/ / The series "Beautiful Life": actors, roles, short plot

The series "Beautiful Life": actors, roles, short story

In the series “Beautiful Life”, the actors again return to the eternal themes of unrequited love, envy, and the wiles of their enemies. According to what plot are the events developing in the film and who played the main roles in it?

Beautiful Life: actors and roles. Marina Mitrofanova as Irina

Марина Митрофанова – уроженка Санкт-Петербурга.She was born in June 1992. After school, Marina went to study at the Shchepkin College in Moscow. In 2013, the girl was entrusted with a cameo role in the TV series “Fool, if you love.” A year later, Mitrofanova got into the "Beautiful Life" project.

beautiful life actors
In the series “Beautiful Life” actors MarinaMitrofanova and Yevgeny Shirikov play young people who once met at a friendly party and fell in love with each other. But these ideal relations, as always, had their opponents and envious people. As a result of the intrigues of close friends, Irina loses not only her beloved, but also is forced to become a monetary prostitute in order to save her family. The main character manages to cope with life's difficulties, except that she pays the price for it too much.

Marina Mitrofanova, who performed the role of Irina, continues to actively act in the series. In 2014, she appeared in the sitcom “Family 3D”, and in 2016 four premieres are expected with the participation of the actress.

"Beautiful Life": actors, photo. Evgeny Shirikov as Jura

Actor Yevgeny Shirikov began to act in films toorelatively recently. In 2012, he appeared in the episode of the film “Patrol. Vasilyevsky Island, ”and in 2013, for the first time, he won the lead role in the series“ Melody for Two Voices, ”where he played with Olesya Fattakhova. Then Shirikov was invited to take part in the TV series "Beautiful Life".

beautiful life actors and roles
Actors Yevgeny Shirikov and Marina Mitrofanovathe plot love each other and dream of getting married. But the hero Shirikov - Yura Sokolov - is hated by a certain Alexander Verkholantsev, who also has views of Irina. He arranges everything so that Yuri is sent to Afaganistan. At this time, Irina falls to the hardship, and the connection between young people is interrupted. When Shirokov's hero returns home, everything there is already far from how it was before. And to return the former love seems completely impossible.

Yevgeny Shirikov, after “Beautiful Life”, appeared stillin several popular TV projects: in 2014 he appeared in the sports drama “Champions”, and in 2015 he played Artyom in the famous TV series “Kitchen”, which is broadcast on the CTC channel.

Agatha Muceniece as Joan

The main actors of the series "Beautiful Life" - isyoung and beautiful artists who are just beginning their film career. The same can be said about the Latvian model Agate Muciniece, who graduated from VGIK with a red diploma.

For the first time Agatha played a cameo inTV series "Next." Until 2011, the girl received only small roles in little-known projects, such as Stroybatya, Invisible, Gamers, My Insane Family. Lucky Muciniece when she got the main role in the television series "Closed School". After that, the girl increasingly began to play the central characters in a variety of films.

В сериале «Красивая жизнь» латышской актрисе entrusted the role of bitchy girlfriend of the main character. Zhanna Verholantseva - the daughter of an influential person in the city. She is capricious and used to getting what she wants. And when Irina had a young man, Jeanne wanted just him. Then the girl managed to knock Irina's mother in a car and deliver many more problems to the Subotin family. But, as it happens in beautiful fairy tales, in the final of the picture all the scoundrels will get what they deserve.

Kirill Zhandarov as Sasha

In the film "Beautiful Life" actors Kirill Zhandarovand Agata Muciniece play brother and sister. Sasha Verkholantsev performed by Cyril is also spoiled and disbanded, like his sister. One day she decides that Irina is exactly the girl he really needs.

the actors of the series beautiful life
Failure Sasha did not stop:he asks his father to send his beloved girl out of the city, and when her mother is seriously ill for Irina, he offers money in exchange for cohabitation. But Irina unexpectedly refuses.

Kirill Zhandarov - the actor, which was fixedRole scoundrel. It is very difficult to find a film in which he would play a more or less decent person. Perhaps the exception is the picture “The Scout”, in which Kirill got the role of a Soviet intelligence officer, and “Experience”, where Zhandarov was assigned the role of a young scientist.

Other performers of roles

The series "Beautiful Life", whose actors and rolesworried the audience for several weeks while the film was broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel, became another film work for actress Lyubava Greshnova. The girl also played the main roles in the “Leave to Stay”, “While I Live, I Love” and “Relocation” projects.

series beautiful life actors and roles
Another friend of the main character was played by Ekaterina Dubakina, known for the role of Masha in the sitcom “My Fair Nanny”.

Also in the frame you can see Tatiana Orlova (“Children of the Arbat”), Natalia Chernyavskaya (“Simple Truths”) and Vladislav Vetrova (“Admiral”).

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