/ / Novella is a literary genre, the art of a short story.

Novella is a literary genre, the art of a short story.

Novella is a small narrative prose,special literary genre, close to the story, essay, essay. This work is distinguished by a clearly defined plot with a climax and a final. Another difference of the novel from the literary works of other genres is the limited number of characters. If in a novel or story there are usually up to two dozen characters, then in the novel there are only two or three. The art of a short story is precisely to bring to the reader the content of a fairly broad topic, set out in a concise form.

Novel as a literary genre

novel it

Usually novels are combined by the author in smallcycles, as was the case with one of the most famous novelists, the American writer O. Henry (William Sydney Porter). O'Henry's stories were divided into separate categories. For example, the cycle "Noble swindler" was made up of short stories-stories about two scammers named Andy Tucker and Jeff Peters, and the cycle "Business People" included several short stories about the adventures of criminal characters - "The Red-skinned leader", "Bolivar cannot be demolished two, "soul mates" and others.

Russian novels

Russian writers, unlike French andAmerican novelist writers did not put the novel at the forefront of their work, but applied a brief narrative from time to time. The work of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Belkin", written in 1830, is an example. However, the briefly stated topic does not mean that the narrative is of a character less significant than a voluminous novel or story. Even such a fundamental writer as Dostoevsky wrote novels at the dawn of his work (The Mistress, The Double).

Russian novels

Russian novelist writers

Russian short stories in the classic sense of thisof the genre came out from the pen of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who in some cases wrote extensively - "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", and in others more concisely - "The Overcoat". And in fact, and in another case, the plot was fully disclosed, which means that the artistic value of the work is undeniable.

Russian writer-playwright Anton ChekhovHe wrote novels in a manner peculiar only to him, which can be defined as “Chekhov’s”. The bottom line is that the writer was able to put a character’s whole life into a small story, sometimes quite long and eventful. Separate Chekhov's novels with a limited volume look like mini-novels. In the story "Ionich" the writer managed to reflect human life in full, all its tragicomic content, on 15 pages. Similar examples of "compressed" creativity are found in Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, and one of them is the short story "Alyosha the Pot".

Novella and plot

Поскольку новелла - это литературный жанр, which presupposes the sharpness of the plot, it can be used when writing unusual works. If the story describes a slow development of events with a predictable end, then the story necessarily contains elements of tension, mystery and a spectacular final surprise. At the beginning and in the middle of the narrative a neutral style dominates, a complete lack of psychologism, and then an ending follows, unexpected and often illogical. In the story or short story, on the contrary, the author tries to reveal the psychological nuances of the narration, a lot of attention is paid to the character of the character, his deep essence.

Writer and Scholar Edgar Allan Poe

novels about henry

Novella is also a literary genre thatideal for "dark" plots, detective and cemetery horrors. The American Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is deservedly recognized as an outstanding writer-writer. The genres in which the writer worked are unique and extremely unusual: literary mystification, horror literature. Edgar Poe was not only a writer. He also wrote the research book "The First Book of the Conchologist". This is the work of a mature scientist dedicated to the study of the shells of mollusks. Based on the study, a complete illustrated reference book on conchology was created.

Writer, poet, scholar Edgar Poe wrote for hisa short life of about a hundred novels, each of which can be considered a masterpiece of literary art, despite its unusual content. This is the "Golden Beetle", "Murder on the street Morgue", "Crow". Poetic works of Edgar Allan Poe did not receive due recognition during his lifetime. As the poet James Lowell figuratively remarked, Poely hewed a pile of poetic stones, but they remained lying on the landing, the foundation of which was not built.

Here are some of the novels of Edgar Allan Poe, the favorites:

  • Year 1832 - "Bon-Bon", "Without Breath", "Merzengershtein", "On the Walls of Jerusalem".
  • Year 1833 - "Folio Club", "He buried alive", "Manuscript in a bottle", "Four beasts in one".
  • Year 1835 - "King of the Plague", "Shadow", "Morella", "Pages from the life of a celebrity", "Berenice".

Edgar's novels

A novella is a literary genre that combines almost all the possibilities of prose, with great potential for expressing the creative thought of a writer.

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