/ / Lyubovna lyrica Tsvetaeva: rainbow of feelings

Love lyrics Tsvetaeva: a rainbow of feelings

Marina Tsvetaeva - the brightest representativelyrical poetry of the 20th century, along with Anna Akhmatova. The creativity of these two famous women is being compared all the time, they are looking for similarities and differences in them, common intonations, style and style of writing poems. However, if you carefully study this issue, you can find that Tsvetaeva and Akhmatova are completely different creative units: how the ice does not resemble a flame, and Tsvetaeva is far away from Akhmatova. The heroine of the poems of Anna Akhmatova, on behalf of whom she writes, is an aristocratic nature, restrained, inclined to analyze feelings, emotions, deeds.

love lyric poetry

Tsvetaeva is not Akhmatova

Love lyrics Tsvetaeva is represented by a heroine,which is very emotional, open, sometimes inconsistent, changeable. She does not engage in contemplation of the world, rarely falls into the autumn mood of an unrequited feeling. She gives herself all the love - without a trace, passionately and emotionally. By the way, Marina Tsvetaeva worshiped Anna Akhmatova, was her whole life as an admirer.

In verse it is different

Love lyrics Tsvetaeva, whose poems are calledthe poetic heritage of the twentieth century, is twofold: in it sacrifice and perseverance, affirmation and inquisitiveness. Such a split can be traced in many of her works.

The heroine of Tsvetaeva is also different:sometimes she behaves as a woman experienced in love affairs, who, with a somewhat ironic look, looks at the manifestation of feelings and the behavior towards her of a loving man ("Where does such tenderness come from?"), sometimes she presents herself as a witch ("To remember not an hour, not a year ... "). From a faithful wife ("SE") can reincarnate in a mistress, which was rejected ("Gypsy passion of separation"). The heroine of Tsvetaeva's poems often narrates about men who once loved her, but now their feelings for her have cooled. The narrator in the next lines shows her authoritative and capricious nature and makes a rather expressive reproach to the chosen one, who already does not dream of her and praises her as before: "Yesterday I was lying in my legs!".

love poetry of flowery verse

Poems. Parsing

Let's try to make out a few poems toTsvetaeva, whose works find a response in the souls of contemporary lovers of poetry, which in itself is not so surprising.

Despite the fact that Marina Tsvetaeva lived inquite a distant time from us, its works are still relevant. After all, human feelings and emotions, which are so figuratively reflected in her work, are unchanged. In addition, she falls in love with her poems thanks to her amazing talent to express her attitude in simple and understandable to each line: there is no need to pore over tricky words, trying to get to the heart of this or that verse.

Tsvetaeva's love lyrics in the verse "As the right and left hand" fascinates with its femininity, softness of words, gentle intonation:

We are adjacent, blissful and warm,

As the right and left wing.

But the whirlwind rises - and the abyss have passed

From the right - to the left wing!

The narrator reveals the similarity, the identity of soulsin the first two lines. And this state of generality gives the heroes of this verse a feeling of coziness and comfort, which, unfortunately, does not last long. The last sentences of the verse demonstrate the gap formed between the two lovers, which becomes an insurmountable obstacle for them. Tsvetaeva, in the words of her character, confirms the well-known thesis: happiness is not eternal. As much as we do not want to.

love lyric poetry flower

And the view of youth on the world

In the poem "From a fairy tale to a fairy tale" an adult heroine looks at the world with a surprised gaze of a girl and asks her chosen one to help her to remain always young in relation to life and love relations:

To be surprised do not bother me,

Be like a boy, in a terrible secret

features of love lyric poetry

And in a rage she is gentle

Tsvetaeva's love lyrics in the poem "Begentle, rabid and noisy "shows the heroine's love for life and a range of conflicting emotions and feelings overwhelming her. Everywhere the reader sees the author's use of antitheses, for example: "ever-pink is paler than all." This poem was written by Tsvetaeva during her stay with her husband and daughter in Feodosia. Apparently, then Tsvetaeva was in a state of knowledge of the world, accepting life as it is. Therefore, the poet uses such verbs as "to be" and "to become." The heroine of the verse is interested not only in the surrounding world, but also in her own feelings: she captures in her dear little trifles. For example, the bracelet that she sees "on this narrow, this long hand". However, studying herself as if from the outside, the heroine speaks about forgetting, apparently, finding in this state also some kind of sense of existence:

Forget your words and voice,

And shine of hair.

And the poem ends with a philosophical glimpse into the future. The author denotes his final thoughts about the inviolability of the world:

And so will the moon melt

And to melt snow,

When this youngster rides,

A charming age.

Love lyrics Tsvetaeva includes andarguments about the confrontation of the sexes. In the poem "Under the caress of a plaid plaid," the narrator slowly talks about a "duel of self-will", in which it is not clear which of the two lovers has the role of prey, and who the hunter is, and who nevertheless emerged victorious from this confrontation of personalities. To these questions she never finds an answer.

 love lyrics and flowers

Love and death will be destroyed

The love lyrics of Marina Tsvetaeva touch upon andThe eternal theme of the struggle of Love and Death. In the verse "Love! Love! "They are fighting in the boundless world of the poetess. The feelings of the narrator are mutable: at first she is incredulous, then carried away, later embarrassed. And behind all this, an escape follows. In general, this work is about the victory of love over death. For some people, whom the lyrical heroine described with the words "swaddled, eyeless and mute", love is a trap. The heroine of this poetic story, unlike them, does not want to "keep the puds in my heart." She strives for freedom and is confident that she will achieve this goal, because she has a "pair of beautiful wings".

How varied is the love poet of M. Tsvetaeva! Her poems are immense. Her poems are eternal. They are love, which means they are imperishable.

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