/ / Anna Chipovskaya. Filmography and personal life of the young actress

Anna Chipovskaya. Filmography and personal life of the young actress

Anna Chipovskaya - a young and talented actressMoscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov. Recently, the girl is increasingly pleased the audience with his works in the cinema. Despite her young age, Anna is one of the most successful and gifted actresses in the domestic film industry.


Chipovskaya Anna Borisovna was born in 1987year 6 June in the city of Moscow. Her father - Boris Frumkin - a famous jazz musician, the head of the orchestra. Lundstrem, mother - Olga Chipovskaya - actress. As a child, Anna studied every inch of the Vakhtangov Theater. Behind the scenes, the luminaries - Vasily Lanovoy, Yulia Borisova, Galina Konovalova, nursed her. Famous artists are still happy to follow her work.

Since Anna's father is a professional jazzman,the girl early joined the good music. However, the parents' attempt to teach the future actress to play the piano was unsuccessful. Anna couldn’t sit in one place for a long time, she did it badly, but she knew how to make the right impression on the exam. Her learning to play the instrument lasted only four years. Chipovskaya's parents gave the girl to the linguistic gymnasium, hoping that in the future she would become a translator. The years spent in a prestigious educational institution were not in vain - Anya knows German very well and, on occasion, can quote Faust in the original. However, after graduating from high school, Anna decided that she wanted to become an actress.


Chipovskaya chose Schukinskoe for admissionSchool and was absolutely confident in their abilities. But her hopes were not justified. The future actress could enter the theater only the next year, but Anna's documents were immediately accepted to two educational institutions - “Pike” and the Moscow Art Theater School. Chipovskaya chose the latter and got on the course of Konstantin Raikin.

Во время обучения девушка сниматься в кино не was in a hurry. The role of the Good in the film “Hipsters” was among those that Anna Chipovskaya refused. The filmography of the actress began in 2004. She took part in the filming of "Operation" Color of the Nation "."

Recognized by the actress, in educational and pedagogicalexcerpts she played mostly beauties and lyrical heroines. Such a limited acting role did not suit Chipovskaya, she preferred to portray more unusual characters in independent works: a mortician, a digger or a strange woman trying to commit suicide. In 2009, Anna graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. Just like most of the students of Konstantin Raikin, Chipovskaya was not lost in this world and became a famous and sought-after actress.

Anna Chipovskaya Filmography

Theatrical career

After graduating from the studio school, Anya immediately findswork She is accepted into the theater troupe under the direction of O. Tabakov. The famous actor and director appreciated the talent of the young actress and immediately offered her a noticeable role. Anya played Fanshettu in “Mad Day, or the Marriage of Figaro”, Glafira Alekseevna in the play “Wolves and Sheep”, Elena Carmina in “The Marriage of Belugina”

For a long time, Anna Chipovskaya, whose filmographyincludes several dozen movies and TV shows, she preferred to work in the theater rather than act in films. The girl believes that under the leadership of Oleg Pavlovich she gets the opportunity to realize her talent in the most unexpected ways. However, for some time now, Anne has become interested in movies too.

Chipovskaya Anna Borisovna

Anna Chipovskaya. Filmography

Актриса снималась в фильмах «Сматывай удочки», “Yolki-2”, “Ulanskaya ballad”. Anna performed a complex psychological role in the film “Male season. Velvet Revolution. Fame came to Chipovskaya after filming the movie "Spy", where she played the beloved of the hero Danila Kozlovsky. Then the actress was involved in the TV series “It all started in Harbin”, where she also portrayed a girl of the 30s. One of her last works is the main role in the film “The Thaw” by Peter Todorovsky. It is interesting and fascinating to watch films with Anna Chipovskaya thanks to the charm and charm of the talented actress.

movies with Anna Chipovskaya

Anna Chipovskaya. Personal life

The actress tries not to advertise her personala life. It is well known that in 2008 she met with the artist Alexei Vorobiev. In his interviews, the singer said that he was madly in love with Chipovskaya and had been seeking her for a long time. However, the stormy temperament of the girl and the quick-tempered character of Alexei himself prevented them from being together. The pair broke up.

Anna is very close to her mother and listens to her.opinion. The presence of mom and dad at the performances with her participation for the girl is always exciting. Chipovskaya is ready for constructive criticism from parents. And admits that they are often right.

Anna Chipovskaya personal life

The actress loves to travel.She realized her old dream - brought her mother to rest in Rome. Anya claims that she loves Europe and never misses an opportunity to learn the traditions and life of a country from the inside. The girl calls herself a hedonist because she knows how to get sincere pleasure from life in all its manifestations. Despite her youth, external fragility and beauty, Chipovskaya was able to declare herself as a solid, deep personality and a serious professional. It is interesting and fascinating to watch pictures where Anna Chipovskaya plays. The filmography of this actress is constantly updated with new works.

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