/ / Andrey Novikov: biography, career, films

Andrei Novikov: biography, career, films

Who is Andrei Novikov? What famous films did the actor star? How successful was his career? This will be discussed later in this article.

early years

andrey novikov

Andrey Novikov, whose biographyis considered in our material, was born on December 16, 1979 in the German city of Dresden. The father of the future artist was a hereditary soldier and was the commander of a battalion. It was assumed that in the future the boy also had a career in this field. However, the fate of the guy was different.

Already at the age of 11, Andrei Novikov becameacting. At this time, the whole class of the boy was invited to participate in the shootings for filming in the picture of the famous Soviet director Igor Apasyan. It was lucky to get a job for Andrey, who got the image of Tom Spalding in the tape "Dandelion Wine". The basis of the story was the story of the eponymous story of science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. It is noteworthy that in the film, Andrei Novikov happened to work on one set with such eminent artists as Vladimir Zeldin, Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Liya Akhedzhakova. From the latter young artist gained a lot of valuable experience.

Career development

During his participation in his first project "Wine fromdandelions "actor Andrei Novikov, whose photo can be seen in the article, often preferred the set to attend school classes. However, the young artist was not at all proud of the loud success at such a young age after the release of the film on the wide screens. Andrei tried to remain an ordinary boy. Perhaps, it was for this reason that the next role was not waiting for him as soon as it seemed at first glance.

andrey novikov biography

Once again, Andrei Novikov was brought tofilming in the movies only in 2002. It was at this time that he was invited to play a supporting role in the dramatic film "Let's Make Love". A touching love story made the young actor a rising star of the domestic screen. Many proposals to take part in promising projects fell on Andrei.

Then followed the work on the shooting in a mini-series called "The Days of the Angel." In this tragic tape Novikov appeared on the screen in the form of one of the central characters.

The starry hour of the artist

A real success came to Andrei Novikov afterparticipation in the project "Graffiti". Here the actor played the main character named Andrey Dragunov. It is worth noting that for the filming in the picture, the artist deliberately refused to cooperate with Fedor Bondarchuk himself, who invited him to the no less promising film "9th Company".

andrey novikov actor photo

The film "Graffiti" tells the story of the youngstudent of art school. The latter devotes his free time to decorating the city walls with his own creations. Soon, the light-hearted life of the hero is clouded by unforeseen problems. Despite such an uncomplicated plot of the film, Novikov managed to fully reveal the character of his hero and convey to the viewer all the complexities of his character's feelings.


During his rather short career in thedomestic cinema Andrei Novikov tried to refuse to participate in the filming of pass-through low-grade paintings. Perhaps that's why the actor's track record includes such a limited list of films:

  • "Wine from dandelions";
  • "Let's make love";
  • "Maroseika, 12";
  • "Graffiti";
  • "Days of the Angel";
  • "Native people."

Tragic withdrawal from life

In the spring of 2012, there was a tragedy.Andrei Novikov died suddenly as a result of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. At that time, the actor was at the peak of his career, he did not yet have a family and children. Probably, he had many beautiful roles. But fate decreed otherwise.

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