/ / Professional pencils for drawing. Colour pencils. Wax crayons

Professional pencils for drawing. Colour pencils. Wax crayons

In the workshops of past centuries, where they were createdbrilliant works of art, there were no luxurious excesses among the materials for drawing. Simple black coal could create a real masterpiece. For inspiration, all that was needed was nature in the image of a person or just an ordinary piece of furniture. But progress, of course, does not stand still, and it had a tremendous impact on the artistic sphere. First of all professional pencils for drawing underwent changes. There are so many of them on the shelves of the stores that they just run around when choosing. Therefore, let us try to examine in detail what types of pencils are and for what purposes they are intended.

Black on white

Charcoal is the first material thatwas widely used among the great artists of the past centuries. It is well suited for tinting certain areas of the canvas, and it is also very convenient for them to draw human silhouettes.

professional drawing pencils
Today it is widely used. With such a tool for drawing, artists transfer their feelings to the canvas, thereby not particularly focusing on the color of the work.

Such coal is made mainly from a vine or a willow. Relatively recently, a lead pencil appeared on the market. In wide circles it is called graphite.

This tool is suitable for a thorough study of the image on the canvas. Sharpen it better with sandpaper or sandpaper.

Graphite coal and Conte pencil

Black pencil for drawing is the basis for writing a masterpiece. After all, the sketch made by such a tool is a “frame” for the future creation.

Graphite charcoal and Conte's pencil are very important tools for the artistic process, as each brings their own unique footprint and tint to the paper.

В работе с рисунком всё же стоит использовать different materials, for example, combining wax with graphite or pressed coal. Expansion of this arsenal will allow to express various aspects of the work of various techniques. Karnadash Conte or graphite coal is well suited for sketching landscapes, street parks, still lifes, cinemas, and so on.

wax pencils
Open a variety of black shades, and then your drawing will be significantly transformed.

Colorful abundance

In order for the creation to play with new "emotions", you will need colored pencils for drawing. Professional and high-quality, they will help to carry out the most courageous experiments on the canvas.

In most cases, these pencils are sold inkits, but if necessary, they can be purchased separately. They have many shades, however, in terms of hardness they are much inferior to graphite ones. But still, the softness of the lead in such an instrument can be quite different.

Очень часто путают понятия "мел", "пастель " и "chalk". The first material from this list is made mainly from natural components: iron oxide, gypsum or coal. The second instrument consists of gum or resin based paste mixtures. Pastel leaves behind a vague trace that slightly resembles chalk, but has a wider range of colors. After completion of work, remove such material in the box, because it is soft and breaks very easily.

professional color pencils

Wax Miracle

Professional pencils for drawing suchtypes are suitable for performing work of a different nature and in different techniques. They contain natural or synthetic wax with colored pigments. Wax pencils practically do not blur, thereby simplifying the process of drawing.

When working with such material it is worth considering thatit has a very soft base, traces still remain. Therefore, before using, pay attention to its sharpness. If the tip is blunt, then dip the tool in hot water and give it the desired shape or use a regular kitchen knife to cut vegetables.

Wax pencils are suitable for those people who want to make a bright, but at the same time calm picture, where clarity flows into smooth outlines.

black pencil

Question about white

Any set for professional drawing is notdispenses with a white pencil. Many emerging artists are wondering about why it is at all. After all, you will not see it on the usual bright canvas or paper.

But still white pencil has special functions in this matter:

1. With such a tool you can make drawings on colored paper, highlight silhouettes over coal or sepia.

2. If the creation turned out to be catchy, then with the help of this product you can muffle the main color, reducing the brightness by several tones.

3. Also, with the help of a white pencil, you can blur the prevailing shade, while obtaining a new pattern.

Basically, materials of this type are used for graphic images and are drawn on dark-colored paper.

Watery patterns

Professional watercolor pencils are good not only in terms of the fact that they are easy to "manage", but also in the fact that the need to use paints of this type disappears.

white pencil
The brightness of the colors of such a tool is impressive, nothing can compare with them.
The number of shades in the palette is very large, they can be mixed, but do not get carried away, as the expected result will not work if you overdo it.

При выборе карандашей данного типа стоит также consider that they are not erased with an eraser, and if you make such an intervention, the result will be dirt. Here you can use brushes and special paper, which is designed for watercolor.

Faber castell

Professional drawing pencils do notalways come across good quality, here you need to know what to choose. Materials from the German company Faber-Castell are a priority for most artists who have been engaged in art for many years.

This campaign specializes inoffice, but the main advantage is still pencils. They took care of the preferences of each client and therefore created several types of such materials.

The first group was called "Red". This series is intended for children from 3 to 12 years. These pencils are inferior in quality, they are very solid and dull, but fit for training just right.

The second group - "Blue" - representsmaterials for those who are engaged in drawing as a hobby, but they are also perfect for professionals. In this category are available as colored pencils, and watercolor.

The third, final group is Green. Products of this plan are designed for true professionals.

Here all the nuances are taken into account, there are materials of different types, which allow to emphasize the feature of the work. They are also resistant to light, which is undoubtedly the main advantage.

Color advantage

Well, having considered all professional pencilsfor drawing, it is safe to say that everything depends on your individuality and the desire to create something unusual. The priority today remains the color segment in the work, but no one has canceled the black and white variations.

good pencils
Discover your secret desires and emotions and feel free to go shopping for professional pencils. After all, nothing will soothe, as the process of working on a drawing created by yourself.

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