/ / Mezzanine at the theater: what is it? How well can you see the scene from such places?

Mezzanine in the theater: what is it? How well can you see the scene from such places?

If you often go to the theater, of course, you alreadyknow all the details of the location of seats in the auditorium, as well as what tickets are better to buy. But when planning the first viewing of the play, it is worthwhile to find out how the seats are arranged, from which the scene can be clearly seen. Of course, tickets in the first rows are expensive, we will talk about those that represent a compromise of affordable price and comfortable viewing. We will dwell in detail on the definition of "mezzanine in the theater." What is it and how to choose a convenient place?

How are the seats arranged?

Consider the theater in general terms, and not some kind ofconcrete building. The seating arrangement is approximately the same, only the area of ​​the auditorium differs. The closest places to the stage are called the stalls. These are the most convenient places to watch, which affects their cost - tickets to them are the most expensive. The first row should not be taken, if there is an orchestra pit in front of the stage, then action will not be seen at all. Sometimes the chairs are set on a flat floor, but more often the surface has a slope, so that the people sitting behind are not disturbed by the heads sitting in front.

The theater's floor in the theater is what it is

Next to them on a small hill isamphitheater, located at the level of the stage. At these places, the viewer receives the widest and most comprehensive review, as well as good audibility, especially when viewing opera or ballet. This is the best choice in terms of price and panoramic view. Sometimes, next to the stage on the sides of the stalls, there are special boxes, called benoir. Often they are closed with a special black mesh so that people sitting inside do not interfere with the work of the actors. They are considered the most prestigious places.

Tiers and mezzanine in the theater

Beletazh Estrada Theater
What is this and how do the places abovescenes? The seats described above are complemented by tiers along the wall above the stage level. Sometimes there is only one level, and in theaters with halls of a large area their number reaches four. The lowest one is called a mezzanine. Sitting there is quite convenient, but it's better not to take places close to the scene: you have to turn and bend over to follow the developments. It is better to be located in the center, directly above the amphitheater, in the first row. Tiers high up will not allow actors to see without binoculars, but tickets are the cheapest there. Sometimes these places are called balconies.

Decoration of the mezzanine

Mariinsky Theater
Perhaps you have already chosen a mezzanine in the theater.What is it and do you see the scene well, you know. Let's give examples of how these tiers look in some Melpomene houses. The whole room and the stage are decorated in a single style, many carved details are finished for gold, complemented by dense beautiful fabrics. Sometimes it's nice to go to the theater to see the historical beauty. Take for example the Mariinsky Theater, the first floor of which is located above the benoir. It is lit by numerous chandeliers, giving it the appearance of a palace hall, white with gold trim and red seats. How else is the mezzanine decorated? The variety theater uses red-burgundy fabric for decoration. It seems that the entire hall is burning with bright juicy colors: carpets, curtains, and armchairs all add up to the general picture, supplemented by white columns and bumpers supporting the lower tier.

Advantages of buying tickets in the mezzanine

Having bought a ticket to one of these places, the viewer does notdisappointed. The advantages of this arrangement were already noted: a good overview of the stage, beautiful audibility of the actors' voices and orchestral music, we add the convenience of sitting. The lofts rarely have more than 10 rows of chairs, often only 6-12 chairs in 2 lines located in a small niche. But sometimes you can make a mistake with a choice, and then you will have to spend the whole time of the performance on your feet to at least see something.

Now you will not be tormented by the question:"Mezzanine in the theater - what is it?" Buying tickets for any productions, specify the layout of the hall, the visibility of all seats and the price for them, and then choose the appropriate option.

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