/ / Krutikov Sergey (Micah): biography, career and cause of death

Krutikov Sergey (Micah): biography, career and cause of death

Krutikov Sergey - a talented musician, poet andrap singer. He lived a short but very interesting life. Want to know the details of his biography? Are you interested in Sergey's creative activity? Then we recommend to read this article.

Krutikov Sergey

Biography: childhood

Krutikov Sergey Evgenievich was born 11December 1970 in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. For a while, the family lived in Makeyevka, then in the village of Khanzhonkovo. Then the Krutikovs returned to Donetsk. The boy went to school. He could not be called a diligent student. Seryozha was an active and restless boy. He preferred sports rather than reading books.

At the age of 8, the boy found an accordion at home and began to master this instrument on his own. To help her son, his mother enrolled him in a music school. But there he studied for only 2 years.

In the 4th grade, Sergey was accepted into the group, which performed at school parties and discos. Grown-ups taught him how to sing and move on stage.


At the end of the 8th grade, Sergey Krutikov went to Rostov-on-Don. There, from the first time, he entered the music school in the rhythm section class. And after 2 months the guy stopped attending classes.

Sergey returned to Donetsk, where he enteredmetallurgical college. And he did not graduate from this educational institution either. Krutikov went to a regular vocational school. In his free time, the guy worked as an actor in the local music and drama theater.

Creative activity

Наш герой окончил ПТУ и получил диплом наладчика.A few days later he went to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In the northern capital, Sergey became a student of the Higher School of Culture. A few months later the guy moved to the University of Humanities. Within the walls of this institution, he met his countryman, Vlad Valov, who was famous in the musical get-together, nicknamed Chef.

Krutikov Sergey Evgenjevich

A year before the appearance of our hero, Bad Balance appeared at the university. Its founders were Donetsk residents - Gleb Matveev and Vlad Valov. Later they were joined by Sergey Krutikov (Micah), Malaya and Monya.

In 1990, the team began recordingdebut album under the working title "Above the Law". The best specialists of the Northern capital came to their aid. And by the end of the year the disc went on sale. Bad Balance has got its army of fans.

The second album of the group (“Bad Biders”)") Recorded already in Moscow. He proved to be very successful. Bad Balance began to invite to performances in nightclubs. Soon the rap group went on a tour of the largest cities of the Russian Federation.

In the period from 1996 to 1998Two more albums of the group came out - “Pure PRO” and “Jungle City”. At some point, our hero decided to leave the team. He changed the image - made a short haircut and stopped wearing sportswear. From now on, the musician asked to call him Micah.

Sergey Krutikov Mihei

Krutikov and "Jumanji"

Sergey was not going to leave the stage.He created the Jumanji group. This is the name the guy chose after watching the movie of the same name with Robin Williams. The new band was a duet (Sergey Krutikov and bass player Bruce).

In 1999 the first album of the group - "Bitch-love" was released. Fans quickly bought up the whole run. Compositions such as "Mom" and "There", became real hits.

Sergey Krutikov cause of death

Sergey Krutikov: the cause of death

Our hero had a lot of plans for creativity andfurther life. However, the fate of the villain did not allow him to realize them. In September 2002, the singer suffered a stroke. Micah slowly but surely went on the mend. Friends and relatives hoped that he would return to the scene. But on October 27, 2002, the guy became ill. This time it was not possible to save the young man. The cause of death is acute heart failure, which has arisen due to a detached thrombus.

Sergey died in his prime. He was 31 years old. The musician found the last shelter at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Personal life

Михея нельзя назвать бабником и дамским угодником.He was one-man. For several years Sergey lived in a civil marriage with his girlfriend - Anastasia Filchenko. The couple made plans for the future, dreamed of children.

Nastya was next to Sergey in the most difficult times. For a month (after a stroke), the girl fought for the life of her beloved. She cared for him, provided moral support.


Now you know who Krutikov Sergey is. This young and talented guy left a trail - songs and music. May he rest in peace…

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