/ / Anton Shagin: personal life and filmography

Anton Shagin: personal life and filmography

Anton Shagin was born in a city in Bryanskarea on April 2 in 1984. After the termination of the ninth class he together with the grandmother made a hard decision about necessity to enter the vocational school. It should immediately be noted that he had no parents at that time. He studied in his city Karachev as a locksmith. Naturally, he took part in amateur performances. After the school was over, he decided to go to Moscow to enter the Moscow Art Theater. He did it the first time. He graduated from the school-studio Anton Shagin in 2006.

The first prize for the theatrical performance

Anton Shagin

During his training he took part in the"Do not part with your loved ones". There he was given the role of Mitya. For an excellent game Anton was given the Golden Leaf Award. In addition to this performance, he took part in such productions as "The Shores of Utopia" and "Valentine's Day".

Actor's debut in the film industry

The first film, in which Anton Shagin made his debut,was "Dandies". Despite the fact that at first glance the movie seemed easy and fun, in fact, the shooting in it was quite difficult and difficult. The filming process dragged on for almost two years. The output of the motion picture on TV screens was constantly postponed.

Even there was a fairly high probability,that the interesting structure will be lost. But Valery Todorovsky, who acted as a director, selected with particular care every single actor. Over time, Todorovsky often recalled that there was a feeling that even a little bit and the film crew would be attracted to the shooting of other films. And to say that one should wait and refuse other proposals is not too beautiful.

Shooting a new movie

Anton shagin and Veronika Isayeva

And that the actors did not run away, Anton Shagin andother stars were involved in the shooting in the movie "Vices" under the leadership of the same Valery Todorovsky. As a result of the efforts, a dynamic motion picture with numerous pursuits and shooting was obtained. The essence of this film was that friends wanted to get easy money. To do this, they robbed the small dealer and took several batches of ecstasy from him. As a result, three friends fell into the hands of the Mafiosi, who ordered them to work off the debt. Anton Shagin, whose filmography was replenished with the first motion picture, played one of the main roles.

In addition to Anton, Maxim Matveyev, Ekaterina Vilkova, Eugenia Hirivskaya and many other actors of the film "Dandies", whose original name was "Bugi on Bones" took part in the shootings.

The desire to make a movie "Dandies" was very high

Todorovsky often said that it washe wanted to remove this picture. About stilig, he learned during his training at VGIK. After that, he began to show interest and ask people what the style is. After that, he decided that this story would be a good enough topic for the filming of the musical.

The script of the film was written by Yuri Korotkov, whowas Valery's friend. However, there was no money for the shooting, so the shooting had to be postponed for an unknown period. As a result, the musical remained for a long time in the director's dreams. However, there was no time to think. He shot a lot of pictures. But he did not forget about the style. It was very important for him to make this movie.

The meaning of the film was transmitted completely and accurately

Anton Shagin filmography

As a result, all the same, TV screensfilm-dream director, in which took part and the hero of this review Anton Shagin. Photos from the filming attracted quite a lot of attention, as, actually, the film itself. You can say that the musical looked at one go.

It should be noted that the genre was not chosen at allaccidentally. Departing from everything connected with "chernukha", the director quite accurately conveyed the spirit of style, which was characteristic of the late 1950s. It should be noted that the film narrates more about free people who protested all that is associated with the gray routine and rigid framework.

The main role of the popular actor brought him popularity

Anton Shagin in this film got the roleMels. This is a kind of abbreviation from Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin. At the very beginning of the picture it is said that the hero of Anton is a pronounced Komsomol, whose main goal is to round up the style. However, in connection with love, he gradually moved to the opposite side. And only at the moment when Mals became a stylist, he began to look at the world quite differently.

Anton Shagin photo
The day after the television screenscame out the movie "Dandies", Anton was hit by a colossal popularity. However, there are some among theatrical works that can attract the attention of a large audience. For example, "Red and Black", as well as "Shores of Utopia".

Filming in new films

2011 was marked for Anton by the beginning of filmingin the comic film "Kiss Through the Wall". There he played along with such stars as Ivan Okhlobystin, Pavel Volya, Karina Andolenko, etc. Anton got the role of Innokentii, who sought the heart of his beloved girl in all possible ways. However, he understood that it is much more difficult to keep a girl than to just turn her attention to herself.

In the same year, the actor took part in thefilming the film "On Saturday", in which he played the role of one of the eyewitnesses of the accident in Chernobyl. He was also nominated for the "Crystal Turandot" award, which is considered the most prestigious among theatrical figures.

The life of an actor outside the shooting process

Anton Shagin's wife

About his personal life, he tries not to tell AntonShagin. His wife, as it became known not so long ago, graduated from it with a school-studio. However, her acting career decided not to continue and moved away from her profession. In addition, Veronica is not at all embarrassed by the fact that she is in the shadow of her husband.

Veronika Isayeva, the wife of Anton Shagin, believes thatthe success of her beloved man is her success. And the main thing for a woman, in her opinion, is the possibility of providing a reliable rear. What she is trying to do with pleasure and care.

The novel in the actor's pair arose in the yearsstudents. The wedding was played right after the school-studio was over. The girl almost immediately managed to conquer Anton's heart. In this she was helped by spiritual beauty and openness. It should also be noted that the course, where Anton studied, turned out to be a star. Together with him studied Ekaterina Vilkova, Miroslav Karpovich, Maxim Matveyev, Anna Begunova and Peter Kislov. Anton Shagin and Veronika Isaeva have two children today - a son and a daughter.

To be continued…

Veronika Isayeva's wife Anton Shagina

Regardless of what the actor himself thinkshimself a theatrical figure, his filmography contains a voluminous list of roles that he played in the films. And besides the musical "Dandies", there are eight more projects. Among the most successful films with his participation in the main role is "To the touch."

It should also be noted that from filming inthe actor does not refuse the television series. Regardless of his rather large employment, he considers absolutely all proposals that somehow may interest him. And more than once he announced that a lot of creative works and interesting roles await him. And Anton's success will depend only on him. Therefore, we should wait for new films, in which the talented actor will take part.

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