris travels through the desert with the remnants of his Khalasar. Confrontation is injected between Starks and Lannisters. On the throne - a cruel and bloodthirsty Jofri Baratheon, who, in fact, does not have the blood rights to the throne. But for Jofri, his grandfather Tywin and mother of Cersei. They can defend Royal Harbor, although so far the situation is not in their favor. Those who know how the game of thrones goes are gathered in the Harbor. The episode description allows us to classify the main players, with dark horses, such as Varis the Spider, Lord Petyr Beylish and, of course, Tirion Lannister, who go from the category of bad guys to their guys to the second season. Not even embarrassed that he is a dwarf, rejected by society, because a man is really clever, cunning and generous.

Game of Thrones 4 episode description

Mid way

What does the third season prepare for us?Bloody wedding and lovemaking pool of several main characters. For a part, true love is already in the past, and its game of thrones has begun. The description of the series necessarily includes the arrival of Denis in the Gulf of the Slavers and the gradual increase of her power, the convergence of Sansa Stark and Peter Beilish, who contributed to the death of her father.

Rob Stark successfully wages war, but suddenly losesall trumps when falling in love, and the fate of his people depends on the choice of this 16-year-old youth. In the North - its own game of thrones. Description of the series, starting with the third and beyond, is replete with bloody scenes, as, incidentally, sexy.

Game of Thrones Season 1 Series 4 Description

Penultimate known

Not so long ago, successfully passed on TV "Gameof thrones-4 ". The description of this season’s episodes covers the journeys of Briena Tart and Jaime Lannister entrusted to her. The latter was delivered not entirely intact - as a farewell to him, his hand was chopped off. which he changed.The only beloved woman turns out to be a prostitute, and the one you don’t want to look at won her sympathy.This same season, the most long-awaited event happens - Jofri Baratheon dies, poisoned at her own wedding. Suspicion falls on his uncle Tirion, whom Jofri has pushed around the last time. The same season, John Snow’s love story with a wild one ends up.The end is sad, but instructive, because from now on John knows that he must be faithful to this oath. great power gets priestess fire Melisander.

Not over yet

Extreme is now the season of the project "Game of Thrones" - 5.Description of the series somewhat disappointed fans of the cycle, because the writers interpreted the plot at ease. For example, they sent Sansu Stark to burned Winterfell, where Ramsey Bolton settled with his father and Theon Greyjoy completely morally destroyed. Here, Sansa will marry a second time, and she will have to become a full player in the thrones in order to survive.

In the free city of Braavos remained Arya Stark,who is eager for revenge and learn the art of play and war. Queen Cersei herself falls into the traps she set, simultaneously preparing a punishment for the hated daughter-in-law Margheri. Daenerys tries himself as a responsible queen, understands the complexity of the situation and marries to strengthen the alliance with the citizens. Alas, the union turns out to be a mistake. Her dragons are already big and dangerous, but at the right moment they always come to the rescue. The Martell family joins the war with revenge for their dead members. In addition, the prophecy, said by Deni, is beginning to be fulfilled on the day of Khal Drogo's death ...

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