/ / The famous Riga market

The famous Riga market

The Riga market ... It is unlikely that there will be at least oneA modern man who has never heard of this place in his life. There are rumors that it is here that you can buy anything you like, starting from flowers as a gift to your beloved girl and ending with a different kind of smuggling.

Section 1. General description of the object

Riga market
The famous Riga market is located on thecrossing the Avenue of Peace and the Third Ring Road in Moscow, near the metro station "Rizhskaya". Opposite him is the station building with the same name.

In the late eighties of the last century, thisThe state unitary enterprise has become a famous place. He was also popular with the sensational TV series "Brigade", where three friends were engaged in racketeering just on the Riga market.

It should be noted that it is open to visitorsevery day, but the place is quite specific, not all of it will suit. Low prices for goods - a tempting prospect. But at the same time, as a rule, you will encounter a crowd of people, many of whom are very hostile. And for the possession of the best product will still have to fight.

Those who are not afraid of this situation know that when you leave the metro station "Rizhskaya" to the "Krestovsky" department store and turn it over to the "Euroset" store, you will definitely enter the market.

Section 2. The Riga market. How it all began

Riga market time of work
The Krestovskaya outpost was a trade center alreadyin the early twentieth century. Vendors unfolded their activities inside the market building and directly on the square. In 1982, the decision of the Moscow City Council was built up a modern building of the Riga market.

In times of perestroika, there are actively soldthe most various goods of foreign and domestic production. On the Riga market (Moscow) were sent, as a rule, for rare things. Buy in this place could be absolutely everything, not excluding counterfeit goods. The Riga market already then becomes a place with a wide assortment of fresh flowers.

Later, the government loses control of thedevelopment of trade: racketeers dominate the market. At the beginning of this century, measures are being taken to eliminate riots and unauthorized trade on the Riga market. The former mayor of Moscow in 2004 signed a decree on the liquidation of the market. In its place it was decided to build a shopping center "Krestovsky". But in 2006 a decision was taken to reconstruct the market, and today it functions as before.

Section 3. The Riga market. Flower Center

Riga market of Moscow
Buyers, calling at any flower store,sometimes they do not even know that all the goods presented at the point were bought in the Riga market. This is the place where you can buy fresh flowers both in bulk and in small retail. Moreover, not only Muscovites, but also representatives from other Russian regions are being bought here.

The Riga market ... Working hours allow you to buy goods almost round the clock.

Roses, orchids, chrysanthemums, carnations can beto buy for little money. Only all this is sold in a strictly defined place. You can find such attractive prices in the right row from the entrance, but do not go deeper, wholesale points are at the beginning of the market. By the way, in the same place with the benefit you can buy and retail goods.

Fresh flowers are delivered twice a week, insuch days on the Riga market there are a lot of buyers. But there is a chance of buying a poor quality product. Carefully consider what you are going to buy. Especially it concerns large packages of flowers.

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