/ / Famous Actors - “Casket Marie de Medici”

Famous Actors - “Casket Marie de Medici”

Today, your attention will be presentedfamous actors. “The casket of Marie de Medici” is the name of the film in which they took part. This is a film adaptation of the same work by Yeremey Parnov. The feature film was shot in 1980.


actors casket marie medici
First, we discuss the plot of the film, then there will berepresented by actors. Casket of Maria Medici is a film that takes us into the past. The action of this fascinating story begins in the thirteenth century in the fortress of Montsegur, which the crusaders stormed. The warriors of Christ turned against the citizens because of the fact that Albigens live here - heretics, who do not recognize the true Catholic faith. The Albigensians manage to bring countless treasures and safely hide them before the city fell.

Further events carry us over many centuries.forward to the Soviet Leningrad of the seventies of the last century, where a French antiquary Vincent Savigny arrives on a working visit. A foreigner mysteriously disappears without a trace - this happens simultaneously with the theft of an elderly lady of Vera, the Chara box of jewels. Police captain Vladimir Lyusin, who is investigating the disappearance of an antiquary, will plunge into the affairs of bygone days in order to get to the truth.

Along the way, it turns out that Savigny is none other thanas a descendant of white immigrants named Vsevolod Svinin, who actively collaborated with the Nazis during the war. The purpose of Svinin was to find out the location of the treasures, the secret of which is kept by the descendant of the Albigensians, Lady Madeleine. Madeleine accidentally meets her tormentor in Leningrad.

Key players

Valery Ryzhakov
Valery Ryzhakov played the role of a police captainVladimir Konstantinovich Lyusina. It is about the actor theater and film. He was born in 1945, December 23, in Moscow. He was trained in VGIK in the workshop of V. V. Belokurov. He was an actor in the troupe CATSA. Became known after participating in the serial "Yurkina Sunrises." Left the acting profession. Successfully engaged in publishing. Gone to religion. He served in Moscow at the temple.

Emmanuel Vitorgan embodied the image of Vincent Savigny.

Clara Luchko played Madeleine Lokar.We are talking about the Soviet and Russian film actress. People's Artist of the USSR. He is the winner of the Stalin Prize. The actress was born in 1925, July 1, in the territory of the Ukrainian urban-type settlement called Chutovo. Comes from a peasant family. Stepan Grigorievich - her father - was from Luchki, he worked as the chairman of a state farm. Anna Ivanovna - the mother of the actress - a strong-willed, intelligent, hardworking woman with a soft sense of humor. She headed the collective farm.

Evdokia Urusova appeared in the film as Vera.

Other heroes

Clara Luchko
Next will be presented the roles played by the secondplan actors. “The Casket of Marie de Medici” is a film in which the instructor of the Albigensian order Bertrand d’An Marty appears. Leonid Obolensky played this role. Gerasim Lisitsian remembered by the audience as Mironpois. Nikolai Yerofeyev and V. Zozulin are also actors involved in the film. Casket of Maria Medici is a film in which they played Simon de Montfort and an Albigan monk. Daniel Netrebin played the role of Nikolai Vanashny.

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