/ / 'Love is a Carrot' (2007): actors. “Love- carrot”: leading roles

Love Carrot (2007): actors. “Love- carrot”: leading roles

"Love-carrot" (2007) - the first significant attemptRussian cinema to copy and adapt to the national mentality of the once popular Hollywood idea of ​​the exchange of bodies. On the one hand, this is a comedy film about the difficult everyday life of a married couple - Marina (Kristina Orbakaite) and Andrey (Gosh Kutsenko), and on the other - a real X-parody of Western paintings. Parody brought to the viewer four screenwriters, director, actors. “Love-carrot” is an uncomplicated Russian comedy about body exchange.

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Elements of parody

В сюжетном повествовании легко можно найти цитаты of the famous mafia sagas (The Godfather, Leon), references to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Day Watch, and Harry Potter. At the same time, the plot contains moments that demonstrate a parody of modern life in general and individuals in particular. For example, the lawyer of Aristarkhov, who was played personally by the director of the project, Alexander Strizhenov, instantly evokes certain associations. And the episode in which Andrei (already in the body of Marina) talks about the painting reminds an excerpt from the work written in 1910 by A. Averchenko “The Story of a Picture”. All references and parody moments are unobtrusive and amusing, thanks to the harmony that makes up the perfectly chosen actors. “Love-carrot” turned out to be an original film, because even the famous plot used in Hollywood acquires unique specificity in Russian realities.

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Life kills the love of the couple Golubev, passionleft, she pushed career, friends, personal hobbies and everyday routine. They often quarrel over trifles and spend very little time together. On the horizon, the prospect of divorce loomed. To save the family, the couple is sent for a consultation to the family psychologist Kogan. As it turned out, the doctor saves family relationships in a very unconventional way. In the morning, Marina and Andrew wake up and discover that they have exchanged bodies. As a result, after an insane succession of absurd and curious situations, the marriage can be saved. This “happy ending”, only in Russian, was presented to the viewer by the main actors. “Love-carrot” is a great family movie, carrying a deep, everyday meaning - try to live the life of your beloved one at least a little bit.

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Casting is very important for the customer anddirector, if the selection of actors will be a mistake, it can affect all the work in the future. By right, the comedy “Love-carrot” can be proud of its star-performers. Actors and roles impressed the viewer so much that they became instantly recognizable. Charming and popular Gosha Kutsenko and charming Kristina Orbakaite smartly complemented each other. Their creative duet can, without exaggeration, be called ideal. The whole family of director Alexander Strizhenov also took part in the film: the wife Ekaterina embodied the image of Korogodsky’s wife on the screen, and Mother Lyubov played the role of a caring grandmother, and her own granddaughter. The youngest daughter Alexandra undoubtedly received the audience award in the category “Love-carrot”: actors-children ”, playing the role of a baby, appearing in the right place at the right time.

Here is such a family party with dustingadvertising. In addition, Renat Davletyarov - one of the producers of the film, attracted to work on the project his wife Olga Orlova, who played a close friend of the main character. No less important role was played by other actors. "Love-carrot", having an intriguing story, could not lose because of the minor characters. Most of them were transferred from Strizhenov’s previous project “From 180 and above”: Evgeny Stychkin, Euclid Kurdzidis, and Ivan Urgant was replaced by his father, Andrei Urgant.

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The script can be a lot of claims, evenif you do not take into account the borrowing of the idea. Frankly tired of the strong imposition of product placement, which comes to direct quotes from commercials. Also a naive little girl with an adult moral, a crumpled finale and moralism at the end of the film. At the beginning of the picture, the image of Marina was somehow vaguely built, Kutsenko wanted to convey to the viewer a completely different female character, not the same one that Marina had shown at the beginning. Well, the rest of the characters are also not perfect. Nevertheless, they formed the basis of the picture "Love-carrot". The actors and roles were perceived positively by the viewer, which became a logical motivation for the release of the second and third parts. The sequels are clearly inferior to the original picture, but comedies should not burden the viewer in any way.

love carrot actors children [1]


But, despite all the listed disadvantages,film looks nice and easy. For the most part, the pair Orbakaite and Kutsenko contributed to this. The actors of the film “Love-carrot” tried their best. Viewing was so fascinating that scenic blunders became imperceptible.

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