/ Life after the project: Nelli Yermolaeva. Biography of Nelly Ermolaeva and personal life

Life after the project: Nelli Yermolaeva. Biography of Nelly Ermolaeva and personal life

Nelli Ermolaeva - a popular member of the famousproject “House-2”, model, singer, TV presenter. At 28, thanks to her dedication and hard work, she achieved a lot and won crowds of fans. The biography of Nelli Yermolayeva is full of bright and interesting events.

Childhood and youth

Yermolaeva Nelly was born inSamara May 13, 1986. From childhood, she understood that she was superior to the beauty of the girl neighbors and her classmates. Therefore, the behavior of young Nellie was appropriate - she carefully chose her friends and acquaintances.

Nelli Ermolaeva
Having successfully graduated from school, Yermolaeva made a decisionbecome a representative of the creative profession and entered the Academy of Culture and Arts. In addition, she graduated from the manicure courses and even worked at a beauty salon at one time, all the time emphasizing that this is a temporary, forced measure. Nellie tried herself in the modeling business, which, according to her fans, she did very well.

The arrival of the project "House-2"

Biography of Nelli Yermolayeva June 5, 2009one very important event was added - the girl became a participant of the reality show “Dom-2”. Charming Nelly immediately won the favor of the men of the project. Yermolaeva stated that she had come to conquer the heart of Rustam Solntsev. However, soon, surrounded by the care and attention of men, Nellie forgot about her desire.

Lev Ankov became actively seeking the location of a charming brunette. Soon he managed to win the girl's heart, and they declared themselves to be a couple. However, this relationship lasted no more than a month.

Just a short while Nellie was on the project inloner status. Vlad Kadoni, a black magician of the project, turned his charming attention to the sultry beauty. For a long time, he sought reciprocity from Yermolayeva and finally earned it. Lovers even settled in a separate house. Despite frequent showdowns, quarrels and scandals, Nelly and Vlad met for quite a long time, but soon the feelings cooled and the couple broke up.

Biography Nelly Ermolaeva

Real love

In the life of Nelly Yermolayeva beautiful appearsyoung rake Nikita Kuznetsov. The guy lives in city apartments and can not decide in any way to which of the project participants he has great sympathy. At this moment Nelly enters the apartment, and this arrival is the end of Kuznetsov’s freedom.

Love swirled Nellie and Nikita.The lovers could not breathe without each other, they were very good together. Frequent quarrels at first did not upset, but on the contrary, only strengthened their relationship. A pair of Ermolaeva and Kuznetsova was one of the most beautiful on the project.

Nelly and Nikita's wedding

Relationships of young people soon moved to a new one.level. Nikita presented a touching presentation at the contest “Man of the Year 2010”, after which Nelly confessed love to the whole country and suggested that she become his wife.

The wedding of Nikita Kuznetsov and Nelli Yermolayevaheld in 2011, on Valentine's Day. The lovers chose the venue for a long time and chose the romantic Italian town of Verona. Nikita and Nelly's wedding was one of the most magnificent, memorable and vivid weddings that ever took place on the project.

Nikita Kuznetsova and Nelli Yermolaeva

Start of family life

Despite such an enchanting celebration, familylife at Ermolaeva and Kuznetsov did not work out initially. Nikita was unemployed for a long time, did not bring money into the house and could not provide for his wife. Nellie accused Nikita of not wanting to work, parasitism, inattention to her. Kuznetsov also spoke about his spouse that she was spoiled and mercantile.

After another scandal a couplebroke up. Everyone believed that the guys really put an end to the relationship. Nellie claimed that she would never step on the same rake again and that she no longer intends to tolerate such an attitude towards her. But Nikita thought otherwise. He patiently waited for time, and then, when Yermolayeva thawed, he again won her heart.

Leaving the project

After Nellie Yermolaeva marriedNikita Kuznetsova, the young began to think that they are already closely on the project. Moreover, at this time, the girl, having opened her own beauty salon, was seriously engaged in business.

Nelli Ermolaeva photo

After much thought, the couple made a decisionleave the project so as to build a full-fledged real family without the constant sight of the cameras, where everything will be: eternal love, children and good work. Successful beauty and happy wife, said goodbye to the children of the touching song “Angel”, which she recorded in a duet with Steam.

It would seem that Nikita Kuznetsov and Nelli Yermolaevaafter the project they got even closer, and they had everything just fine: their own business flourished (by that moment they also opened a karaoke club), the number of scandals and quarrels had diminished noticeably. But soon Kuznetsov announced that they were divorcing Yermolayeva. According to the young man, his wife devoted little time to their family, was rarely at home and was engaged only in her career.

Life after a divorce

After parting with Nikita new electNelli became Cyril Andreev. All that is known about Yermolayeva’s beloved is that he is the owner of a metropolitan restaurant chain. Andreev was able to save his capital thanks to a wealthy father. Kirill also enjoys singing and writing poetry, but is not a popular singer or author.

Young people met on one of the secularparties Mutual sympathy flared up between Nelli and Cyril, and they decided to get to know each other better. They say that the relations between Yermolayeva and Andreeva are so serious that they even plan to legitimize them. Nelly herself did not leave any comments on this.

Nelli Yermolaeva married


After the divorce, Yermolaeva decided to return tomodeling business and signed a contract with a well-known modeling agency. Since childhood, Nelly dreamed of building a career as a singer, and now her business has gone uphill. In the near future, fans of the girl will be able to see her in a new creative team. It should be noted that even on the project “Dom-2” Nelli Yermolaeva, whose photo adorned the covers of glossy magazines, participated in the “Istra witches” group.

Очаровательная брюнетка обладает прекрасными oratorical ability, which allows her to sometimes work as a toastmaster. Since the fall of 2013, Nelly has become the TV host of the popular music channel, where she, in a duet with Ivan Chuikov, brilliantly hosts the program “Two with Greetings.

The creative biography of Nelli Yermolayeva, a charming singer, model and TV presenter, is constantly updated with bright events.

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