/ / American actress Erin Kelly

American actress Erin Kelly

Erin Kelly is a popular American actress,which not only starred in films, but also takes an active part in staging performances. Despite the fact that the films with her participation are not very popular, the girl does not cease to please fans with new roles every year for fifteen years.

Erin Kelly


The future actress was born in one of thethe sunniest cities in America - San Diego, located on the picturesque shore of the Pacific Ocean. Since childhood, the girl was very artistic, and when she was in junior school, Erin's parents decided to give their daughter to a theater group. From this moment Kelly's career began. She actively participated in all theatrical productions, and in high school she was successfully admitted to the theater troupe of the popular youth theater.

But the youth theater had to be left, becausethe family of Erin Kelly was forced to change her residence, the future actress was in Colorado. In this city, the girl did not see herself for herself, so after graduation she went to New York and then to Los Angeles. It was in the city of angels that the beginning actress Erin Kelly took her first professional steps.

She did not wake up famous, but worked hard,she starred in commercials and played in plays, in order to prove herself. Only after some time the Hollywood filmmakers began to pay attention to the girl and call her into their projects.

erin kelly movies

Erin Kelly: movies

Kelly has a small but interestingfilmography. All projects with her participation are characterized by a non-standard plot and an interesting presentation, which distinguishes them among other Hollywood films. The most popular film with the participation of the actress is the film "Loving Annabelle." Also, the actress can be seen in the rather popular TV series "Feeding", the films "Find Keith", "Awakening Madison", "Gorno" and "The girls are lit all night long".

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