/ / Tutorial guitar playing

Tutorial guitar playing

Do you have a guitar? No ... do you have a desire to learn how to play the guitar? Most likely, since you are on this page. Everyone who wants to play the guitar sooner or later:

1) seeks a teacher to play the guitar or enters a music school;

2) looking for a self-instruction guitarist, learns himself.

In this article we will talk about people who chose the second way - and I consider it no less worthy than studying in a music school.

There are thousands of tutorials on the Internetguitar, hundreds of sites that offer paid / free guitar training, but they all have accessibility explanations, an approach to learning, a spectrum of skills that reveals and shows the training course ...

But every tutorial guitar playing one way or another contains a base that you need to know for any training.

So, where do you start?

1) You adjust your six-string guitar. You can do this in several ways: configure yourself, configure through the tuner, configure through the program on your mobile phone.

The best and easiest way to tune your guitar is throughprogram, such as GuitarTuna. At its core, this is an ordinary tuner, only installed on your phone. The essence of the setting is simple - when you pull the string, the application begins to draw a graph of the sound of your string relative to the red line in the middle of the screen. Your goal - as accurately as possible to bring the string sound to the red line. Moreover, the application will sound a beep when the string is tuned. By the way, GuitarTuna itself determines which string you are pulling. Once you have adjusted all 6 strings, you will tune the guitar.

2) Become acquainted with the structure of the guitar.Each acoustic and semi-acoustic guitar has a neck, frets, paddles, a resonator opening, a deck, a shell, and pegs. In fact, this is not so important part in terms of influencing the skill of playing the guitar, but it will be needed with further training to at least represent what is at stake.

3) Become acquainted with the correct landing.There are several opinions about how to properly sit while playing the guitar. For example, someone advises a classical landing, which is taught and attached great importance to music schools, and someone is against the introduction of certain rules of planting when playing the guitar.

Classical landing involves tilting the guitar.To do this, you need to put your left foot on a stand about 10-15 centimeters high from the floor, the guitar follows the curve on the hip of your left leg. Thus, the guitar will tilt, that is, the neck will not be parallel to the floor, but at an inclination of 25-35 degrees.

4) Learning chords. From this moment the technical part beginsplaying the guitar. In the game on the guitar, both hands participate. The left hand holds the neck, and the right hand plays near the resonator hole. The left hand clamps the strings in the frets, the right hand plays the sound, pulls the string, performs the pinch. Lada - the distance between the sill, and the sills - the protrusions on the fretboard. That is, the frets are the distances between the protrusions on the fretboard. For example, the points on the fretboard are located at 5, 7, 9 (sometimes on the 3rd fret), and two points - at 12 fret.

Chords - the rules of setting the fingers of the left handon strings. There are a lot of chords, which means that there are many variations of setting the fingers on the strings. Accordingly, when you play different chords, the guitar sounds differently, in a special way. There are countless chords, but you have to start with learning the chords Am, Dm, E (they are called "three chords"), you can already play their first few songs with the help of them. Next you need to learn the chords C, G, A, H7, D, F. Knowing these chords, you can play 90% of chord songs on the guitar.

When chord progression can occura lot of questions and problems, for example, it will not be possible to clamp the chord so that all the strings sound. Everything is decided by practice - and only. Once I could not put a chord F, and I said to myself: "I'll try to put it 1000 times in a row." Approximately on the 100th time I began to notice that it's already getting a little bit. And after a while I learned at all.

5) Training in battles and busts.If the chords show us how and where the fingers of the left hand should be placed, the battle and the busts determine the movements of the right hand, near the resonator hole. It is these movements that extract the sound and reproduce it. The most famous battle is the battle of the six (out of 6 movements) or the "Tsoev" fight (out of 4 movements). You can learn the fight in about a day, with a lot of desire, patience and zeal.

The most difficult movement for beginners in combat was and always remains a stub. This is a special movement of the fingers, which gives a characteristic muffled sound. To make a stub, you need:

1. Make the tin "OK" by connecting the thumb and index finger of the right hand.

2. Put your hand on the strings.

3. At the same time reveal the gesture "OK" and, without taking his hand from the strings, move your fingers from a position almost parallel to the strings, in an almost perpendicular position.

Perebor - also the movement of the right hand, but more oftenall this tweaks the strings in turn, that is, one by one, but in a certain pattern. The overtravel sounds more beautiful than the fight, but you can play a smaller part of the songs by busting than by fighting. The most famous crossings are B-3-2-1-2-3 and B-3-2-3-1-3-2-3, where B is a bass string.

The fact is that for each chord has its ownown bass string; that string, which will need to be pulled in search. For example, the chord Am is the 5th string, the Dm chord is 4th, and the chord E is the 6th.

6) Tablature.After studying the fights, bruising, chords you will play a significant number of songs on the guitar. It will seem that you can quite a lot ... But in fact it is a base, just a base that you need for a more professional and beautiful game. To further improve their skills you need to familiarize yourself with the tablature.

Tablature - a special method of recording, as neededclamp the strings on the guitar. The definition is a bit like the chords, but the chords show only a certain way of clamping the strings, and tablatures are unlimited in variety. In fact, everything just sounds difficult, but in practice to deal with tablatures is a matter of five minutes.

To play on tablature is much more difficult than onchords, but the music sounds much more beautiful and purer. Tablatures can play 99% of songs on the guitar, the most diverse, ranging from courtyards and ending with solo parts of rock bands and metal. It is with the tablature your fantasy will begin, your ability to select songs by ear will begin to develop.

This is how thea beginner who does not know anything about the guitar, to a professional guitar player. Whether you become them or not depends on you. I can only wish you luck, patience and perseverance! Guitar takes a lot of time, but it brings no less pleasure! Good luck!

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