/ / Singer Utah: biography, creativity and personal life

Singer Utah: biography, creativity and personal life

Singer Utah - a talented girl and realbeauty. She did not strive for glory and nationwide love. But millions of people listen to her songs. What is the phenomenon of this singer? Where was born and studied Utah? What is her real name? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the article.

Singer yuta

Singer Utah: Biography

She was born on June 20, 1979 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Is our heroine called Utah? The singer's name given to her at birth is Anna. And the maiden name is Semina.

Ani's father had nothing to do with the scene. But her mother was an opera singer. It was she who instilled a love for music from an early age. For this Anna is very grateful to her mother.

School years

In 1986, our heroine went to the first class. The girl immediately made friends with the rest of the boys. Teachers have always praised her for diligence and craving for knowledge.

Several times a week Anechka visitedmusical school, where she studied playing the flute and piano. Also the girl was engaged in sports - art gymnastics and swimming. In high school Semina was carried away singing. She liked not classical songs, but criminal songs. This greatly embarrassed the parents. They calmed down only when Anya started composing her love songs.

The Conquest of Moscow

At the end of high school, the girl decidedcontinue studying at a music college. Anya packed her bags and went to Moscow. There she easily entered the "Gnesinka". The blonde was enrolled at the piano department.

Creative activity

Having received a diploma in the hands of the end of the school to them.Gnesin, Utah seriously engaged in the development of his musical career. In 1999 the girl got acquainted with the musician Alexander Semenov. They became not only good friends, but also "companions". In the same year, the guys created a collective called "Utah". They were joined by other musicians. Later, Anya herself asked me to call her Utah.

For several months the guys literally did not get out ofstudio. They worked on recording the album. The debut CD "Easy and Even Graceful" was released in 2001. He was appreciated by fans of the style of pop-grunge.

In 2002, the band released the second album "Hops and Malt". He was more successful than the first. The song "Hops and Malt" got into the rotation of the largest music channels in Russia.

The group "Utah" continued to win the hearts of listeners. In 2004, the TV series "Soldiers" was launched on the RenTV channel. There were such songs as "Lived-were" and "I'll wait".

Utah singer's name

Solo career

In 2012, Anna announced the dissolution of the group.The girl decided to declare herself as a solo artist. Utah has remained in the past. She took herself another nickname - Anna Herzen. However, this project was unsuccessful. It lasted less than a year. Then our heroine decided to again gather the group "Utah". The former colleagues went to meet her.


During her career, singer Utah released 8 albums,Together with the group she gave dozens of concerts, and also wrote songs for several serials and films. Our heroine is not going to stop there. She collaborates with many producers and directors.

Personal life

Singer Utah - a blond beauty with a chiseledfigure. She never had problems with lack of male attention. Dizzy novels arose in high school and during school in Ani. But in a serious relationship, they did not flow.

Singer yuta biography

In 2004, a talented singer metproducer Oleg Osipov. Their novel has received rapid development. Three weeks later, the girl moved to his apartment. Anna was not embarrassed by the fact that her chosen one is older than her for 10 years. In it, the blonde saw a real man - his defense and support.

In December 2006, the singer and producer playedwedding. The family, friends and colleagues of the bride and groom attended the celebration. Everything was at the highest level. In October 2007, Utah gave birth to the first child, Tolia's son. The spouse tried to spend more time with the baby. He himself bathed, swaddled and laid to sleep.

In July 2010, the Osipov family was replenished. To the light there were daughters-twins - Masha and Katya. Singer Utah and her husband dreamed of a big family. And it seems that God heard their prayers.

September 4, 2011 our heroine became a widow.Her beloved husband died of cardiosclerosis. The singer has promised herself that she will remain faithful to Oleg until the end of her days. Now she alone is engaged in the upbringing of three children.

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