/ / Group "Infinity": from non-existence to the top of the top parades

Group "Infinity": from non-existence to the top of the top parades

infinity group
The band "Infinity" is a Russian musicala team that works in the genre of electronic dance music. It was formed in 1999. Until the beginning of 2006, the Infinity Group was called Black and White. The popularity of the team came after the release of the hit “Where are you?” - this song is considered to be the hallmark of the group. The track itself was written in 2002, but a wide audience only appreciated it in 2007. It was then that the track became popular first on the Black Sea coast, and then throughout Russia. By October 2007, the Infiniti group, whose songs were gaining more and more popularity, reached Moscow. And the track “Where are you?” Finally got into the rotation of the radio “Infiniti”.

2006 was marked by the release of the firstEuro-trans-album "Once and For All", recorded at the studio "Monolith". Small circulation did not allow the general public to evaluate the album, but it sold well on the Internet. In early 2008, work on new compositions was completed. The tracks "I am not afraid" and "Stay until dawn", despite their dissimilar sound, claimed the title of super hits. The Infinity Group, which had more than 100 releases on various compilations, created 5 successful debuts on TopHit. In 2008, the band started shooting their first video for the song “Where are you?”.

band of infinity songs

The band "Infiniti", whose songs at that timeenjoyed immense popularity, very quickly captured with their clip the tops of music tops on the channels “RuTV”, “MuzTV” and “MTV Russia”. In mid-2008, the song “Where are you?” Got into the rotation of “Russian Radio”. After a couple of months, this track took a leading position in the main charts of Russia, which allowed the team to claim to receive the popular Golden Gramophone award. And finally, on November 29, in the Kremlin, the Infinity group received a long-awaited statue. At the end of 2008, the electronic team shot their second video for the song “I'm not afraid”. And in early 2009, the creative team became the nominee of the seventh prize of the music channel "MuzTV".

Осенью 2009-го музыкальная банда взялась за recording a new album by creating some new tracks. The songs "Wondered" and "Do not disappear" were posted on the Web and received a lot of positive feedback. The song “Wondered” got into the playlist of all popular Russian radio stations, and in December the video for this track was filmed.

 infinity group 2013
In 2011, the group recorded several more newmusical compositions. The song "You are my hero" has become the new single of the group. At the end of the year, the seventh video of the band was shot for this song. National Music Portal "Red Star" has determined the composition to the second place of its charts. The next, eighth, single of the group, was the hit “I miss so much”, recorded by the band in 2012. Subsequently, the song hit the “Russian Radio”.

The Infinity Group, 2013 for which it beganvery fruitful, presented her new video. In it the soloist portrayed a cosmic girl from the future. Most likely, the idea of ​​the video clip was inspired by the well-known work of Kir Bulychev - “Guest from the Future”. Also the group “Infinity” 2013 marked for itself the release of the new track “Only for You”, which quickly began to gain popularity among the general public.

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