/ / Stylish and talented actors: "The Diaries of Carrie"

Stylish and talented actors: "The Diaries of Carrie"

In 2013, the screens went prequel of the cult"Sex in the big city", a youth series, the main roles in which were performed, respectively, very young actors. "Carrie's Diaries" tell us how the very young writer Bradshaw passed her way from a teenager with big ambitions to a style icon.

What was up?

"Before there was sex, before there was a city,it was just me - Carrie, Carrie Bradshaw. " Such words are greeted by the main heroine at the start of each episode. Time after time, a young girl who graduates from school in the suburbs, tells us a story from her life. Against the background of friendly conversations with friends and family, we can observe the formation of the future writer as a person. In addition, it was during this period that Carrie received a post in the popular New York magazine "Interview", which, in fact, determined her future destiny.

Familiarity with the characters "Carrie's Diaries"

1 season shows us all who haveattitude to the life of the main character. These are her two friends - Maggie and Mouse, Walt's friend, rival Donna, as well as her family - father and sister. An important character, whom Carrie meets literally in the first episode, is Larissa, the editor of the magazine Interview. Despite the age difference, they become friends, and later colleagues. However, the main companion of Carrie's life appears only in season 2 - this is Samantha Jones. The show showed how the best best friends met, what they were interested in those early years and what their friendship went through.

Young Bradshaw

Anna performed such an important missionSophia Robb. Do not think, readers, in the previous sentence there is not a fraction of the pathos, but all because the actress needed to copy and convey those unique habits, intonations, manners and even gait that Sarah Jessica Parker has. In part, she managed to do it, not enough just a drop of charm, wisdom ... Most likely, it's a matter of age.

Anna Sofia Robb

В сериале, несмотря на наигранность многих questions, the actors are well-chosen. "Carrie's Diaries" tells us a story in which there are no heroes from "Sex and the City", therefore, they do not need to imitate. The exception is the main character, about the game of which there were many and flattering reviews, and critical. The fact is that Anna Sofia at the time of the production of the series has already gained wide popularity thanks to such films as "Charlie and the chocolate factory", "Teleport" and many others. In addition, she has almost no similarities with Sarah Jessica, except for growth and specific legs. But despite this, Parker herself considers Robb to be her successor and promises her further success in the role of Carrie.

Young Samantha

No less challenging was Lindsay Gort,which played a young Sam Jones. At the time of filming, she was not as famous as the rest of the cast. "Carrie's Diaries" brought Lindsay's wide popularity, and also made her successor to the famous Kim Cattrall. Unlike Anna Sofia and Sarah Jessica, "Samantha" has external similarities.

actors cartry diaries

Another older girlfriend

As the show shows, in the early years of the formationBradshaw's personality was influenced not only by Sam, but also by the litter of life of Larissa. This role went to the British actress Frima Ajiman, who is familiar to us on "Doctor Who". The girl is incredibly artistic, and in her amazing way the most diverse heroines coexist. In the "Diaries of Carrie" she maximally and multifaceted revealed the image of Larissa. She was a rebel, a business lady, and an incredible woman of fashion. But most importantly, she showed how, with all this, her heroine knows how to be friends.

actors cartry diaries

The guy of her dreams

Mr. Big is the object of the dreams of an adult Carrie, andhere's a young crazy guy from the school of Sebastian Kidd. The role of the first handsome in the film was played by Austin Butler, who had already won a place under the projector of the cinema. With him we meet in the projects "Hannah Montana", "Zoe 101", "Crime scene Miami" and in many other popular TV series. Also, Austin is a model and part-time musician.

diaries carry 1 season

Here are the main actors."Carrie's Diaries" is a youth series recommended for viewing the corresponding age category. It has nostalgic notes, many beautiful images and incredibly bright clothes. This is what tightens the viewer and does not let go until the very last series.

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