/ / The main actor "Slumdog Millionaire" (photo)

The main actor "Slumdog Millionaire" (photo)

"Slumdog Millionaire" is an amazing film, inwhich describes the fate of a young guy named Jamal Malik. The painting received many awards and became one of the most popular in the twenty-first century. The main actor is "Slumdog Millionaire" - Briton Dev Patel, who has Indian roots. The film caused a real sensation, but little is known about the fate of the performer of the main role, as well as the other actors of this film. This article is about this will be discussed.

Slumdog Millionaire actor

Actor "Slumdog Millionaire" - Dev Patel, his life and destiny

Dev is a British citizen.The parents of the young man were born in Kenya, but the roots of the family are from India. Patel in his childhood dreamed of being not only an actor, he was still very fond of sports. Subsequently, the young man will become a master in martial arts.

The first role in the movie he received in seventeen years.The young man starred in the movie called "Molokososy." In 2008, he was invited to play a major role in the film Danny Boyle. The main actor "Slumdog Millionaire" played the role of Jamal Malik, a poor young man who once got to the show "Who wants to be a millionaire." This work made the Virgo popular and brought him many awards.

A short story of the "Slumdog Millionaire"

In the center of events it was destined to be twobrothers who lost their families early. They were forced to wander in India, in order to somehow survive. One day the brothers meet a girl named Latika, with whom their fate will be related. Many years later the brothers will live completely in different worlds: Salim will work as a security guard for one businessman, and Jamal will be the operator in the call center. Latika will be married to a businessman guarded by Salim. It will happen that Jamal will become a participant in the TV program, where twenty million rupees are at stake. The guy will answer all the questions and win. In the end, he will be in the police, where he will tell how he knows the answers to all the questions. As it becomes clear, for each of the questions asked, Jamil had a life situation that he would tell the police.

At the end of the film, the spectators are faced with a denouement that will draw the line under the fate of the long-suffering Latika, Salim and Jamal.

millionaire of slum actors

"Slumdog Millionaire": actors and roles

In the filming was attended by many famousIndian actors. The role of the inspector who conducted the interrogation of Jamal was played by Irfan Khan, popular not only in India but throughout the world, who is also known for his work in the films "Warrior", "World of the Jurassic Period".

In the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" the actors wereare selected very successfully. All of them perfectly coped with their work. The role of the leading TV show went to the legendary Anil Kapoor, who many times admitted to India as the best actor. It is worth noting that he not only starred in films, but also produces them.

Frida Pinto played the role of Latika when she was already an adult. The actress is the owner of the Oscar. From 2009 to 2014 she met with the Virgin Patel.

Salim played Madhur Mittal, and Salim in his childhood - Azharuddin Mohammed Izmail.

As a child, Ali Rubin played a ballet in the childhood, whose fate is very interesting. Separate attention deserves Ayush Mahesh Khhedakar, who played the role of a small Jamal.

Other actors in the movie "Slumdog Millionaire": Sanchita Chowdhury, Saurabh Shukla, Ashutosh Lobo Hajival, Tanay Chheda and many others.

film actors a slumdog millionaire

The fate of Ayush Khedkar and Ali Rubin

What made the movie "The Millionaire fromslums "? The actors and roles for them were perfectly matched, all perfectly coped with the task, even the youngest actors showed themselves as professionals.The guys who played the roles of Latika and Jamal in early childhood lived in the poorest quarter in the city of Mumbai. filming in the homeland of small artists met as real heroes.The Indian government promised to move the children together with their families to the central district of the city, but the actors still remained in the slums where they were born. and still get an apartment.

The fate of Ruby Ali is like a terrible story, butshe is really truthful. The journalists sent a girl to the parents of the girl, who introduced herself as a mediator from the sheikh and offered to buy out the young actress. Parents agreed to do it for two hundred thousand pounds. Later, Rubina's father will say that he wanted to sell his daughter because of the fact that there was no money for her maintenance.

To date, both Rubin and Ayusha are actors.

the millionaire from the slum actors and roles

Film awards and the future of the Virgin of Patel

The film was recognized worldwide, and madeall the actors who were shot in it, insanely popular. The painting "Slumdog Millionaire" won an Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe, and the Screen Actors Guild of America Award.

With a budget of fifteen million dollars, the fees amounted to three hundred and seventy-eight million.

The main actor "Slumdog Millionaire" Dev Patelis a popular film actor, who starred in many other films. Despite the many roles, it is the role of Jamal Malik that is considered the best in the career of the actor to this day.

After 2008, when the picture "Slumdog Millionaire" appeared, Deve starred in twelve more films, which confirms his high level of skill.

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