/ / Nino Chakvetadze: paintings with titles

Nino Chakvetadze: paintings with titles

Nino Chakvetadze (1971) was born and lives in Tbilisi.She graduated from the Tbilisi Academy of Arts. Since 1997 - member of the Union of Artists of Georgia. Her work is deeply personal. However, it affects the feelings of any person who watches the works of Nino Chakvetadze, the paintings of which tell about kindness and childhood.

Unshakable tenderness

Only in 2011, Nino Chakvetadze found her theme.She began to write what is closest to her soul: boys and girls, grandfathers and grandmothers, who are also children in their own way, for they are helpless without us, strong and affectionate. Nino Chakvetadze writes pictures of the heart and soul, so they invariably cause nostalgic feelings, a desire to protect and protect the baby and the old man from adversity, warm and caress, see a smile on a sad face.

nino chakvetadze paintings
The wise old faces of grandparents look atbaby who sleeps peacefully. He does not know how many storms of life he will have to move, and the old couple, who have passed more than one test of life together, know that his fate can be somehow, and therefore they are so sad. Unwittingly you expect young parents to come in now, pick up the baby and kiss the old people, and smiles will play on everyone’s faces. For now - all tones are muffled, quiet, a bit sleepy. Velvet dresses of the old woman, the most delicate lace collar, snow-white hair and the huge eyes of the elderly spouses draw all the attention of the viewer, and the tranquility of the baby - to the gentle and sad focus on it of two old men.

And rain and snow

How little sun Nino Chakvetadze paints, pictureswhich is filled with mist, fog, drizzling rain, large snowflakes. All under the black umbrellas, which further enhances the feeling of grief, which glows in the eyes of a lonely person among people walking a child or a puppy. On the canvas bad weather. It is raining. Everything is covered with marsh deaf tones.

pictures of Georgian artist Nino Chakvetadze
Вдали уходящая, расположенная к зрителю спиной the figure of a good old man bent by time and years. He is certainly kind, able to empathize and help even more helpless than himself. What did Nino Chakvetadze portray here? Pictures of responsiveness and unselfishness, caring attitude to abandoned to the mercy of an evil fate: her hero gave his umbrella to a helpless little white puppy, while he left to soak in the rain. The kid is at least a little sheltered from the pouring rain and cannot comprehend his happiness. He is in a state of ignorance. Perplexity is written on the muzzle. He never encountered such an attitude. Who among people will be able to repeat such an act?

Self portrait on tree

In childhood, as Nino herself tells, she lovedclimb the trees. Pictures of Georgian artist Nino Chakvetadze often show children in this position. She had a fig tree near her house. She loved to sit on his branches. The whole world was becoming equal to her: small, cozy.

pictures of nino chakvetadze photo
Pictures of Nino Chakvetadze (photo, presentedhere is one of the most beloved works that hangs in her house) - to some extent it is a portrait of her childhood. A girl sitting on a thick branch is herself. Little Nino sadly says goodbye to the summer. Some last red leaves are left on the tree, winter is coming. In general, the paintings of the artist Chakvetadze Nino are generalizations.

About the work of the artist

The heroes of Nino are charming children and lovely old men.All with huge eyes, which can determine what kind of person we are. In Georgia, jam is made from nuts. When a child has big dark eyes, they always tell him that they look like peanut jam. Children with such eyes are always nice and very pleasant. The hand of the artist is recognizable, and among imitations, and now there are many of them, you immediately recognize her work.

paintings by artist chakvetadze nino
Sincerity, kindness, light sadness - all thischaracterizes Nino Chakvetadze, whose pictures are nostalgia for the happy childhood that she had. It has forever left a wonderful mark on her life. Moving further and further away from him with age, Nino Chakvetadze writes pictures, hoping to return the impossible. She does not want to leave him. The viewer enters the circle of her sincere happy fabulous feelings. The truth for the artist is the kindness and joy of communicating with loved ones. Often, people in her thoughtful characters in the pictures will recognize themselves and write to her about it. Children are inspired for new works, cases on the street and unusually beautiful old Tbilisi doors. At the works of Nino, it often rains or snows, because she herself loves them, as well as the romantic note that they bring with them to the canvas. Pictures are often written to the quiet music of Chopin or Gia Kancheli. Music and silence create a special creative mood, which can change the previously conceived work.

How to name a new job

Depending on the image of the world in-depth inof childhood and pure experiences Nino Chakvetadze rediscovers us. Pictures with the names speak the truth: "Ball", "Evening", "Grandmother", "Hide and Seek", "At the Matinee", "Friends", "Sadness", "Angels", "Artist", "True Friends", "Hid "," A friendly walk "," On the street "," Adventures "," I fell asleep "," Vacations "," First Love "," Tale of the night "," Autumn Day "," Waiting ".


On the edge of a hillock, covered with flowers and grass, there are three cute heroes: a girl, a boy and a puppy. They stand against the blue sky, which occupies two thirds of the canvas.

nino chakvetadze paintings with titles
The flowers are still blooming, but it's cool outside.The kids are dressed in autumn and hold each other's hands. They have warm coats and hats on them, the boy has a scarf tied, and on a leash he keeps their faithful little friend. All three of them stared at the white translucent ball, which they released to freedom, and he soared into the sky. “Where will he fly?” - this is what the three of them thought about. They let go of the ball of happiness and wish him to find it. It would seem that a little - a ball, but how much it means for children. So in the future they will learn to give freedom to those who need it. After all, everything starts small. For them - this is the first step of parting with loved ones. They are angels without wings, but Nino and other angels have them.

Nino Chakvetadze, paintings: angels

Where did the angels come to the paintings of Nino Chakvetadze? They descended from New Year's Christmas trees, and so lingered among us? Or maybe came from dreams?

nino chakvetadze paintings angels
In addition, we must remember that each of us onthe angel sits on the shoulder and grieves when we do something wrong, and rejoices when we do good deeds, especially helping someone. Her angels are just kids with wings attached. They also want to play snowballs with everyone, go sledding, tinker with puppies, but they are always alone and therefore sad. They know how to rejoice in someone else's joy and sadness someone else's sadness. Their Nino awarded with the ability to empathize, compassion and unselfishness. Looking at them, the viewer is happy about the opportunity to help other people, feeling the fullness of being.

Touching and naivety - this is a gift from Nino to the viewer, who has already become somewhat fat. She treats with kindness and affectionate and friendly disposition hidden in her works.

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