/ / We make a business plan for the employment center: sample

We make a business plan for the employment center: sample

Even if you are a little over thirty, there is hope ...No, do not marry a prince, but start your own business and move from the category of unemployed to the status of an individual entrepreneur. Of course, for this you need to have at least a minimum start-up capital, but if you don’t have it - it doesn't matter either, you can get a subsidy from the employment center. To use this service, first of all, you need to register with this organization, complete special courses and draw up a business plan, after approval of which a decision will be made to allocate a certain amount to you.

business plan for the employment center sample
What is a business plan for an employment center, how to set it up correctly and go through all instances without much difficulty - this is a topic for further discussion.

Required items

Honestly, no mandatory template byThere is no such document. However, there are several points that it is desirable to consider in detail. So, we make a business plan for an employment center:

  • in the first part, it is necessary to describe your personal data, skills, experience in various areas of management, briefly describe the project and explain why you decided to do just that;
  • then it is worthwhile to indicate more detailed characteristics of the future project, explain how you plan to make a profit and what you intend to take for successful business development;
  • the next item is the analysis of the market in the chosen field of activity;
  • It is also worthwhile to describe the process of production of goods or the provision of a service, make a preliminary list of the necessary personnel and calculate the cost of maintaining it;
  • the next step is to make economic calculations of the cost of production of products / services, payback period of your undertaking;
  • in the final part you need to register all the possible risks and indicate how to eliminate them.

draw up a business plan for the employment center
And now we will stop on each of these points in more detail.

Title page and summary

Drawing up a business plan for an employment centerpopulation, to begin to provide information about yourself: surname, name, patronymic, contact information, information about your education and experience of previous work, you can indicate the presence / absence of children, although this is not mandatory.

Drafting a summary of the project, you need to maximizebriefly but succinctly prescribe the very essence of your undertaking, point out the qualitative differences of the project from the analogues existing in the market. If your project is completely new and does not have competition, make sure you explain why you think that the implementation of such an idea can be profitable. Practice shows that you need to write this section at the very end, then it will be easy to make a high-quality summary, because all the main theses have already been formulated.


sample business plan for an employment center

A good business plan for an employment center (we are considering a sample) should, as fully and as fully as possible, disclose the very essence of your project. To do this, try to answer such questions:

  • what service / product do you provide;
  • if you are going to provide a range of services - tell us in more detail about each of them;
  • what the proposed service consists of;
  • exactly how are you going to implement it;
  • What is the potential of the product / service offered, why do you think it will interest the consumer?

Analysis of external influencing factors

In this part you need to briefly describe the state of the market.in the chosen field, give examples of possible threats and external factors of influence - for example, take into account the likely level of inflation, analyze changes in legislation, if they were. When composing a business plan for an employment center (sample see below), describe in this section all that you managed to find out about the competitors. You can, for example, make such a table:

Name of competing organizationLocation, contact detailsType of services provided to themThe price of goods / services of a competitorWhat attracts potential customers

Of course, this is very approximate, you can add your own data - the more the better.

Financial and economic part

Составляя образец бизнес-плана для центра employment, pay the most attention to this section, the success of your undertaking directly depends on it. First of all, you need to calculate the cost of products that you plan to produce, or the direct costs that you incur as a result of the provision of services. Next, calculate the cost of registration permits, equipment and maintenance of the office (if it is), do not forget to think about the number of hired staff, his salary.

business plan for an employment center how to make

Thus, after the calculations, you should have several tables:

  • initial costs to start a project;
  • monthly business support costs;
  • calculation of the expected profit, the payback period of your undertaking.

Risk assessment

Of course, a good business plan for an employment center(A sample of such a document consists of many points) cannot do without a qualitative assessment of potential troubles, because pitfalls await a young entrepreneur at every turn. In this part of the report, try to describe what can prevent the effective implementation of your idea, how you will get out of unpleasant situations. Carefully study the classification of risks, think, which of them threaten you. Make up several alternative ways out of a possible crisis.

Process description

business plan for the employment center

When composing a sample business plan for an employment center, describe in this part what exactly and exactly how you are going to do. For example, it might look like this:

  • order receipt;
  • acceptance of the order and the choice of options for its implementation;
  • signing a contract or confirming acceptance of an order for work;
  • distribution of responsibilities for employees to perform, if necessary;
  • provision of interim reports on the implementation of the order;
  • delivery of the project / provision of services at the right time;
  • receipt of payment for work performed.

Naturally, such a partition plan is notcompulsory, because it may not suit you at all, but you have caught the essence. Also in this part you can describe the advertising policy, ways to attract and retain customers, technology work with problem customers.

A few tips

Конечно, составляя бизнес-план для центра employment, the sample is easiest to look on the Internet, but just to download it and insert your data is not recommended. After all, you need not only to submit such a document, but also to convince members of the commission that it is the best, and it is worth giving you money. No third-party example of a business plan for an employment center will help you achieve your goal if you are not quite sure what you want to achieve.

sample business plan for an employment center

Here are some practical tips for those who are responsible, and plans to write a business plan on their own:

  • try to put aside abstruse phrases and write in simple and understandable language, avoiding, however, colloquial and slang expressions;
  • Express your thoughts as concisely as possible, the members of the commission are also people, and they quickly get tired of long and lengthy speeches;
  • try to diversify your performance with tables and diagrams, this will add points for you in the eyes of the examiners and show that you approached the question responsibly;
  • if you decide to entrust the writing of a business plan to specialists, carefully study it before the defense - you should not “float” and stumble when you are asked questions;
  • mention that you are planning to attract hired labor (even if in fact it is not), this will add weight to your project;
  • the more clearly and in detail you describe all the processes, the less provocative questions the commission will ask;
  • Having made a preliminary business plan, show it to the protection of the inspector of the employment center, he will help to correct the shortcomings and tell you how best to behave before the commission.
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