In modern literature, as in artin general, there are a huge number of techniques and ways of expressiveness of the language, which are used by authors in different degrees. Everyone understands such concepts as comparison, personification, but not everyone knows what hyperbole is. So, the hyperbole is a popular means of expression in the literature. It is used in cases where the author needs to create an exaggerated view of a situation and some subject. Also, hyperbole is used when the author needs to pay special attention to some phenomenon and its properties in the work. Hyperbole, as a rule, is contained in some statement. It is not in itself hypocorporeal and in fact can convey the real state of affairs. This is the whole hyperbole. Examples of this trail are quite typical and well-known, some even are used daily. Here is one of them: "There is not a crumb of bread." This statement as a whole has no exaggerated color, but it does not use this means of expressiveness here.
The speaker's position and his assessmentfacts are very important when using hyperbole. Exaggeration - the absence or presence of some properties, objects, phenomena. Scientists have repeatedly pointed out that hyperbole is one of the most common means of expressiveness in our everyday conversational speech. There are two main factors of this wonderful path. The first is the correlation of the expression with the situation, the second is its evaluation. Hyperbola does not generate contrast, it describes or ascertains real events, but in an increased size, creating some imbalance between reality and hyperbolic expression!
Helps to expand the question of whatsuch hyperbole, consideration of its content and structure. At the base of the hyperbola there is always some comparison, or rather an image. But everyday exaggerated differs from artistic expression. In everyday speech, we often use ready-made models, for example, "an elephant in a china shop." Such examples are very, very much, because the language lives and develops. In literature, however, writers and poets pay special attention to hyperbolic utterances. With the help of this trail they try to emphasize the feature and uniqueness of this or that hero or event. Particularly often used hyperbole are such poets as Mayakovsky and Lermontov. Their language is inherent in scale.
But this is an incomplete answer to the question of what ishyperbola. The word itself has two meanings. The second, by the way, is far from literature and art, it is used in mathematics. Although interesting expressions are also associated with it, such as a geometric locus in the Euclidean plane, the canonical equation of a hyperbola, and many others. In general, we can say only one thing: hyperbole is an important concept, the value of which is necessary not only for a professional writer, but for every literate person.